Submitted by Adams County Reserve Deputy Brown:

On Monday, July 26th Adams County Sheriff Alan Johannes and Adams County Deputy Sheriff Dave Brown made a presentation of the Second Amendment Sanctuary County Resolution to the Adams County Board of Supervisors during their regular meeting.

Deputy Brown spoke for most of the presentation, which began with a quick background on the Iowa Firearms Coalition who has supplied the draft of the resolution to many Iowa counties. Deputy Brown Went on to explain the resolution and its relevance to today’s political climate at both State and Federal levels and how though many may see this resolution as addressing a “gun” issue, at its heart, it is addressing a civil liberty issue, just as it would be if it was a resolution concerning the first amendment.

Sheriff Johannes related to the Supervisors how his office would never be involved in enforcing or helping to enforce, any unconstitutional laws concerning the second amendment and how the passage of the resolution would put the strength and resolve of the people, the Supervisors, and the local government of Adams county behind him in his resolve.

A question from one of the Supervisors was, “Since we already have the Second Amendment, why do we need this resolution?” Deputy Brown responded that the resolution is a very loud and clear, vocal message and affirmation from the County Board of Supervisors, that they and the citizens of Adams county believe in and will defend the Constitution of the United States. All board members were in agreement as to why the resolution is needed.

Adams County Attorney Andrew Knuth was also present at the meeting and was asked by the Supervisors if he had any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the proposed resolution. County Attorney Knuth said he did not have any concerns about the resolution saying, “the resolution looks just fine to me” and adding, “there is no downside to passing this resolution.”

With the conclusion of the presentation, the matter was tabled until the next meeting on Monday, Aug. 2nd, when it will be brought up for a passage vote. The feeling of the resolution presenters at leaving the meeting was that all the Supervisors were on board and that passage of the resolution next Monday was very, very high.

Submitted by Deputy Brown – Adams County Sheriffs Office