A new low
It’s pretty common knowledge that gun control pushers don’t like Second Amendment advocates, but new details show just how low anti-gunners are willing to stoop in order to stop pro-gun owner legislation in Iowa.
Michael Dekota McRae recently plead guilty to one count of “Conveying False Information Concerning A Biological Weapon.” That charge stems from an April 3rd, 2012 incident where McRae wrote a threatening letter to Des Moines Representative Ako Abdul-Samad and packed it with a powdery white substance. The letter, filled with racist slurs, threats, and curse words was written to make gun owners look like racist terrorists. Here’s the kicker though, McRae was working as Abdul-Samad’s legislative clerk at the time. He wrote the letter, filled the envelope with a powdery white substance, sent it to Representative Abdul-Samad via inter-office mail and then McRae purposely opened the letter in the middle of the a House debate.
Here’s the text of the note McRae wrote:

Racist, threatening letter written by Michael McRae that was laced with a white powdery substance.
As anyone can plainly see McRae uses racial slurs and threats to try to make gun owners and Stand Your Ground advocates look like murderous racists. A new low for gun control pushers here in Iowa and the rest of the country.
Historical context
The incident occurred on April 3rd, 2012. Earlier in the legislative session the Iowa Firearms Coalition and the National Rifle Association had pushed Stand Your Ground legislation for the first time in state history. Prior to this no one else cared about enshrining your right to Stand Your Ground in the state legal code. The bill passed the House 60-38 but the Senate leadership refused to allow a vote on the bill once it landed on their desk. Since then the Iowa Firearms Coalition has continued to lead the charge for Stand Your Ground in Iowa, and a handful of others have come along to assist our efforts and follow IFC’s lead.
Fortunately though after a length investigations McRae’s 2012 facade fell apart and he was eventually arrested. Earlier this year he was charged with Conveying False Information Concerning A Biological Weapon. In late 2015 McRae plead guilty and will be sentenced in late March of 2016. He faces a maximum of 5 years in prison and $250,000 in fines.
Politics, lies and simulated terrorism

Michael McRae’s 2015 plea agreement in which Representative Ako Abdul- Samad’s clerk pleads guilty to faking a terrorist attack.
Second Amendment advocates in Iowa know all-to-well that hardcore anti-gunners in the Iowa legislature, particularly the Iowa Senate, use their positions of power to block pro-gun owner legislation from ever getting a vote (stand your ground, constitutional carry, gun owner privacy protection, legalized suppressors, and many more). We also know that gun control zealots in Iowa have no qualms about resorting to misinformation and misleading information about pro-gun owner legislation in an effort to confuse the people of Iowa. But sadly political power plays and lies just aren’t enough for gun control advocates in Iowa. They despise the pro-gun owner movement so much that at least some of them, are willing resort simulated terrorism to stop our side from making any progress. This is why it’s imperative that we conduct our business with the utmost class. Anti-gunners are absolutely desperate to paint the picture that Second Amendment advocates are a bunch of racist bullies who threaten bodily harm to anyone who opposes them. We work very hard to prove them wrong, and we need you to do the same.
The Iowa Firearms Coalition was the first to introduce Stand Your Ground in Iowa, and will continue to lead the charge until we get this signed into law. We’ll continue to do the same for every pro-gun owner bill that we possibly can — whether it’s constitutional carry, suppressors, supervised youth handgun training. If you believe in strengthening our Second Amendment rights here in Iowa we highly encourage you to become an IFC member. In the mean time we’ll continue to Stand and Fight to protect and enhance the freedom of all 3+ million Iowans.
Iowa Firearms Coalition is an entirely volunteer, grassroots, Second Amendment advocacy group. Responsible for bringing uniformity to Iowa’s Concealed Weapons Permitting process, IFC’s members work to protect and enhance Second Amendment rights in Iowa. An affiliate of the National Rifle Association, the IFC actively seeks to foster and promote the shooting sports. Sign up for our email list for the latest on Second Amendment issues in Iowa. You can support our work by becoming a member, or making a donation.