2A Lobby Day and IFC-PAC Dinner are Next Week! It’s hard to believe that our 2025 Second Amendment Lobby Day and the IFC-PAC Dinner is already upon us! Amazingly, it looks like reasonable weather for Iowa in February, for a change. We really need your support, not just through your dues, but through your attendance at next week’s events. Legislators respond to numbers. More people attending tells the legislators that Iowans care about their Second Amendment rights. When many people attend our Second Amendment Lobby Day, it makes the job of IFC’s lobbyist and others working with the Legislature on your behalf, a little easier. Hopefully, I’ll meet you in Des Moines on February 18th.
This is a free event held in the Rotunda of our beautiful State Capitol. Plan to attend! Why? Here are a few reasons:
Meet & Learn —
- Hear directly from IFC leadership about this year’s legislative efforts to further improve gun laws in Iowa
- Learn how you can help, by talking to your Representative &/or Senator about legislative matters of particular interest to you
- IFC volunteers will be on hand to help you with this, if you are not familiar with the process
- Learn how you can help, by talking to your Representative &/or Senator about legislative matters of particular interest to you
- Meet your IFC volunteers and learn about volunteer opportunities
- Meet like-minded people who are passionate about preserving our Second Amendment rights
- Hear from state legislators about Second Amendment issues
- Meet NRA representatives and hear about what they are doing to rejuvenate the NRA
- Learn about IFC’s status as an NRA-State Affiliate Organization, and how that benefits our members
Browse and Enjoy —
- Arrive at noon so you have time to talk to your legislators and to meet the IFC Trusted Partners
- Click HERE to see who IFC’s Trusted Partners are, and check out discounts available to IFC members!
- Browse their tables to learn what they do and what they offer
- Get swag!
Featured Speaker —
We are so fortunate to have Major Jeff Struecker (ret.) at the Capitol for this year’s Second Amendment Day. Hear his riveting story which is portrayed in the blockbuster movie Black Hawk Down. He is a retired US Army Ranger with 17 combat deployments. Major Struecker is a ‘home-grown’ Iowan, from Fort Dodge. He is also a Chaplain and award-winning author.
The official program is from 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. We encourage you to arrive at noon, to allow time for the above activities. There will be a shuttle van from Parking Lot 16 (look for the flags); we can drop you off right at the Capitol and take you back to your vehicle afterwards.
IFC has stepped up its game for this year’s IFC-PAC Dinner to be held at the Za-Ga-Zig Shrine in Altoona, located at 1100 Shriners Pkwy. Don’t miss this unique chance to connect with Major Jeff Struecker (ret.), a true Iowa hero, of Black Hawk Down fame. His presentation in the evening will be more in-depth and personal. It’s a chance to hear more about his unique story, while enjoying some delicious barbecue from Smokey D’s. Cost of the event is $75. Buy your tickets NOW! Scan the QR Code to purchase.
Here’s the Schedule:
5:50 — Doors open
5:50 PM – 7:00 PM – Drinks, Raffle entries,
and Live Music from local artist Tyler Folkerts
6:30 PM – 7:00 PM – Supper (meal from Smokey D’s)
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM – Meet & Greet with Jeff Struecker & IFC Leadership
8:30 PM – 9:00 PM – Raffle drawings & Door Prizes
This week’s Trusted Partner is Firearms Legal Protection. After significant research, our Chairman, John McLaughlin has settled on FLP as the best option out there. We highly encourage you to look into them as your legal protection in the event you need an attorney following a defensive use of a firearm.
Please stay Ready at All Times, and help us defend all of Iowa’s rights by renewing or joining IFC today.
Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.
Dave Funk
Member, Board of Directors
Iowa Firearms Coalition
Your website shows IFC 2A Lobby Day & Dinner on Feb 14, 2025.
John Mc was on WHO Radio moments ago saying it is this Wednesday, Feb 19, 2025.
Please confirm.
2A Day was on the 18th as was the PAC supper.