Long before Joni Ernst was elected to congress, she was a strong supporter of the Second Amendment.

We’ve been big fans of Joni for a long time. She’s a mother, a soldier, and someone who recognizes it is her responsibility to protect herself.

In 2012 at our Second Amendment Rally, Joni proudly boasted that she owned a “beautiful little Smith and Wesson 9mm” that she carries virtually everywhere in her little black purse. Fast forward to the 7:25 mark in our YouTube clip to see Joni talk about the importance of concealed carry laws and Second Amendment rights.

We’re proud that Joni’s a supporter of the Iowa Firearms Coalition, and we’re extremely happy that Iowa’s first woman elected to congress is such a strong protector of the Second Amendment.

Make ’em squeal Joni!



Iowa Firearms Coalition is an entirely volunteer, grassroots, 2nd Amendment advocacy group. Responsible for bringing uniformity to Iowa’s Concealed Weapons Permitting process, IFC’s members work to protect and enhance 2nd Amendment rights in Iowa. An affiliate of the National Rifle Association, the IFC actively seeks to foster and promote the shooting sports. Sign up for our email list for the latest on 2nd Amendment issues in Iowa. You can support our work by becoming a member, or making a donation.