The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is currently proposing sweeping reforms to the laws pertaining to deer hunting in Iowa. The Iowa Firearms Coalition is working hard to stop the DNR from implementing some terrible new restrictions on Iowa hunters and suggesting some changes that would be beneficial to Iowa hunters.
The Iowa DNR quietly released a list of changes on April 24th that can be found on their website. The Iowa DNR is allowing the public to submit written comments on the proposals until 4:30 PM on May 1st. We have created an advocacy campaign on our website to share our concerns with the Iowa DNR. We are strongly urging you to participate and help us protect quality deer hunting in the state of Iowa.
Here is a summary of our primary concerns:
- The DNR has presented baseless restrictions on AR format pistols that may be braced against the forearm or shoulder, when a hunter may legally use the same action type, caliber, and barrel length at the same time and place. The ATF has already established clear boundaries on the AR pistol, and the Iowa DNR appears to be trying to redefine the law or unreasonably extend its authority.
- 106.7(2)c3 contains a questionable restriction on pistols that are “designed to be shot with one hand” which could plausibly be a 1911 or a Glock? Does the DNR intend to take a position on whether or not hunters should use only a one-handed or a two-handed hold? We don’t see how DNR thinks they are facilitating a humane harvest when they are limiting my technique and reducing a hunters accuracy. This plan does nothing but make more coyote bait.
- Under current DNR rules, a youth hunter cannot harvest a deer with a pistol, even if they are in the pistol season and with an adult. DNR hunting policy has not been updated to be aligned with Iowa law.
- A 6 round capacity limit for all gun hunters has been proposed. The Iowa DNR does not have the authority nor the reasonable basis for imposing a 6 round capacity limit for shotguns, pistols, and rifles. This restriction should be removed entirely.
Thank You,
Iowa Firearms Coalition

Any word on their plans for 2019? I had one officer go off on my about the 450 Ar’s so I’m sure they are going after it again.
I do not see that these proposed changes would make my hunting safer or more accurate, therefore in my opinion it is another over reach of the DNR and an infringement on my rights.
I think this is a giant waste of the tax payers time & money trying to enforce such restrictions. Does this mean that a senior hunter with diminshed grip strength would have to try to hold onto a pistol with one hand & hope it doesn’t kick back into his face? What’s next? Make everyone shoot only left handed or only right handed? The last time I looked, most pistols have a ten round clip. How are you going to plug up every different style clip to make sure it only had 6 rounds?
I think its all bullshit! People spend there hard earned money on guns they want to bulid from there own idea and put it to use. Why take that away? And the whole pistol deal with a youth hunter using a pistol i think that a youth hunt should be able to use a pistol with an adult it makes it more of a challenge and makes you a better shot than using a shotgun or long gun. It will make it to where there shot will count.
This is silly that the DNR is worried about these things at all. What they should be worried about is party hunting and the harm it does to the trophy potential of our whitetails. It makes no sense that one person can kill multiple deer and have someone else tag the deer. Party hunting needs to be done away with, it creates a mob mentality of Kill, kill, Kill !!!
Dnr you want to put restrictions on firearms lol ,but let a non residents steal a buck with only a doe tag .you language and mandates laws are redicculous. You the dnr are single handily destroying .Iowa hunting not enforceing poaching laws to the fullest.let celebrities off.because of favoritism ,unbelievabnle
Dnr you want to put restrictions on firearms lol ,but let a non residents steal a buck with only a doe tag .you language and mandates laws are redicculous. You the dnr are single handily destroying .Iowa hunting not enforceing poaching laws to the fullest.let celebrities off.because of favoritism ,unbelievabnle
There are so many deer. My aunt just hit one and had her car in the shop for a while. I saw 2 by the road 2 nights after. Another last said she saw around 40. The season should be year round!
DNR needs to stick with wild life and illegal hunters. And not worry about how many rounds in a rifle or pistal. They do not make the laws.
I have not read seen or heard of any issues with the laws you want to change leave them alone
What, is the DNR now the Democratic Nonsense Retrobates? No sense in these changes.