Heels-Up Harris lies during the debate – and it reached new lows. Like many Americans, I watched the Presidential Debate last week. I’m not going to get into the whole event here. But, I do want to touch on two major lies that should disqualify anyone for life in public office, let alone the Office of the President of the United States.

Lie #1: Crime Has Fallen under the Biden/Harris Administration

This claim is a clear case of gaslighting. I have previously covered how the FBI has under-reported crime, during the last 3.5 years of the Biden Administration. Dr. John Lott published a piece last week debunking that lie. From Dr. Lott: 

“It’s no accident that violent crime is near a record 50-year low,” President Biden claimed


In fact, the opposite is true: between 2016 and 2020, violent crime fell by 17% under Trump and soared by 43% under Biden between 2020 and 2022. Even if you take the starting period for Biden as 2019 because the numbers may have been artificially depressed during COVID, violent crime rose by 12%. Using 2019 as the end-point for Trump would imply a 6.6% increase over 2016, about half the increase under Biden. The problem is people don’t understand the difference between the number of crimes reported to police and the total number of crimes. However, as we have pointed out, there are problems with the FBI’s measure of reported crimes (see here, here, and here).


There are two measures of crime. The FBI’s NIBRS counts the number of crimes reported to police yearly. The Bureau of Justice Statistics uses its National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) to ask about 240,000 people each year whether they have been victims of crime, to measure reported and unreported crime. Since 2020, these two measures have been highly negatively correlated. The FBI has been finding fewer instances of crime, but people are simultaneously answering in greater numbers that they have been victims.”

As a Reserve Police Officer here in Iowa, I’m well familiar with the FBI’s NIBRS crime reporting system. I can also tell you that not all jurisdictions use it, or even uniformly report crime. Guess what? The greatest number of places that do not report, are Democrat-controlled cities and states like New York and Chicago among many others. When it’s this easy to point out the lies of the left, how can you ever trust the liberals? 

Lie #2: There Are No American Troops Currently Stationed in Combat Zones Around The World

Heels-Up Harris stated during the debates:

As of today, there is not one member of the United States military who is in active duty in a combat zone, in any war zone around the world for the first time this century.”

Well, someone should tell the DOD payroll department to start withholding income taxes from the thousands of US Military people in combat zones around the world.

But the best fact check of all came from this small group of troops watching the debate last Tuesday night and this video says it all:


We cannot survive as a nation with these loony toons dangerous quacks in power. Please get out and help pro-freedom candidates across Iowa and America today! 

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Dave Funk
Member, Board of Directors