On February 19, members of the Iowa House Judiciary Committee on both sides of the political aisle demonstrated their ability to put your rights and safety before party ideology. With Iowa Firearms Coalition sponsored amendments, HF 384 – a bill to legalize your right to own firearms suppressors – easily passed in a broadly bipartisan 17-to-4 vote. This was an important milestone in our ongoing mission to reclaim gun rights in Iowa, as Rep. Matt Windschitl, in partnership with IFC and the NRA, works to ensure HF 384 makes it to the Governor’s desk for his signature.
But the struggle isn’t over, and we need your help to make sure Gov. Branstad gets that opportunity! HF 384 has been renamed HF 2381 and will be debated on the House floor tomorrow!
We are on the verge of this important measure passing in the House, but we need your continued support!. Please make the effort to call and e-mail your Representative today and urge him or her to support for HF 2381 without further amendment.
Your Representative’s e-mail address can be found here [Find Your Legislator]. Legislators can also be reached through the central switchboard at (515) 281-3221. Phone calls really make a difference!
Firearms suppressors are nothing more than mufflers for guns and their primary purpose is to protect shooters and bystanders from the danger of instant and irreparable hearing damage. However, there are numerous other personal and public benefits associated with the use of suppressors, including increased accuracy due to reduced recoil and muzzle blast and reduced noise pollution. Noise complaints are increasingly being used as an excuse to close shooting ranges, informal shooting areas and hunting lands throughout the country. Increased use of suppressors will help to eliminate many of these complaints and protect hunting and shooting areas well into the future. Thirty nine other states permit the possession and use of suppressors and they are actually required in many parts of Europe.
The facts are clear: Iowans deserve the freedom to choose and use these beneficial safety devices. Contact your representatives today and tell them to support HF 2381!
Advancing your Second Amendment rights in Iowa,
Jeff Burkett
President, Iowa Firearms Coalition
NRA Endowment Member
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