Well, this is how it starts.  You grit your teeth and put on your full armor, and know that folks won’t agree with you all the time.  Some might be downright nasty.  Others are even worse.  But, what you need to remember is that we do things for others, more so than ourselves.  We volunteer.  We speak.  We share.  And it all starts with thinking through what is true and untrue about a thing.

Does “gun control” work?  No.  It never has and never will.  The idea that you’ll make a person that willingly breaks laws for murder, rape, robbery, and so on, magically comply with an additional layer of firearm restrictions is among the dumbest things a smart person can think.  Yet, there are still those left that believe in the tooth fairy apparently.  Thankfully there are fewer and fewer all the time.  The only folks that opt into polite society are the law-abiding.  So, stop eroding my rights when the bad guys reject law and order!  Am I right???

Now that we’ve got the ‘thinking’ part down, we need to engage.  If you’re not willing to spend a few seconds to send a passionate and true email to your elected officials, call 911, because your pulse is slowing to a dangerous rate.  EVERYONE can muster just a bit of time to connect with advocacy.  IFC has made this efficient and effective.  We’ve set up an advocacy message for you to use, so we may avoid more abuse and national gun control!  HELP US!

We’re in the fight of our lives against the crazies that have convinced themselves taking rights from the good guys will “do something” finally.  Personally, I’m having a hard time believing even they are this stupid.  I have to wonder if it isn’t solely about collecting money and favor at this point, because it sure isn’t about the truth.  This is what we’re up against:

The crazies can’t get anything done without the power of government on their side.  Their silly ideas and lies don’t play out in the real world.  They think the sticker proclaiming a place a “Guns Free Zone” will magically make it safe from any harm.  Every now and then they can distort a tragedy, and while standing atop the graves of children, pull on some heartstrings long enough for a handful to deny good judgment.  Then, in the moment of weakness, we’re all diminished by poor policy moves.

Being a warrior starts with thinking, then quickly moves to action.  Get off the sidelines.  Send an advocacy message.  Then raise your hand to volunteer for our cause.  IFC can walk you through this, and we hope to help you reach your full potential!