Bloomberg’s “Stop and Frisk” amounts to Racism, and he knows it…

I read an article by Larry Keane through the NSSF (National Shooting Sports Foundation) the other day, that really got me thinking…  This man bought a $10,000,000.00 ad to promote a lie during the Super Bowl.  Everytown and the Moms Demand folks might not enjoy his particular brand of racism, violations on civil rights, or his multiple infractions of sexual harassment, but they are dearly and irrefutably in love with his money.

Do you ever wonder how much money it would take for you to forget your mission statement, deny your reason to exist, and say yes to money?  In case you’re wondering, you should have an answer to your questions.  I suggest asking the next “Everytown” or “Moms Demand” person you run across.  I’ll warn you though.  Two problems exist.  One, they’re not very good with pesky things like ‘the truth’ and other items that prove their incoherence.  And two, you’re going to have to look pretty hard to find one.  They are a pretty small group and most of the people that ‘show up’ for their functions are paid shills.  We’ve been told over they years they’ve tried everything from paying their people to show, to compensating for travel, babysitting, and even giving them the use of props like baby carriages, in order to make it look like they have numbers, which somehow translates into truth.  That is unsettling.  I wouldn’t know for sure about those practices, but maybe I’ll volunteer to pitch in with them for a day to get a handle on how the sausage is made.  Do you think they’ll embrace me?

I doubt it.

Until then, read THIS ARTICLE and consider it carefully.


-Michael Ware – IFC Board Chairman


Des Moines Register “Editorial Board” Does It Again…

Des Moines Register “Editorial Board” Does It Again…

Anne MacKinnon’s Roses & Thistles

Here’s a basic system function test you can perform with anyone, from anywhere, for every good reason.  Ask anyone you come across to make a complete list of their rights.  …And I mean all of them.  Then go down through their list and put a line through every third item on the list.  Next, go back to the person who scribed the list and tell them, “I don’t think YOU need every third one of these.  Additionally, what ‘reasonable’ compromises are you willing to discuss on the others?” and watch them become enraged over the audacity that YOU take from THEM their rights for fun and profit.  Granted, we’re not talking about important stuff like ice melt and condoms, but rights are still a pretty big deal.  Once you review the article I’m suggesting, the “ice melt and condoms” ditty will make more sense.  Even if you don’t, the comment stands by itself.

When the Des Moines Register Editorial Board comes up with fresh new nonsense to prove yet again, they’re petty, small, and none-too-bright, you should be listening.  The new “Roses and Thistles” slag is hot off the digital press.  The recent thistles were awarded in bulk to the Majority Party.  Basic human rights and the ideas behind civil rights are for the “backwards hicks” among us apparently.  <-Another quip from the article author.

This is truly what they think of you.  They think this of me.  They think this of your unborn child and grandchildren.  We’re all just murderers, thieves, and miscreants waiting to happen.  They don’t like the idea of rights.  Why?  Because when they actually admit that we all have them, they further have to admit, rightfully, that rights are a package deal.  Granted, these folks couldn’t think their way out of a wet paper sack.  So, they sure as sugar couldn’t find their own incoherence.  Yet this, like the wart on their proverbial nose, is obvious to all the rest of us.  This isn’t some trip through a crappy lunch buffet where you pick and choose items while casting your gaze through a smudged sneeze guard.  No sir…  When it comes to rights, you and I either get them all, or there aren’t any.  They’re called civil rights and are basic – that was the intent and design.  People who love their fellow human beings already hold these truths to be self evident.

So, what you have here is another example of how the DSM Register sees you and I as less human.  As if we don’t deserve life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness all because we know our right’s origin, where they’re protected, and why…  [cp_quote style=”quote_left_dark”]SPOILER ALERT – If you’ve recently eaten, give your tummy some time to settle.  You risk losing your lunch over this garbage.  Alas, you should read it anyway…[/cp_quote]

Legislators like Representative Terry Baxter, R-Garner and Representative Steve Holt, R-Denison, ought to be lifted up on our shoulders when they continue forward with good policy and sound protection of our liberties and freedoms.  What sane person says no to liberty and freedom?  Gentlemen, I say to you regarding the blather this editorial board is offering, a thistle from these lost souls should be worn as a badge of honor.  You’re steely-eyed missile men and I don’t care what they say about you both.

Hold your nose, suppress your gag reflex, and read the DES MOINES REGISTER EDITORIAL BOARD THISTLE here…

The pungent and all-too-familiar “cow patty” scent of the “Carson King Affair” is wafting through the air as we live and breathe.  It seems as if they’re trying to force us to find a different bicycle ride across Iowa because they can’t be honest and manage their own ‘news’ network.  Oh wait, they already peed down their leg on that one too…  Read about how they targeted another for extinction without thinking through what the heck they were doing HERE

In Liberty,

Michael Ware – IFC Chairman

2A Sanctuary Movement Saves Virginia’s Bacon???

You might remember, and you should, the 2nd Amendment Sanctuary language IFC and NRA crafted together for all of Iowans to offer their County Boards of Supervisors.  If you haven’t done so, you better…

[cp_quote style=”quote_left_dark”]While they may have lacked legal muscle, a political scientist says the political muscle of the “2nd Amendment Sanctuary” movement in Virginia was seen as lawmakers shelved an assault weapons ban pushed by the governor.[/cp_quote]

This story, coming from Virginia, implies the overwhelming communication and support of rank and file Virginians became too much for the gun grabbers and liberty trouncers to overcome.

You should read through this article.  You should think about what it means to get ahead of those who would have you hammering your rifles into plows.

Find the article here:


2-15-2020 IFC Update from the Capitol

Friends of IFC,

We’ve seen a lot of movement this week on bills we’re supporting.  We’ve also been able to work with friendly legislators to stop horrible bills from gaining traction as well.

Another so called “Red Flag Law” was dropped this week (HF2367).  They seem to multiply like rabbits.  You can’t toss a dead cat around the rotunda without hitting another Red Flag bill or the likes.  I’m not sure why there needs to be so many versions of new and inventive ways to strip you and I of due process, but for bill sponsors who seem to think nothing of our fundamental rights, maybe this is their version of being thorough.

On a positive note though, SF2224 (formerly SF116 – School Parking Lot Carry) passed the Senate Judiciary Committee 10-3 with two Republican Senators absent.  Bipartisan support from Democrats and Republicans prove just how common-sense bills like this truly are.  Should you be guilty of a felony for dropping your child off at school while you’re peaceably carrying your self-defense weapon?  No sane person says yes to that question.  Here’s a breakdown of the committee vote:

Yeas, 10: Zaun, Garrett, Kinney, Chapman, Dawson, Schultz, Shipley, Sweeney, R. Taylor, and Whiting. Nays, 3: Bisignano, Hogg, and Petersen.
Absent, 2: Nunn and Sinclair.

HSB615, A bill for an act relating to firearms and weapons, including the storage, carrying, possession, or transportation of weapons and the establishment, use, and maintenance of shooting ranges.  This bill passed subcommittee early this week and was referred to the House Public Safety Committee.  If you’re interested in hearing the thunder of Freedom and Liberty from a staunch Second Amendment advocate, listen to Representative Holt’s closing remarks.

These bills, their status, history, and trajectory are available with many others on IFC’s 2020 Legislative Tracker page within our site.  We refer to it as the “GBU” – Good, Bad, and Ugly page.  We update that page routinely.  That’s your source for information and you should be using it.  The number of bills we’re working on is staggering once you begin to grasp it.  I thank our dedicated volunteers and much cooperation from many upstanding legislators for these great works.


The Iowa Firearms Coalition is sponsoring Lobby Day at the Iowa Capitol on February 27th.  We will meet in room 15 of the Capitol Building from 10am-11am.  We welcome you to please come by, and say hello to your Representatives and Senators.  We will also have informative tables in the rotunda from noon through 4pm.  We’ll walk you through 2A engagement best practices, show you how to locate and contact your elected officials, arm you with methods to continue meaningful and persuasive communication with them, and engage in volunteerism and electioneering.

Parking is all around the Capitol building and many use the ramp a block to the west of the State House.  Walking into the West or South lower levels is simple and fast.  Room G15 can be found on this map.  Let us know you’re coming if you can by responding to this Facebook Event.

For those of you interested in a tour of the Capitol, there is a great map and QR coded tour you can take through the use of your smartphone HERE.  Iowa has a unique and beautiful Capitol Building, so drink it in when you can.  I recommend bringing children to learn about this magnificent structure as often as you can.

In Freedom,

Michael Ware – IFC Chairman

Jim Wallace for NRA Board?  Check him out!

Jim Wallace for NRA Board? Check him out!

Jim Wallace – Massachusetts 

A quick note…  NRA nominated, Craig Swartz, reaches out to IFC with his information and request for support in the NRA Board of Directors election.  IFC has worked with Craig in the past and hopes to continue our relationship.  While IFC has never taken a position of endorsement for or against NRA candidates, Craig was kind enough to offer his information and it is important we relay this over to all of you.

Jim’s bio for your consideration:

NRA Nominating Committee nominee and Benefactor Life Member. Executive Director,
Massachusetts State Association (“GOAL”). Staunch and vocal 2A defender, fighting for
25+ years in one of the most hostile states in the U.S.  Longtime member, NRA Clubs
and Associations Committee (worked to empower clubs nationwide). Defeated
numerous anti-gun bills including gun bans, and harassment of collectors, gun clubs,
dealers. Spearheaded lawsuit to overturn state AG semi-auto ban.  Improved MA right
to carry.  Passed numerous MA pro-gun laws, including facilitation of junior shooting
activities, licensing improvements, and protections for military members.  Numerous
national and local media appearances.  Streamlined and modernized MA state
association operations, and expanded firearms training program. Energetic public
speaker, engaging gun owners and the general public. Guest lecturer at universities and
schools. US Army, 1983 – 1986. Endorsed by New York State Rifle and Pistol
Association and Illinois State Rife Association 2A battleground state organizations.