Simpson Victory Shooting Club Saved Anti Gunners Defeated

We’ve got great news to report out of Indianola. The Simpson College Shooting Club, which recently came under attack from anti-gunners, has been saved and the college will be moving forward with hiring a full-time coach!

We alerted Iowa Firearms Coalition members and followers to this story mid-week. Anti-gunners were pushing for the “immediate dissolution of the proposed shooting program and coach.” The anti’s were upset that Simpson College had a shooting club the first place, they were also upset that the club was growing so fast that the college was considering hiring a full-time coach. They also fussed about the club receiving a grant from the National Shooting Sports Federation. In addition to that the shooting club does nothing to “positively influence students to come to Simpson College” (their words, not ours). Then there’s also fact they believe the very presence of firearms on the Simpson College (even club’s shotguns locked away in the campus security office) is an insult to Simpson students and alumni.

So to recap, Simpson’s shooting club is growing and could use a full-time coach. The club also received grant money to help cover their a part of their costs so as not to further burden the college financially. Because of that the anti-gunners lashed out calling for the “dissolution” of the entire program.

The anti’s got a petition started in late January trying to push their agenda on the school’s Board of Trustees. In a week an a half they gathered 187 signatures. The Simpson College Shooting Club started their own petition to show support for the shooting club and shared it with the Iowa Firearms Coalition. In a matter of just a few short days we pushed the support petition to more than 2,200 signatures! The response was truly overwhelming! IFC members turned out in droves to show their support for the shooting club and it paid off BIG.

Late Friday we received word that Simpson College’s Board of Trustees met, and had a “lively discussion” about the future of the club. But in the end the college sided with the shooting club and decided to continue with their plan to hire a full-time coach. So not only did Simpson College not dissolve the shooting club, they took it one step farther and will soon be hiring a full-time coach! Way to go Simpson College trustees, you made the right call siding with the constitutionally protected rights of your students!

The Simpson College Shooting Club’s current advisor Adam Brustkern has asked that we extend the club’s sincere thanks to the Iowa Firearms Coalition members who rallied around his team and helped protect the shooting sports at Simpson College.


Iowa Firearms Coalition is an entirely volunteer, grassroots, Second Amendment advocacy group. Responsible for bringing uniformity to Iowa’s Permit to Carry process, IFC’s members work to protect and enhance Second Amendment rights in Iowa. An affiliate of the National Rifle Association, the IFC actively seeks to foster and promote the shooting sports. Sign up for our email list for the latest on Second Amendment issues in Iowa. You can support our work by becoming a member, or making a donation.