What do hunting in Ireland and our Second Amendment have to do with each other? A few things. Let me explain. As a kid, growing up in the 1960’s-70’s, I followed the fighting in Northern Ireland. The news we Americans were getting was being filtered by the British Broadcasting Company. Therefore, we only got to hear the British point of view and knowing the Americans had revolted successfully against the Crown. Even as a teenager, I suspected we were not getting the whole story. I’m making no claims of expertise after the recent trip my wife and I made to Ireland and England, but I’ll share my experience and what both countries taught me.


Hunting in Ireland, like much of Europe, is still a tradition.  However, with their weapons ownership and storage laws, it’s getting harder to own firearms. You can own three firearms, but when you want to increase that number to six, it requires a major upgrade in the home vault and security system. Beyond six firearms, the rules are almost unbelievable. 

Typically when I’ve traveled abroad to hunt, I have taken my own rifles. That is very difficult in England and Ireland. On my Irish Sika Stag hunt with Norm Mulvany @IrishSafaris, I was able to use his custom 270 Winchester rifle. 

“On day one of my hunt, I walked in and this old boy was crossing the field in the fog. One shot at about 80-100 meters, he ran less than 60 meters with his heart, lungs, and liver destroyed. This was less than ten minutes after we left the hunting vehicle on the first day! His initial SCI score was 137”, putting him into the top ten all-time Sika, and maybe as high as number five.” 

As I get older, my hunting trips are less about the size of the trophy, and more about the whole experience including the people, the countryside, and the local customs. But now and then, you have to “Take What The Bush Gives You”. I know I got lucky with this trophy.

My fellow hunters asked me what rifle cartridge I use for hunting in the U.S. When I told them that I had several dozen firearms they could not believe it! We forget how good we have it in the United States. Note the suppressor in my photo. It’s considered bad manners to hunt and shoot in most of Europe without one, and they are unregulated. 


Amazingly, every person we spoke with about America wanted to know if we were President Trump supporters. Once they understood that we were, they opened up about how much they wanted Trump to win. They told us about how over-regulated life is across the European Union and warned us that we are facing the same future in America under the Leftists in power now.  

We cannot survive as a nation with these dangerous quacks in power.  We are a few days out. Get out and vote next Tuesday!

Please stay Ready at All Times, and help us defend all of Iowa’s rights by donating to IFC-PAC today. Those small recurring monthly donations of $10, $25, or $100 make a huge difference in our ability to get the message of freedom out there.

Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.

Dave Funk
Member, Board of Directors
Iowa Firearms Coalition