Rep Steve Holt’s 10th Annual Sweet Freedom Celebration: “Freedom is on the Ballot”
IFC will be present to address the crowd about the Freedom Amendment and work with our ally, Representative Steve Holt, on his 10th Annual Sweet Freedom Celebration: “Freedom is on the Ballot”
- Governor Reynolds, Rep. Matt Windschitl, Sen. Jason Schultz, candidate for Attorney General, Brenna Bird and other candidates
- 5:30 to 7:30pm at Holstein Country Club, 400 Kofmehl Dr, Holstein, IA 51025
- https://www.facebook.com/events/587397439463726
The Sept. 15 SWEET FREEDOM CELEBRATION LINE-UP in Holstein is confirmed: Governor Kim Reynolds, Rep. Steve Holt, Iowa House of Representatives, @Senator Jason Schultz, Speaker Pat Grassley, House Majority Leader Matt Windschitl, Brenna Bird for Attorney General, Treasurer Candidate Roby Smith. $25 per person or sponsorships are available. Call 712-369-1863 to reserve your spot. RSVP by Sept. 9 is appreciated to plan for food but not required. Enjoy SUPPER and SWEETS, including homemade desserts. Carrie Beth Stoelting and Stacie Ruth Stoelting Hudzinski will perform! Doors open at 5:00 PM. Hosted by Ida County, Iowa GOP and Steve Holt, Iowa House of Representatives campaign. Holstein Country Club 10th Annual Sweet Freedom Celebration: Freedom is on the Ballot
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