A quick note… NRA nominated, Craig Swartz, reaches out to IFC with his information and request for support in the NRA Board of Directors election. IFC has worked with Craig in the past and hopes to continue our relationship. While IFC has never taken a position of endorsement for or against NRA candidates, Craig was kind enough to offer his information and it is important we relay this over to all of you.
Craig’s letter to you all:
Greetings! My name is Craig Swartz, from Adel, Iowa, a Des Moines suburb. I am honored to have been nominated and endorsed by the National Rifle Association’s Nominating Committee to run as a candidate in the 2020 Board election which is currently underway. My official bio is found in the February NRA publications, but I would like to add a bit of a campaign statement. It is my hope that you will agree with me and encourage others in your state to vote for me for this very important position.
[cp_quote style=”quote_left_dark”]I’d start by saying that I am completely loyal to NRA and that for which it stands. [/cp_quote]Over the last 40-some years I’ve invested considerable money to go from Life through Benefactor membership long before there were any reduced incentives. I’ve also spent about 21 weekends per year for 30 years as a volunteer at gun shows other events to recruit new members, service memberships and answer questions and concerns as to proposed local, state and national laws and regulations. I take pride in what NRA has been able to accomplish and am glad I could always be a part of it.
There are some in the last 2 years who have decided to try to “remake” NRA. Failing this, a number, even some in the leadership, have left the organization and are now doing all they can to try to bring it down. Personally, I view those who want to abandon NRA over some relatively small dispute about like I do an Alex Baldwin, who claims he’d move to another country if Donald Trump was elected President. Where are you going to go? Who could do NRA’s work better? What would this nation be like without the NRA?
Who could raise the nearly $1.4 million per day that Wayne LaPierre has over the years to keep NRA effective? After all, dues money is not used for lobbying or to contribute to candidates. I can’t imagine what other organization they believe could fill a void left by NRA- none of the “no compromise” organizations have any real state or national network from which to work and regardless of their “talk”, none have ever run a bill that they could “not compromise” on. The fact that we still have semiauto rifles, handguns for self-protection, gun shows, concealed carry on demand in 40-some states and many friends in all legislative bodies after a continuous onslaught since 1968 by progressives and a complicit media speaks of the great effectiveness of NRA and its leaders, now, and hopefully, in the future.
I’ve been a Second Amendment and US Constitution activist/advocate since the 1970s and will remain so whether or not I am successful in this election bid. I would never side with an organization that would sell out Americans nor their God-given rights. If there are real problems within NRA leadership, I will do all I can to set things right, but I will not agree to an angry mob at the Annual Meetings acting on here-say information. There is proper procedure and it should be followed. The NRA is not Fergusson, MO, or Baltimore. In reality, those who claim to be pro-2nd Amendment yet are working to destroy the NRA may as well be receiving their money and talking points from Michael Bloomberg and George Soros- they all seek to accomplish the same end. I hope you will join me in continuing support for NRA and the 2nd Amendment and will get the word out to your membership to tear out the ballots, vote, and return them in the official envelope before March 31. Thank you so much for your time and consideration, and for all that you do for the American people and the honor to our Founders.
-[cp_special_text color=”red” size=”normal”]Craig Swartz[/cp_special_text]
None of us are Perfect. We all try our best to support the 2A. Others may find us coming up short. Without the efforts of all of us…Unified…in support of the 2A, our country is lost! The 2A is the foundation corner stone of our Liberty! Craig has my vote and I support the NRA even with its current troubles. I support the 2A and our country’s future in Liberty!
Mr. Craig Swartz is up for reelection to NRA BOD. In the last week it has been established that Wayne LaPierre improperly used NRA funds for personal/ family gain to the tune of $4M. The NRA BOD at worst approved; at best slept while our hard earned dollars were used improperly.
It is also reported that prior to his resignation, Mr. LaPierre was given a $17M post employment contract. The BOD approved this. Did Mr. Swartz vote for it or against it?
It would seem the BOD has been hand picked to propagate the “Wayne’s World” that has become the NRA, and until Mr. Swartz addresses his part/ dissent in this I can’t vote for him, or any other current Director.
Enough is enough.
I just thought of this name for new ex sec. Of nra: Donald trump jr.! Way better than my Asa Hutchinson idea I gave you yesterday. You heard it hear first. Thanks for all
Here first. Thanks for all that you do craig.
I can’t vote for Mr Swartz if doesn’t believe the association is in need of reform and more transparency.
Craig, I don’t know you nor what you stand for. We have been fooled by so many other people who claim they stand with the gun owners of Iowa. Then when elected they forget us and go with the Bloomberg and Soros jerks. How different are you?