10 Legislators to Determine the Fate of the Omnibus Firearms Bill
Chuck Soderberg, Kraig Paulsen, Linda Upmeyer, Kirsten Running-Marquardt, Chris Hall
Robert Dvorsky, Mike Gronstal, Pam Jochum, Bill Dix, and Jack Whitver
The decision these 10 legislators settle on will almost certainly decide whether or not Iowans see any significant improvements in our Second Amendment rights this year.
It’s been 5 years since we’ve had any major improvements to Iowa’s firearms laws. Year after year after year we’ve been told “Sorry guys. We’ll get that done next year.” They’ve done this to our Stand Your Ground bill, Constitutional Carry, legalizing suppressors, gun owner privacy protection, repealing the youth handgun training ban, and more. Every year it’s the same thing “Sorry. We’ll definitely get that done next year.” We need you to make sure these 10 legislators get the message loud and clear:
Here’s the email addresses for each of the Conference Committee members. Let them know you’ve waited long enough.
chuck.soderberg@legis.iowa.gov; kraig.paulsen@legis.iowa.gov; linda.upmeyer@legis.iowa.gov; kirsten.running-marquardt@legis.iowa.gov; chris.hall@legis.iowa.gov; robert.dvorsky@legis.iowa.gov; mike.gronstal@legis.iowa.gov; pam.jochum@legis.iowa.gov; bill.dix@legis.iowa.gov; jack.whitver@legis.iowa.gov
Iowa Firearms Coalition is an entirely volunteer, grassroots, Second Amendment advocacy group. Responsible for bringing uniformity to Iowa’s Concealed Weapons Permitting process, IFC’s members work to protect and enhance Second Amendment rights in Iowa. An affiliate of the National Rifle Association, the IFC actively seeks to foster and promote the shooting sports. Sign up for our email list for the latest on Second Amendment issues in Iowa. You can support our work by becoming a member, or making a donation.
I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.
Just do as you said you would. The
Military and Law enforcement do.