Take a moment and consider what it would have been like to grow up in a warm and beautiful country, only to have it slowly swept into tyranny. IFC has a guest on this panel that lived it and can offer us some warnings. Gabby Franco joins an IFC panel with Iowa Representatives Matt Windschitl and Steven Holt, along with Iowa Senators Dan Dawson and Jason Schultz, hosted by IFC Chairman, Michael Ware.
Gabby shares a story stemming from her youth in Venezuela, as the first female Olympian in her sport, reaching now to her time now in America. Listen and pay attention to just how similar the incremental tactics were for her as a young lady in Venezuela and consider if you’ve heard those same thoughts and restrictions on freedom and liberty coming to fruition here in America. Little by little folks… Our human rights are under attack. Guard your civil liberties!
IFC was grateful to have this kind of conversation when so many Americans and Iowans simply don’t realize just how important each piece of legislation and policy is. Even if you only take baby steps towards the end of the diving board, you eventually get wet.
Here is Gabby’s site: https://gabbyfranco.com/
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