PRESIDENTS UPDATE – January 16, 2023

Well, the 90th General Assembly of the Iowa Legislature has started. As always, IFC Board Member and volunteer lobbyist Richard Rogers is on hand building relationships with both our 2A friends and those who are not always in agreement with us. In the wake of a 65%+ voter approval of the Freedom Amendment last November, hopefully, it’s easier than ever to get both our supporters and non-supporters to support IFC.

Interesting developments on the federal regulatory side, just last week the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in a 13-3 majority decided that a Trump-era regulation prohibiting “bump stocks” was not legal. The key takeaway from the decision was that Congress, not the President, decides what is and is not legal and that fair notice must be given in every case.

With the just-released final rule on arm braces, and disparate rulings/actions by different federal circuit courts, we can expect that this might lead to an eventual hearing on these issues before the US Supreme court. The arm brace issue is a pretty clear case of the ATF acting in a bipolar manner, confusion by regulatory agencies is not being looked kindly upon by the US Supreme Court.

Also this last week, another bit of good news popped out of New Jersey.  U.S. District Judge Renee Marie Bumb just issued a temporary restraining order reigning in New Jersey’s recent legislation that imposed an overly broad definition of “sensitive spaces” where permit holders can possess firearms. It creates a veritable minefield for permit holders and is outside the limitations placed by SCOTUS in the Bruen decision last year.

In another story closer to home and impacting property rights. John Deere just entered into an agreement with the American Farm Bureau Federation regarding the “right to repair” by farmers and equipment owners. You might ask how that impacts IFC supporters. The simple answer is the equipment that you own is actually yours, not just the machinery, but also the technological and output capability of that equipment. If the manufacturer or a third party can force you to wait for authorized repairs, what value is that equipment to you? It does not matter if it’s a cell phone, a CNC machine, or a tractor. If it’s broken and you can’t get it fixed quickly, it’s basically useless to you.

Lastly, make sure you’re at National 2A Day to hear our keynote speaker Kris “Tanto” Paronto, one of the heroes of Benghazi at the Iowa Capital on 2/22/2023. If you’re able, join us at the IFC PAC Steak Dinner that evening to meet Tanto in an exclusive event. Seats are limited for dinner and are selling out fast.

Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.

Dave Funk
President, IFC