Gun-control zealots Rep. Art Staed and Rep. Bruce Hunter have proposed legislation that would ban the sale, transfer, or possession of any magazine greater than 10 rounds. HF-65 seeks to impose up to $6250 in fines and a possible two year prison sentence for those who fail to destroy the magazines. No buybacks. No grandfather period. No respect for the rights of Iowans.
This bill looks eerily similar to the language used in the 2013 Connecticut magazine ban and the language desired on the Giffords Gun-Control website. IFC is currently the only organization registered against this legislation. This is why elections matter.
Rep Art. Staed’s contact page can be found HERE.
Rep. Bruce Hunter’s contact page can be found HERE.
this is Not CA.,this is Iowa we dont need these laws in this state. this is BS.
This will always put the good person at the disadvantage to evil. We don’t need punished because of criminals. Quit infringing on our rights.
This is bs criminals wont get rid of their weapons and mags so why should i lower my self defence. If i turn my stuff in i better have a cop with me 24/7 for my protection free of charge.
Even introducing these proposals will lose you votes
Don’t follow blindly. Lead and show the nation that law abiding citizens are the ones that will be hurt. Not criminals. Idiot.
Ordering 100 30rd mags tonight
I can guarantee you will NOT be re-elected if you pass this!
They should not be reelected period for even bringing it up
Vote no gun laws only hurt law abiding citizens not criminals understand this
The 10 round magazine ban is a horrible idea the only people who are going to suffer from it are the law abiding citizens.. please do not do this…
Vote no! This is ridiculous. The criminals will still have these magazines! Your only hurting the honest, gun permit holders. What BS!