NRA CEO Doug Hamlin calls out Governor Walz as an opportunist on 2A. Hamlin has called out Vice President wannabe Tim Walz in a recent Washington Times opinion letter published on August 15th. In that article, Hamlin issues a scathing rebuke of just what a political opportunist Walz is.
To Quote Hamlin:
In a political landscape full of dishonesty, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz has distinguished himself as an egregious political opportunist when it comes to gun rights.
“A camouflage hat and some hunting pictures cannot hide the fact that Mr. Walz’s policies would eviscerate our Second Amendment rights. His actions betray the principles he once claimed to uphold. In their introductory political rally, Mr. Walz and Vice President Kamala Harris, the
Democratic presidential nominee, made it clear that they plan to continue their assault on the Second Amendment. Mr. Walz’s hypocrisy and extremism are a danger to our fundamental freedoms.
When running for Congress in a rural southern Minnesota district, Mr. Walz touted his support for the right to bear arms and its importance in personal protection. At the time, his stance earned him positive marks from the National Rifle Association’s Political Victory Fund. Mr. Walz’s record included votes against an assault weapons ban and support for concealed carry in national parks.”
In Hamlin’s closing statement:
We must not allow our rights to be stripped away by politicians who flip-flop on our freedoms to suit their ambitions. We must remain vigilant and vocal, ensuring that the Second Amendment is upheld and our rights are preserved for future generations. Tim Walz’s betrayal is a call to action for all freedom-loving Americans to defend our constitutional rights with unwavering resolve.
We as 2A advocates need to fight like hell this election season to ensure
“Heels-Up” Harris and valor-stealing Walz
do not get elected to the White House come November.
Please stay Ready at All Times, and help us defend all of Iowa’s rights by donating to IFC-PAC today. Those small recurring monthly donations of $10, $25, or $100 do make a huge difference in our ability to get the message of freedom out there.
Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.
Dave Funk
Member, Board of Directors
Iowa Firearms Coalition
Harris & Walz are card-carrying members of “Commies-R-Us”! While the Marxist LEFT are slowly shedding remnants of the formerly moderate Democrat Party, the entire party is riddled with outright communists! This “2A” battle is but one in a war against communism and its 1st cousin “Fascism”! To win it, we must be diligent! We must also shed every RINO UNIPARTY remnant of the old “New Deal Republican” party who sold their souls to Marxism for votes and never looked back! Unfortunately, there are those in society whose souls are lost. These are not, however, everyone in the Democrat Party or society as a whole. The moderate “JFK” Democrats might be saved, it is them that we argue for by “fronting-off” the COMMIES every day. Just the two-cents worth of a once “Roosevelt Democrat” lead into the light by Reagan, via God’s grace.