A new poll shows large support among likely Iowa voters for the Freedom Amendment heading into the November general election.
The Freedom Amendment would add Second Amendment protections to Iowa’s state constitution. Only six states, which includes Iowa, Minnesota, Maryland, California, New York and New Jersey, do not have language in their respective state constitutions that protects the right of their citizens to keep and bear arms.
The Iowans for Tax Relief poll found 58.9% of likely Iowa voters plan to support the measure in November, compared to 41.1% who reported they were either still undecided or do not plan to support it. The poll also showed broad nonpartisan support for the Freedom Amendment among both Democrats and Republicans.
“The right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental right that Iowans of all races, religions, and identities, regardless of what party they subscribe to, support,” said IFC President Dave Funk. “While we are encouraged by these poll numbers, we believe support for the Freedom Amendment will only grow heading into Election Day as most Iowans believe they should have the same civil rights protections as those that live in places like Massachusetts, Oregon and Illinios.”
A copy of the report showing what the poll uncovered can be found here: ITR-Foundation-July-
The Iowa Firearms Coalition, an affiliate of the NRA and NSSF, is a 501(c4) nonprofit and is Iowa’s only effective pro-Second Amendment rights organization.
Dear Reader:
A few of us enjoy country music. A few of us Veterans salute the flag. A few of us revere our Republic.
For those who fit this mold here is a suggestion.
Go to Aaron Lewis songs and find “Am I the only one”. Be prepared for some honest language in a beautiful piece of American Country Music. This is a Good One!
Dear Reader-Part Two:
Your still with me! That’s encouraging, so here is Part Two of an action plan you can take on NOW!
As you hold your hands out in front of you with your palms up, what do you see? I am serious, what do you see? I see my ancestors, my wife, my children, my grand children. They are in MY hands and are all asking me….me, to take action to help Make America Great Again. It is MY responsibility to help rebuild our Republic!
REPUBLIC! What a great word, it has a beauty all it’s own. The word just rolls off your tongue with ease. The Left destroys everything it touches, it would destroy Our Republic! SO, Part Two of your Action Plan is This……..
Item 11: Get to know your political candidates, go to their meetings, look them in the eye as you shake their hands. Ask them the hard questions.
Item 12: Get a yard sign or two for your choices and plant them in your yard so you can encourage others. Remember, you can be a visible leader!
Item13: Contribute a few dollars to your candidates war chest, be careful where you donate it, because they all want money and there are only a few dollars to spend.
Item 14: VOTE on November 8th. Make sure to turn your ballot over to the backside and VOTE YES to the Freedom Amendment!
NOTE: There is only ONE good reason NOT to vote…..That is, if you have left this mortal coil of life behind before Nov 8th. If you can, wait until the 9th to make that long road home.
My Question To YOU remains thus: What do you want your Republic to look like?
The answer is now in your hands, and mine and every other Right minded Citizen! Save the 2A!
See y’all out there
In Liberty
Dear Reader: you have taken the time to read the article. My Question to you is this: what kind of country do you want? Okay, your answer tells me that you are ready to take action. What can you do right now?
1. Join the NRA
2. Join the Iowa Firearms Coalition
3. If your a veteran, join a veterans service organization (American Legion)
4. Volunteer to help the IowaFC at events, go out and get to know other folks, shake their hands and tell them the truth about the 2A.
5. Contribute to the IFC-PAC fund.
6. Show up at the Capital on 2A day.
7. Go to the range and exercise your 2A right.
8. Train some one else in handling firearms.
9. Follow this website to stay informed
10. Let IFC directors know that you have their backs.
My Question for you is this: what kind of country do you want? The answer lays in your hands.
These are all simple things to do, NOW!
See y’all out there
In Liberty