Iowa Firearms Coalition names Firearms Legal Protection as the preferred partner for prepaid self-defense legal plans.

IFC Chair John McLaughlin announced today that Texas-based Firearms Legal Protection has been chosen to offer prepaid self-defense benefits to the thousands of IFC members in Iowa and scattered across the nation.

“Firearms Legal Protection shares our vision of protecting and defending the Second Amendment and helping good, sane, sober, prudent, moral people from all walks of life win the fight after the fight,” says McLaughlin.

“Unlike other plans we looked at, FLP pays uncapped attorney fees directly in criminal and civil cases. Our members will not be handicapped by having to pay their defense out of pocket while waiting for reimbursement. Bail bond coverage up to $250,000 is also included in the Premium and Family plans. Another huge benefit of this partnership is coverage for expert witnesses, investigators, lost wages during trial, scene clean up, and even coordination of counseling services,” notes McLaughlin who has been a Firearms Legal Protection client for several years.

IFC President Dave Funk adds, “In today’s political climate, you can do everything right in a self-defense case and still go to jail and lose every penny. The Iowa Firearms Coalition cares deeply about our members and their families. Removing the financial burden of obtaining a qualified, vetted defense team to represent them in their darkest hour deserves careful consideration.”

Learn more about the IFC/FLP discounted legal plans HERE.