Friends of IFC,
Scare Tactics vs. Truth
Hurricane Katrina opened our eyes to a flaw in government. Power can be, and all too often is, abused… As a result, IFC and NRA discussed at length what an “Emergency Powers” bill ought to include in an effort to preempt the kinds of abuses of civil liberty we saw in Louisiana. We put those thoughts into motion and it took years to accomplish.
The language prohibiting the violation of fundamental Second Amendment rights under the government’s Emergency Powers was included in the historic passage of HF517 in 2017. This epic legislation was floor managed in the House by Representative Matt Windschitl and by Senator Dan Dawson in the Senate. These changes to the law became effective on July 1, 2017. Iowans now enjoy protections during times like these that too few states offer.
You’ve all witnessed politicians saying silly things. Have you seen a passionate address for the Second Amendment? We witnessed a fantastic display of this during the debate of HF517 direct from the floor. You may have forgotten THIS VIDEO. Watch it again. The Iowa Firearms Coalition and NRA were thinking ahead, working on behalf of our membership, and had the support of a trifecta of 2A friendly legislators in both chambers and the Governor.
When New York-based con artists are fear mongering about a supposed pending government ban on firearms and ammunition sales, use, and permitting, we’re out in front leading as usual. In fact, if you’d like to see who registered to support the bill that offers you vital protections now, read down through THIS LIST of declarations. Did you notice any missing groups?
If you’d like to read what we placed into law in regard to Emergency Powers, check out 29C.25 of Iowa Code. I had no idea there would come a time so soon after passage where this would protect me and my family. I’m grateful Representative Matt Windschitl and Senator Dan Dawson enthusiastically stood up to run those bills and to proactively defend our rights. Thank you, gentlemen!
A Few Items of Clarity
There have been a couple of Sheriff’s Offices that experienced miscommunication in the permitting process given current mandates to decrease physical contact. Those mistakes were communicated and we thank those counties for swift correction. The Legislature met with the Governor’s Office to get ahead of future problems. It appears the lawmakers helped provide some financial flexibility so our Executive Branch could help sidestep whatever landmines will pop up in the near future. Unlike what is happening in some other state, no suspension of Second Amendment protections came from that collaboration on Monday and Tuesday of this week. If your county makes a declaration on suspending permitting or carry, just ask them to read 29C.25 linked above and suggest the option of mailing in your permit application.
When the Session Resumes
We’ve been in routine contact with Legislative Leadership and it sounds as if the session will resume in the future to finish business. I suspect an accelerated session with a focus on budget and policy combined. If this suspicion is correct, be ready for long hours at the statehouse, as they’ll want to conclude work and return home in short order. If I were a legislator, I too would want to avoid shenanigans and put in extra hours each day to bring things to a close.
Parting Thoughts
Understand and adhere to best practices when it comes to this antigen. Find best practices from the Center for Disease Control here.
-Coronavirus is spread person to person primarily through coughing on one another, secondarily through infected surfaces
-Keep your distance and avoid risk, cough into your elbow, wear a mask if you have a cough
-Clean and wash hands often, use hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol or higher, avoid touching your face
As always, use good sense in all situations. As people who understand the intent of the Second Amendment, we know better than anyone the sanctity of human life. We seek to defend it daily. I’ve heard this virus described as scary by some and an inconvenience by others. But the truth is if we all buckle down and compartmentalize for a short while this will be over and we’ll have saved some lives that might have otherwise have been lost. I take solace in that thought. In the meantime, I’m with my family enjoying board games, lots of books, and the kinds of wholesome fun you have when you’re stuck inside on a rainy day. I trust this finds you all well.
In liberty,
Michael Ware – IFC Chairman
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