In a July 18th article from the Des Moines Register titled ‘Liability, Transparency, and Accountability Needed or Gun-Toting Iowans‘, the newspaper’s radically anti-gun editorial board kept its streak of anti-freedom advocacy alive by delivering yet another angry rant against our recent advancements in Iowa’s firearms laws. This time they took it a step further putting out a call for some pretty outlandish gun-control measures.

The editorial board is fuming because a 27-year-old who was carrying a weapon inside the Animal Rescue League in Des Moines reached into his pocket and accidentally discharged his weapon. The Polk County Sheriff’s Office declined to file any charges against the man who injured two people with his negligence. IFC actually shared this news after it happened, reminding our thousands of followers to be responsible and properly holster their weapons when carrying.

These events, sadly, are what gun-control advocates drool over and can’t wait to exploit to try and drive their cause. The Register didn’t pass up on the opportunity to call for some gun-control proposals in response to the event:

[cp_messagebox align=”left” color=”#ffffff” shade=”noshade” border=”#000000″ font_color=”#000000″]“Gun owners can do whatever they want while the rest of us are supposed to hope for the best.
In November, Iowans should support candidates who advocate the following ideas, none of which infringe on anyone’s right to own a gun.”[/cp_messagebox]


Idea #1 Mandatory Liability Insurance for Gun Owners


[cp_quote style=”quote_left_dark”]The Iowa Legislature should require gun owners to have liability insurance the same way drivers are required to carry auto insurance. Who is going to pay the ambulance and hospital bills for Robinson?[/cp_quote]

Not only is this a ridiculous handout to insurance companies and an insult to law-abiding gun owners, but it is one more backdoor attempt to deter citizens from owning a gun. This would obviously hinder lower income gun owners from purchasing a gun and disproportionately impact people in higher-crime areas who want the ability to protect themselves. Like most gun-control measures, it would fail because the MS-13 gang member and the common criminal have no regard for laws, especially gun laws. And what if the gun was used in a criminal event where the insurance would be needed? Nearly all criminal actions are excluded from coverage. This is a proposal that has serious negative effects on the majority of law-abiding citizens and zero impact on criminals.


Idea #2  Transparency in Weapons Permits

Shocker. The Des Moines Register wants to move backward on permit privacy. Why was Permit Privacy such a big deal? Because newspapers hostile to the Second Amendment were publishing personal information of gun owners in an attempt to shame and discourage gun ownership. It’s happened across the countryAND right here in Iowa — 

It’s no surprise that a newspaper that consistently releases extreme anti-gun editorials going back to projections of blood on the streets from May- Issue permits to dire forecasts of the Wild West with Stand Your Ground would want your information. Permit holders are verified to be law-abiding citizens who deserve privacy. It is right that we demand to not be treated like Sex-Offenders on a registry nor should we allow our personal, private information left vulnerable to the ideologues at the Des Moines Register.