Iowa Firearms Coalition
IFC Mission
The mission of the Iowa Firearms Coalition is to continue as the preeminent organization representing Second Amendment concerns for all firearms owners in the state. We seek to ensure that government at all levels recognizes and protects the fundamental right of all Iowans to keep and bear arms and to defend themselves and their loved ones. We will staunchly defend the rights of hunters and sportsmen and advocate for their interests through resource conservation. We seek to partner with like-minded organizations in order to increase our effectiveness in accomplishing these goals.

About IFC
Iowa Firearms Coalition is the preeminent organization defending Second Amendment rights in Iowa. IFC is a true grassroots organization, made up of thousands of gun owners and other liberty-loving Iowans from throughout the state. Our members are absolutely committed to preserving these rights and IFC’s leaders work tirelessly and without pay on behalf of our membership in that fight.
IFC traces its roots back to 2005 when four Iowans decided our state’s draconian “May Issue” Permit to Carry system was unfairly discriminating against many of Iowa’s gun owners. Those four individuals created the group known as Iowa Carry, and that small group quickly grew into a tsunami of supporters. In 2010, riding a wave of bi-partisan support in the Iowa House, Senate, and Governor’s office, Iowa Carry was the prime mover in getting our present “Shall Issue” law enacted. As a result, Iowans statewide now enjoy a uniform and fair “shall issue” weapons permit process, with five-year permits and an appeal process, while the number of Iowans with Permits to Carry Weapons has increased by nearly ten times since 2009.
Once Shall Issue was signed into law, the group Iowa Carry decided to rename itself in order to better represent its new and expanded role in Iowa. Thus, Iowa Firearms Coalition was born. IFC has remained extremely active since the passage of Shall Issue. In addition to talking with countless Iowans at shooting events, gun shows, and rallies, IFC and our members have developed an excellent reputation among our state’s lawmakers, who now view us as a grassroots group whose demands must be taken seriously.
Our work has even been recognized by the National Rifle Association. In 2010 IFC was awarded the NRA’s prestigious Jay M. Littlefield NRA-ILA Memorial Volunteer Organization of the Year Award. In 2019, NRA further recognized IFC’s record of accomplishment by naming us the official NRA State Association in Iowa. Immediately, IFC proved our value by rocketing to the top slot and receiving NRA’s Outstanding State Association Award for 2020, 2022, and 2024. Atop this success was the 2021 NRA Distinguished Advocate Award bestowed upon our board member and lobbyist, Richard Rogers.
Iowa Firearms Coalition has no intentions of letting off the gas.