Any gun in the hands of a decent person is no threat to anybody — except bad people…
-Charlton Heston
Ending Soon: 2015 Legislative Session
Omnibus Gun Bill still on the table – multiple paths forward still available

Week 18 Review

We did not see any movement on SF427 last week as the Senate Leadership continues to ignore calls by several bi-partisan organizations to bring it up for a vote. The legislative session continues to move beyond its normal end date and could adjourn at any time. An Appropriations Standings Bill appears to be the only thing holding up an end to this year’s session.

Week 19 Preview

With the legislative session going beyond its normal length, we find ourselves in a unique position of having additional time to persuade the Iowa Senate to take up SF427. This bill remains viable, and needs only to be brought up for a vote by Senate Majority Leader Gronstal (D). If Gronstal continues to ignore the majority of Iowans, other options remain to facilitate pro-gun legislation this session.

Email the Senate – Tell them their inaction on the Omnibus Gun Bill will be considered the same as a ‘No’ vote!

The Appropriations Standings Bill was approved by the Iowa Senate last week and was sent to the Iowa House for consideration. Further refusal on the part of the Senate Leadership to bring SF427 up for a vote may force the Iowa House to add an amendment to the Appropriations Bill with language from the Omnibus Gun Bill. While it is unclear at this time what path will be taken to pass meaningful pro-Second Amendment legislation this session, the fact remains that we are still in the fight with options on the table.

Email the House of Representatives – thank them for their ongoing support and urge them to push Second Amendment issues until the final gavel!

What You Can Do

As 2016 approaches, we will remember who our friends are and will do everything in our power to help them maintain their positions in the Legislature. Similarly, we will remember who worked against us by not living up to their word and failing to fulfill their mandate as a body representative of the people.

The Iowa House has done an outstanding job this session representing the best interest of Iowans on 2nd Amendment issues, and we owe a debt of gratitude to them and their leadership for all their hard work up to this point. We must take the time to let them know that their efforts do not go unnoticed.

Time is short and the pressure to adjourn is on. We need your help to make a final blitz on the Omnibus Gun Bill, be it in the form of SF427 or as an Amendment to the Standings Appropriations Bill.

Our message to the Legislature as a whole needs to be unified and clear: We want the language found in the Omnibus Gun Bill adopted in whatever form is possible, and we want it done this year.

We must thank the Iowa House for their hard work, and ask that they hang in there a final push is made to get the Senate to take action on protecting and expanding Second Amendment freedoms for Iowans everywhere.


Email the Senate – Tell them their inaction on the Omnibus Gun Bill will be considered the same as a ‘No’ vote!

Senate Leadership email addresses are as follows:, and

The Senate switchboard will open for calls tomorrow (Monday) afternoon.

Call them and leave a message – (515)281-3371 – “The Omnibus Gun Bill deserves a vote! It’s time to do what’s right for the people of Iowa. Pass meaningful pro-2nd Amendment legislation this year!

Ask that the message is delivered to your Senator as well as the Senate leadership.


Email the House of Representatives – Thank them for their ongoing support and urge them to keep fighting for Second Amendment issues until the final gavel!

The House switchboard will open for calls tomorrow (Monday) afternoon.

Call them and leave a message – (515)281-3221 – “THANK YOU to the House leadership for their continued support of Second Amendment issues. Please keep fighting for our rights until the final gavel!”

Ask that the message is delivered to the House Leadership as well as to your House member.

Iowa Firearms Coalition is an entirely volunteer, grassroots, Second Amendment advocacy group. Responsible for bringing uniformity to Iowa’s Concealed Weapons Permitting process, IFC’s members work to protect and enhance Second Amendment rights in Iowa. An affiliate of the National Rifle Association, the IFC actively seeks to foster and promote the shooting sports. Sign up for our email list for the latest on Second Amendment issues in Iowa. You can support our work by becoming a member, or making a donation.