13 States Ban Machine Guns in America, INCLUDING IOWA – Why doesn’t Iowa legalize machine guns when they’re federally legalized?  Doesn’t that strike you as odd?  Why are these still banned in a state with the motto:  Our Liberties We Prize and Our Rights We Will Maintain?

That’s right.  Even though federal regulation makes ownership possible nationwide, Iowa joins the following states in banning machine guns by categorizing them as “offensive weapons” in Iowa code:  CA, CO, DE, HI, IL, LA, MA, MN, NJ, NY, RI, & WI.  Take a look at that gaggle of despot-laden oppressive states.  Most of them make your nose hair curl when you consider just how wretched they treat their citizens.  And Iowa is joining them in disarming you.  Did you ever think you’d enjoy the kind of tyranny Californians and New Yorkers suffer under daily?  If you like to ignore Supreme Court decisions like Bruen, you’re probably feeling pretty content right now.  But, if you’re liberty-minded, then you know that Iowa has it 100% wrong to ban something from you that is federally legal, especially in the realm of the Second Amendment.

Again, this year, we had support for this in the Iowa Legislature, but unfortunately, not enough to get a bill number assigned.  Here is the draft:

Offensive weapons repeal bill draft

What do you think should happen?  I’m curious…

In Libertatem,

Michael Ware – IFC Board