IFC was at Brownell’s GunCon Saturday and what a blast! Lots of vendors showing off cool guns, suppressors, gadgets, gear, tech, dry fire systems, and ammo, among other things. Even the tornado watch alerts added to the excitement. There were several panel discussions throughout the day by social media influencers who responded to audience questions — [Click HERE (and scroll down) to see a list of the participants & sponsors]. A few of the panelists were sharing the broadcast on their YouTube channels. Folks who were streaming the event remotely were also able to submit questions. There were other ad hoc presentations throughout the day as well — for example, they had an emergency first aid session, a reloading demonstration, and so on.
The atmosphere was upbeat and most of the vendors participated in a raffle prize giveaway. Lucky winners won guns, holsters, ammo, suppressor cans, scopes, an air rifle, optics, muzzle flash suppressors, and on and on! A meal ticket and five raffle tickets were given to each participant with their admission. If you didn’t make it this year, keep a close eye out for future GunCon announcements because the tickets this year sold out in three days!
Brownell’s facility is top-notch! It is immaculate and well-constructed. I was impressed by their warehouse, their cafeteria, and the obvious importance they place on integrity, ethics, and workmanship. Everything about the day was flawless. It was clear that Brownell’s put tons of effort into putting together a great event. There was a whiteboard with squares for ‘sticky notes’ where employees could anonymously and quickly share suggestions for improvements. The atmosphere reminded me of a software firm where I used to work. IFC is proud to have Brownell’s as a Trusted Partner!
The IFC team was there to spread the word about the work being done by the Iowa Firearms Coalition, our upcoming events, our effectiveness at getting 2A-friendly legislation passed since inception, and also at preventing bad gun bills from seeing the light of day. We sold some hats and shirts, but mostly we talked and responded to questions from current and new members. We signed up several new members and spoke with anyone willing to stop for a moment. Our location was phenomenal: we were set up just to the side of the seating area where everyone came to listen to the various presentations.
Stephen Willeford, “The Barefoot Defender”
And this brings me to what turned out, for me, to be the most impactful part of the day. Next to us, the only other gun rights organization present was Gun Owners of America. They have hired Stephen Willeford, “The Barefoot Defender”, as their national spokesperson. Iowa Firearms Coalition had invited Stephen to be our guest speaker at our 2022 Lobby Day and also to attend and speak at the IFC-PAC Dinner that evening. I remember being gobsmacked by his story. He is well worth listening to…this ordinary human being who was called to do an extraordinary thing when the Sutherland Springs Church in Texas was attacked, resulting in 26 deaths. If not for Stephen, there would have been many, many more.
I am one of those people who might react immediately but I “think slow”. By that I mean that I often find myself reflecting on what I learn, or hear, or see, for months and sometimes even years after an event. Gradually, it fits in its own niche, somewhere deep in my psyche. Such has been the case with hearing Mr. Willeford speak in February 2022 — it’s taken me some time to process his message, and the events of that day. So, I took the opportunity to talk with him a bit more on Saturday, and bought another copy of his book, A Town Called Sutherland Springs, which he autographed for my son.
Sunday, I re-read my own copy, fresh from talking with him. It is not an easy story to read and I was even more deeply moved, reading it for a second time. He’s a regular guy. No military or law enforcement experience, but an experienced marksman and passionate Second Amendment supporter nonetheless, who found that his prior training drills – friendly competitions with friends – and hunting experience served him, and his community, very well — when he most needed it. Very religious, very humble, very funny and very much in love with his large family. He showed me a photo of his growing family on his phone and proudly told me that all of his adult children, their spouses and an ever-increasing number of grandchildren, have chosen to build homes and live on his family’s land, together. He said that the shooting at the church and its aftermath has brought his close family even closer.
Now…It’s Up to Each of Us
I’ll leave you with this thought: Volunteering for Iowa Firearms Coalition has been personally rewarding for me and has afforded me opportunities – like GunCon – that I would probably not have experienced…or would have experienced differently. I have no special skills, but am an ardent supporter of our RKBA and other rights granted by God and enshrined in our U.S. Constitution. There is NO reason that any of you cannot become more involved.
If you’re NOT a member, Join IFC!
If you ARE a member, volunteer to do just ONE thing. I first volunteered to work at gun shows.
If you care about your Second Amendment rights (which are under severe threat by the current administration and the alphabet agencies), for heaven’s sake, GET INVOLVED! Our collective voice is our strength and we’re going to need all the strength we can muster. Membership is just $35 per year.
Second Amendment Matters
This comment is a little late but BRAVO Michael Ware!
You folks at IFC have done more than anyone else, including the NRA and of course state politicians, at preserving and fighting for our gun rights. Please continue to be a “presents” at all Iowa events.
Thank you
I was not aware of the GunCon at Brownells. I don’t recall receiving a notification. I always go if I am aware of these events.
GunCon was a great learning experience! So glad I was there! So many great people from ALL walks of life.
So your out having fun !!!!!!!!!!While our gun rights are being taken away .
Should be back in capital passing laws to defend and protect us. Not acting like liberals, not caring
The Iowa Legislature isn’t in session until next January, and we spent most of last week working with Legislators in preparation for the next session. Our presence is important in many respects in all of the 2A realm, and while we focus on legislation, we do need shape the message, which is why meetings like GunCon are so important.
You should consider giving IFC the benefit of the doubt, as our volunteer corps works tirelessly for you whether you post hollow criticisms without context or not.
There is more to the story of volunteering. If you want to know more you can contact me.