This screenshot (fowl language removed) is an actual tweet response.  Did you notice anything wrong with it?

Self-defense is not murder.  If self-defense was murder, the public, peace officers, attorneys, judges, and the law would refer to it as such.  This person is woefully mixed up.  So mixed up, that they’re advocating for the acceptance of rape.  If something so sacred as one’s body is to be abused by evil and the attacker’s desire to finish what was started is above reproach, everyone may as well wait to become a victim, as evil is operating truly unfettered.

Are there any among you willing to convey to your daughter, your wife, your aunt, your mom, or ANY of the women in your lives, EVEN strangers, that they should simply accept being raped instead of stopping the threat?  This tweet suggests so few people die in rapes, no self-defense is justified.

This is an example of just how dangerous the folks advocating against the Second Amendment have become.  These preexisting rights are for everyone universally.  This individual choice is left up to each of us.  But taking rights away from others?  Their ridiculous policies, directly and indirectly, lead to true evil, and then they pivot, assert victim status for themselves, and label you a murderer for choosing self-defense.  These people are dangerous.  And they spend all hours of the day influencing others on social media.