NRA CEO Doug Hamlin calls out Governor Walz as an opportunist on 2A.  Hamlin has called out Vice President wannabe Tim Walz in a recent Washington Times opinion letter published on August 15th. In that article, Hamlin issues a scathing rebuke of just what a political opportunist Walz is.

To Quote Hamlin:

In a political landscape full of dishonesty, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz has distinguished himself as an egregious political opportunist when it comes to gun rights.


“A camouflage hat and some hunting pictures cannot hide the fact that Mr. Walz’s policies would eviscerate our Second Amendment rights. His actions betray the principles he once claimed to uphold. In their introductory political rally, Mr. Walz and Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, made it clear that they plan to continue their assault on the Second Amendment. Mr. Walz’s hypocrisy and extremism are a danger to our fundamental freedoms.

When running for Congress in a rural southern Minnesota district, Mr. Walz
touted his support for the right to bear arms and its importance in personal protection. At the time, his stance earned him positive marks from the National Rifle Association’s Political Victory Fund. Mr. Walz’s record included votes against an assault weapons ban and support for concealed carry in national parks.”

In Hamlin’s closing statement:

We must not allow our rights to be stripped away by politicians who flip-flop on our freedoms to suit their ambitions. We must remain vigilant and vocal, ensuring that the Second Amendment is upheld and our rights are preserved for future generations. Tim Walz’s betrayal is a call to action for all freedom-loving Americans to defend our constitutional rights with unwavering resolve.

We as 2A advocates need to fight like hell this election season to ensure
“Heels-Up” Harris and valor-stealing Walz
do not get elected
to the White House come November.


Please stay Ready at All Times, and help us defend all of Iowa’s rights by donating to IFC-PAC today. Those small recurring monthly donations of $10, $25, or $100 do make a huge difference in our ability to get the message of freedom out there.

Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.

Dave Funk
Member, Board of Directors
Iowa Firearms Coalition

IFC-PAC Supper with Jeff Struecker (Blackhawk Down)

IFC-PAC Supper with Jeff Struecker (Blackhawk Down)

After you’ve spent 2A Day advocating for the Second Amendment with IFC at the Iowa Capitol, you should buy a ticket to the IFC-PAC Supper with Jeff Struecker.  This is a fundraiser for the IFC-PAC.

Join the Iowa Firearms Coalition for an engaging & personal evening, interacting with Major Jeff StrueckerMaj. Struecker is a retired US Army Ranger with 17 combat deployments & was portrayed in the movie Blackhawk Down, as well as a Chaplain and award-winning author. Don’t miss this unique chance to connect with a true Iowa hero while enjoying some delicious barbecue from Smokey D’s and listening to live music from local artist Tyler Folkerts.




Welcome to the IFC #2A4IA Weekly Roundup. As you may already know, this is my first week as past President of IFC. Going forward, my weekly column will continue, but now it will be all about 2A News, and my opinions, for what they are worth.


After Biden’s total meltdown on the debate stage just a few weeks ago, it didn’t take long for Obama to exert his dominance when he forced Biden off the Democratic ticket for November. Instead, we get their fellow traveler, the most unlikable and incompetent Vice President ever; “Heel’s-up” Harris. 

The professed communists who allegedly are out to “save democracy” by destroying it, showed their card last week. But they clearly don’t care about the fourteen million Democratic Party voters who chose Biden in the rigged primaries. Not to mention that Heels Up has not received a single delegate in either 2020, or 2024. But let’s not let the voters decide, it’s up to Obama, the party apparatus, and the big donors to determine who runs America.

As one of the best researchers on the importance of firearms in civilian hands to curb crime and act as a check on the government’s monopoly on power, Dr. John Lott just wrote in The Federalist:

“During the 2020 presidential campaign, Harris ran to the left of Biden on gun control. While both supported an assault weapons ban, Harris wanted to force gun owners to sell to the government any firearms that she deemed undesirable. Harris went further than Biden in vowing to use executive orders if Congress did not pass the ban. The national gun registry makes this mandatory gun confiscation more doable.


Harris pushed for gun control this week in her first campaign speech as the presumptive Democratic nominee. And she has a long history of pushing for gun control. In early 2008, Harris argued for the constitutionality of gun bans in an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court. She claimed there is no individual right to self-defense.”

Perhaps it’s time to call her Hyena Harris?

Love him or hate him, a vote for President Trump is the only check on Obama getting a fourth term in office, and stopping him from “fundamentally transforming” America as he promised back in 2008. If you don’t vote for freedom, America will become like Venezuela, where the once wealthiest country in South America has suffered an 80% decline in its economy since its population voted in socialism. Now they are going to have to shoot their way out of it. The problem for Venezuelan citizens is that the dictators took their guns away. Don’t let it happen here in America. 

Please stay Ready at All Times, and help us defend all of Iowa’s rights by donating to IFC-PAC today. Those small recurring monthly donations of $10, $25, or $100 do make a huge difference in our ability to get the message of freedom out there.

Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.

Dave Funk
Member, Board of Directors
Iowa Firearms Coalition

Five Seasons Media – A Valuable Journey Into Liberty’s Core

Five Seasons Media – A Valuable Journey Into Liberty’s Core

Five Seasons Media

Five Seasons Media, Josh Scheinblum’s company, reached out to me as early as 2019 in an attempt to discuss marketing and content creation.  As an all-volunteer 2A advocacy group, we get solicited daily to spend money on marketing, usually from businesses that truly don’t like or care for our mission.  This should indicate how much you can expect their wizardry to help your cause.  Very little in most cases, so be careful who you work with and how you spend your precious few dollars…

Oddly, Josh wasn’t so much pushy as dedicated.  He was persevering and challenged me in an email exchange.  It would have been easy to hit the “spam” button and never see another email from him, but I sensed that he genuinely cared about both our work and his.  So, I took a few minutes to push back on him and replied with something snarky about how a marketing agency like his planned to quantify the work product.  We took the conversation to a phone call next, a Zoom meeting after that, and then a sit-down meeting around the big conference room table at Brownells with the core players.

A partnership, far more powerful and impressive than I had ever possibly imagined was spawned.  …And whether they realize it or not, Iowans are forever in Josh’s debt.


“Liberty” lib·​er·​ty (ˈli-bər-tē )

  1. the quality or state of being free
  2. a right or immunity enjoyed by prescription or grant
  3. an action going beyond nor limits

Josh approached the aspects of helping IFC in every sense of these 3 definitions of the word, “liberty.”  He wanted, more than anything, to help IFC pass the Freedom Amendment and give Iowans the option to vote on arguably the very best Right to Keep and Bear Arms constitutional amendment in the United States.  He came armed with a plan to hoist the Freedom Amendment into the history books.  IFC had carried that water for 10 years through many trials and much tribulation and Josh was right there with us on the nature of the 1st two definitions of the word, “liberty.”  Josh sought to help us get the vote over the finish line, which meant he took “liberty” in the 3rd definition to elevate the issue for all to ponder.  He did so at first because we were partners and we were paying him.  However, he and his team of professionals ended up doing so because we came to trust them as family.  The liberties he took went above and beyond the call of duty, servicing our needs quite literally 7 days a week through thick and thin.


Several years beyond our initial meeting, we can peer back in retrospect, with a series of challenges met, competition bested, and a constitutional amendment nearly everyone didn’t think possible ratified by the largest popular vote in Iowa’s history.  I often wonder about the road untraveled.  What if Josh hadn’t been so resolute when contacting me?  What if we’d never partnered with 5 Seasons to guide us through the maze?  Would we have gotten the Freedom Amendment over the finish line with record-breaking numbers?  I just don’t know the answers to all of those questions.  Such is the nature of pondering…  But what I don’t have to ponder is the outcome.  Josh helped IFC in ways nobody can imagine and we probably don’t appreciate enough.  He became a friend and a brother through those years and I’m forever thankful.  I think liberty-loving Iowans should be thankful.

IFC moves forward now with a new social media partner for our social media as our volunteers take on a much-increased role in the daily work.  We all wish Josh and his team the very best, and I have no doubt we’ll work together again on electioneering or projects yet to be designated.  For me, this is hard…  When you get used to talking with someone daily, there is a hole associated with that missing conversation.  But, I know the 5 Seasons Media company is hugely successful and they’ll fill their hours with content creation, marketing strategy, and engagement tactics for their clients.  They are a top performer in those categories and not slowing down.

Our collaboration together was the right choice at the right time and Liberty was offered to all.  As IFC closes this chapter of the book, we thank you, Josh, and every single person at the 5 Seasons Media company for your tireless work and support.  We offer a special thank you to the spouses of the company personnel…  Without their support, the folks who serviced our needs, day in and day out, couldn’t do the job.  That isn’t lost on the many folks at IFC, as we too do our work with tremendous support at home.  We owe you a debt of gratitude, if not far more.

In Libertatem,

Michael Ware
IFC Board

This guy… THIS is the guy—–>