You read that headline correctly.  The CBD (Center for Biological Diversity) has a long track record for chipping away at hunting and fishing.  Their name is a sham.  They’ll not stop until they remove the option to hunt or fish on public properties.  Then, I have no doubt, they’ll continue working to remove your right to do the same with your own property.  This is the way they handle things.  First, manipulate the public domain and then push the momentum over into the private sector.  The DBD has filed a lawsuit in Montana federal district court making crazy claims about lead and harm to the wildlife and public land.  They love using a naturally occurring mineral as a claim that a naturally occurring mineral-rich land will die resulting from naturally occurring minerals being introduced.

I read an article over on about this.  Larry Keane wrote “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Group’s Anti-Hunting Lawsuit” and you should check it out.  I agree with his assessments.  This isn’t good.

In Liberty,

Michael Ware – IFC