We all hear it every year: “Happy Holidays” — but I prefer to say Merry Christmas! After all, Christ is the reason for the season.

I’m making this week’s 2A Wrap Up message short. I just want to bring a few things to your attention. If you’ve been watching the news, you know that two really scary things have happened this last week. 

Horrific Events This Past Week

The first one was on December 20th in Magdeburg, Germany where a man of Saudi Arabian descent drove a car into a crowd at a Christmas market. At least two people were killed, and 60-80 injured. This has happened before – in both Europe and the United States. I’ll point out that police officers with guns arrested the driver. 

The second event was just as frightening when a sleeping woman was set afire in a New York City subway car on December 22nd. A Guatemalan immigrant was arrested. He had been detained briefly in Arizona in 2018 by the US Border Patrol, and then released into the interior of our country. Not surprisingly, as this attack was happening, the Governor of New York was patting herself on the back on X for how safe New York City’s subways have become under her leadership. Where was the next Daniel Penny when we needed him? 

I bring these two attacks to light to remind everyone to stay alert during Christmas and remember why God sent his only son to save us from our sins. 

Make sure you attend 2A Day on February 18th at the State Capitol and get your tickets for the IFC-PAC BBQ Dinner that evening with Iowa Hero, Major Jeff Struecker of Black Hawk Down Fame.

Please stay Ready at All Times, and help us defend all of Iowa’s rights by renewing or joining IFC today.

Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.

Dave Funk
Member, Board of Directors
Iowa Firearms Coalition




In the last few weeks, we have seen uninformed judges, a delay in the Snope case, and the NRA settles with the State of New York and lives on. 


Uninformed Judges

Federal Court judges can be downright ridiculous sometimes. I’ve used the term uninformed, but anyone with internet access can educate themselves in less than an hour on rifle action types and how powerful any given cartridge is relative to another. 

Judge Harvey Wilkinson made this stupid statement in court:

Judge Wilkinson asked the appellants’ counsel Pete Patterson:


“Have you ever fired an M-16?”  Counsel:I have not your Honor.”  Judge Wilkinson:Well I have and we used them when I was in the Army Reserve.  That was way back, way way back.”  (He served in 1968-69.) 


Judge Wilkinson went on to state:


“And when we took shots at the targets, wherever we hit, there was nothing left, the kick was so powerful that when the bullets hit the human beings, it splintered them into all sorts of little pieces, there was very little left of the human being, and that was a very earlier model of the M16, and since then it’s been perfected, and perfected, and perfected into an even more lethal weapon than the ones that I used.”

Fortunately, author Stephen Halbrook in a recent Reason Magazine article does a masterful job of explaining why the AR15 originally produced in 5.56 NATO, and these days in many other chamberings, is far less powerful than the cartridges used by millions of deer hunters across America. 


Snope v. Brown (State of Maryland)

In the Snope case, the question is whether the Constitution permits the State of Maryland to ban semiautomatic rifles that are in common use for lawful purposes, including the most popular rifle in America. 

Major breaking news also last week was that the Supreme Court delayed scheduling its conferencing decision on Snope and the Ocean State Tactical v Rhode Island (OST) case. 

The two questions in the OST case are 1) Whether a retrospective and confiscatory ban on the possession of ammunition feeding devices that are in common use violates the Second Amendment. 2) Whether a law dispossessing citizens without compensation of property that they lawfully acquired and long possessed without incident violates the Takings Clause. 

The significance here is that multiple cases out of the blue states might be combined, and under Heller and Bruen, hopefully struck down in the Courts next term. Second Amendment defender Mark A. Smith at The Four Boxes Diner has a short video on his assessment here.


NRA Settles With Jihad’s NY Attorney General

The National Rifle Association settled the lawsuit last week with the State of New York. Tom Knighton at BearingArms summed it up best with this comment:

“Letitia James declared a jihad against them. She spoke openly about how she wanted to destroy the organization. She likened NRA members to terrorists. She made it her mission to hurt the NRA.”

We all have opinions on how the NRA has been managed in recent years. The good news is that the legal expenses the membership has been enduring regarding this seem to be behind us now. As the NRA Official State Association, IFC proudly works closely with the NRA daily. I’m optimistic that the NRA will become stronger and better managed going forward.



Finally, America’s long ordeal with the Obama/Biden/Harris nightmare is coming to a close. Biden is still trying to re-write history about his pathetic legacy with the latest attempt in a press release on the twelfth anniversary of the Sandy Hook school shooting. From the press release:

“After four years under my administration, homicides are down, crime is falling, and we are seeing fewer mass shootings. This progress is no accident,he continued.Still, more must be done.” 

Apparently, Biden’s minion who wrote this for him still believes the FBI-doctored crime numbers. The same ones his Administration has repeatedly revised upwards. That incredible press release was followed by another one by Biden’s minions on December 16th, touting how much better off the country is economically today than when he took office four years ago. Biden’s party has to rewrite history if they have any chance to win back power in the future. 

We can’t be done with these dangerous quacks soon enough.


Upcoming Event!

Make sure you attend 2A Day on February 18th at the State Capitol and get your tickets for the IFC-PAC BBQ Dinner that evening with Iowa Hero, Major Jeff Streucker of Black Hawk Down Fame. 

Please stay Ready at All Times, and help us defend all of Iowa’s rights by renewing or joining IFC today.

Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.

Dave Funk
Member, Board of Directors
Iowa Firearms Coalition




A dangerous quack (Jason Benell, contributor) over at Bleeding Heartland, which is a far-Leftist Iowa-based blog, published a piece that starts with this headline:

“Republican voters are unreasonable and uninformed—a dangerous combination

Of all the stupid lines in this article, these few paragraphs are perhaps the best:

“...Or are they just lying to avoid discussing their ignorance, sexism, racism, and apathy?


This is contemptible behavior from Republican voters, who are quite literally willing to sell their neighbors down river for the promise of a tax break…


…The folks voting against progressive and Democratic ideals aren’t doing it because they genuinely have principled positions on taxation, the environment, or child care, and they just need to hear the right thing to change their mind.


No, they are doing so because of the multitude of grievances they can contrive and justify their ignorance upon.


Rather, let us move around those voters and reach people who are interested in becoming informed and who are receptive to new ideas. Let’s not preclude a better future because of what some fictional reasonable voter may reject. They have shown themselves time and again to be uninformed and dishonest, and yes, unreasonable about things that matter to them or what they believe in.


No reasonable person votes based on what a trans person might do in the bathroom. No reasonable person votes for a raise in tariffs without knowing what they are. No reasonable person thinks their religion should be foisted on children in public schools but is afraid of other religions being recognized. No reasonable person thinks that criminal convictions and sexual assault allegations are better qualifications for public office than professionals and experienced workers.


So instead of treating them like they are reasonable, we should just go around them and reach out to folks who may genuinely may not know any better. Let’s talk about the benefits of increased wages and worker protections and clean water and secular governance instead of preemptively moderating our positions to appeal to someone who doesn’t exist.”...

Maybe Reasonable people don’t vote for progressives’ ideas because thousands of years of human history prove they don’t work!

Not only is the typical anti-gun Leftist an elitist, but they truly are the perfect example of projection in every sense of the word. Economist Thomas Sowell said; 

“People convinced of their own superior wisdom and virtue have no time to spare for what other people want, whether in housing or health care or a whole range of other things.”

Mark Your Calendars Now!

Make sure you attend 2A Day on February 18th at the State Capitol and get your tickets for the IFC-PAC BBQ Dinner that evening with Iowa Hero, Major Jeff Streucker of Black Hawk Down Fame.

Please stay Ready at All Times, and help us defend all of Iowa’s rights by renewing or joining IFC today.

Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.

Dave Funk
Member, Board of Directors
Iowa Firearms Coalition



The Daniel Penny acquittal is breaking news! 

The acquittal of Daniel Penny just happened in New York City. Despite threats of violence from Black Lives Matter, out-of-control District Attorney Alan Bragg, a judge who stacked the deck against a good Samaritan, a complicit media, and George Soros’s best efforts to make self-defense in America a thing of the past. Twelve NYC jurors held up a collective middle finger and found Mr. Penny is not guilty as they should have, based on the evidence this case should never have been brought.

IFC applauds Mr. Penny’s heroic actions, and reminds everyone of the 1993 Jeffery R. Snyder essay “A Nation of Cowards”. We highly suggest you reread his timeless piece.

NYC Mayor from 1994-2001 Rudy Giuliani, was the man who cleaned up that city by cracking down on criminals and making it for a short time one of the safest cities in America just posted this comment on “X”

New York City can be safe again, Its voters just elect some adults like America’s Mayor again.

Make sure you attend 2A Day on February 18th at the State Capitol and get your tickets for the IFC-PAC BBQ Dinner that evening with Iowa Hero, Major Jeff Streucker of Black Hawk Down Fame.

Please stay Ready at All Times, and help us defend all of Iowa’s rights by renewing or joining IFC today.

Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.

Dave Funk
Member, Board of Directors
Iowa Firearms Coalition




In the case of Snope v Maryland, the Supreme Court is petitioned to take a case to rein in the lower courts. Let me explain why. At the end of this blog, I’ll send you over to Mark A. Smith at the Four Boxes Diner to watch his short video about how powerful the Snope case is. 

Snope, in his Petition, emphasizes the need for the Court’s intervention:

“But intervention is particularly important because, in the ongoing debate below, the side that to date has always prevailed is also the side that is flouting this Court’s clear teaching in Heller. This error results in an ongoing infringement of the fundamental right to keep and bear arms in the states that have made the most popular rifle in America illegal.”

The lower appellate courts in the Blue States have consistently ruled that they can ban AR-15s and other semi-automatic rifles. Those appellate courts know that since the Red States don’t infringe on their citizens’ rights to own commonly used arms, there will not be a split in Federal Circuit Court rulings that would force SCOTUS to take the case. The anti-gun dangerous quack strategy is to delay any ruling in the hope for a future more-liberal majority SCOUTS that will wipe out our God-given right to self-defense and the tools we need to exercise that right.

There are three main points made by David Snope in his brief to grant Certiorari for his claim against the State of Maryland. They are as follows:

  1. “There is a long-running and intractable dispute in the lower courts over whether the Second Amendment allows the government to ban arms that are in common use by law-abiding citizens.

  2. Heller clearly teaches that arms in common use by law-abiding citizens cannot be banned.

  3. This case is an ideal vehicle to resolve this dispute.”

The “in common use” test is the most important part of this brief:

“Heller itself demands that any ban on a type of arm that is “in common use”
be held unconstitutional.”

As Judge Walker recently explained in dissent in Hanson, although many circuit courts appear to understand Heller to “simply hold that the Second Amendment is an individual right, then add a lot of dicta, and then finally hold that D.C. cannot ban handguns,” in fact, Heller had four ‘increasingly specific holdings” that built on each other and should govern courts in resolving challenges to bans on types of arms. 120 F.4th at 260 (Walker, J., dissenting).


Those holdings were, in order:


1) There is, in general, an individual right to keep and bear arms;


2) Exceptions to that right depend on the history and tradition of gun regulations;


3) There is no history and tradition of banning arms in common use for lawful purposes; and


4) Handguns cannot be categorically banned precisely because they are in common use for lawful purposes.


Id. \Following Heller, the courts of appeals largely accepted and understood the first and the last of these holdings, but it took Bruen for them to finally accept the second. Granting a review of this case is necessary to make them understand the third. Maryland’s brief in opposition, which, like the courts of appeals’, refuses to take “common use” seriously, amply demonstrates that fact.


Maryland, like circuits that have consistently gotten this issue wrong, disputes that “common use” was the reason why Heller held handguns were protected and could not be banned. Although Maryland readily admits that Heller said that “dangerous and unusual weapons” could be banned, it also claims that “this Court has not stated the inverse, i.e., that a weapon automatically is protected so long as it is ‘in common use.’ ” BIO 24. This objection is difficult to understand, given that earlier in the same paragraph where this argument appears, Maryland quotes Bruen stating that “the Second Amendment protects only the carrying of weapons that are those ‘in common use at the time.’


Id. (quoting Bruen, 597 U.S. at 47). Maryland offers no way around the clear import of this language. And the quote Maryland includes in its opposition is not alone. There is no shortage of statements in both Heller and Bruen that definitively establish that an arm in common use is protected because of that fact. For example, Bruen concluded that no further analysis was required with respect to the type of arm at issue because the parties did not dispute that “handguns are weapons ‘in common use’ today for self-defense.” Bruen, 597 U.S. at 32. That conclusion only makes sense if common use definitively establishes constitutional protection. See also Hanson, 120 F.4th at 259–60 (Walker, J., dissenting) (collecting additional examples from Heller and Bruen).”

Why does this matter? Because those appellate courts mentioned above need to be slapped down by the Supreme Court. Maryland introduces all kinds of not just garbage but also contradictory legal arguments in its brief. 

If a State can delay a right, it is effectively denied. Our rights also become privileges if the state can deny them because of bad actors abusing our right to keep and bear arms. All the state should do is punish those bad actors and leave the rest of us alone. The brief is short, at sixteen pages, and well worth reading yourself.

Here is Mark A. Smith’s short video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RHE3QtePOM


Make sure you attend 2A Day on February 18th at the State Capitol and get your tickets for the IFC PAC BBQ Dinner that evening. Our featured speaker is Ft. Dodge, Iowa native and Hero: Major Jeff Struecker of Black Hawk Down fame. 

Please stay Ready at All Times, and help us defend all of Iowa’s rights by renewing or joining IFC today.

Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.

Dave Funk
Member, Board of Directors
Iowa Firearms Coalition