BATNA — and are illegals part of the people as defined by the US Constitution? Let’s touch on these two issues in this week’s 2A blog.


In negotiation theory, the best alternative to a negotiated agreement or BATNA (no deal option) refers to the most advantageous alternative course of action a party can take if negotiations fail and an agreement cannot be reached.

Mr. Tom H. Hastings, is the director of PeaceVoice, and the coordinator of conflict resolution BA/BS degree programs and certificates at Portland State University. He recently wrote a ridiculous article in the Lockport Journal:

“…So, back to gun control vs. gun rights. My choice of BATNA would be, ‘Look, gun rights people, we want to negotiate common sense regulations with you. However, literally every time we pass such measures at the local or state level, you work to overcome the will of the people by challenging those commonsense measures in court, with your lawsuits, and it’s all based on the Second Amendment.


No other country has anything like the Second Amendment and other countries that have dealt with this issue have passed commonsense restrictions, such as the assault weapon ban in Australia virtually immediately after a mass shooting there.


So we have a best alternative to a negotiated agreement. Our BATNA is that we are going to stop all other gun control work and focus all our resources on a campaign to repeal the Second Amendment. We have a template for that; the amendment outlawing alcoholic beverages was passed and a decade later that Amendment was repealed. We are either going to get your commitment to allow our democratically produced local and state laws honored or we will end our negotiations and begin a massive campaign to overturn the Second Amendment’…”

As written in the 1990’s book “Getting To Yes”, BATNA is the “best alternative to a negotiated agreement”. Well, when dealing with the dangerous quacks like Mr. Hastings on the anti-gun left, it’s readily apparent that they have not thought through where they are going with their demand to repeal the Second Amendment and disarm the American people. Even if somehow the Second Amendment was repealed, it does not remove your right to defend your life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. 

Dangerous Quacks are just like Hamas in Gaza: you can’t negotiate with people who want you dead. To soyboy Mr. Hasting’s I say; “Come and Take Them”. 


The simple answer is NO! Mark W. Smith over at the Four Boxes Diner gives a great explanation of a case out of the US 5th Circuit Court of Appeals clearly explaining this issue and referenced not just the Heller and Bruen cases, but also the Verdugo case. A burglar does not become a part of your family by simply breaking into your home and sitting on the living room couch. It’s the same with illegals presently in our country. You can watch Mr. Smith’s explanation in this short YouTube video here.

We as 2A advocates need to fight like hell this election season to ensure “Heels-Up” Harris and valor-stealing Walz do not get elected to the White House come November.

Please stay Ready at All Times, and help us defend all of Iowa’s rights by donating to IFC-PAC today. Those small recurring monthly donations of $10, $25, or $100 make a huge difference in our ability to get the message of freedom out there.

Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.

Dave Funk
Member, Board of Directors
Iowa Firearms Coalition