Demand Full Second Amendment Rights for Iowa’s Young Adults

Demand Full Second Amendment Rights for Iowa’s Young Adults

Demand Full Second Amendment Rights for Iowa’s Young Adults

Fact: Iowa significantly restricts the right to keep and bear pistols and revolvers for (most) adults aged 18 to 20.

Fact: Both the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (Bill of Rights, 1791) and Section 1A of the Iowa Constitution (Freedom Amendment, 2022), guarantee the right shall not be infringed upon (hindered or destroyed) by government.

Question: Are Iowa’s current weapons laws restricting adults aged 18 to 20 unconstitutional?

In the case of New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen (2022), the Supreme Court of the United States definitively ruled that the Second Amendment protects the right of the people to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home.

Furthermore, the decision clarified that all inferior courts must use the methodology the Supreme Court employed in Heller v. D.C. (2008) for challenges brought under the Second Amendment. That is,

  • Step One: Determine if the conduct regulated by the law is covered by the Second Amendment’s plain text. If the conduct is covered, then the challenged regulation is presumed to be unconstitutional and the burden shifts to the government:
  • Step Two: The government may only justify its regulation by demonstrating that it is consistent with the Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation. This means the government must show that the regulation is analogous to historical laws that were common at the time of the Founding or shortly thereafter.

It is obvious that laws restricting the possession or carrying of pistol and revolvers – such as Iowa Code 724.8 and 724.22 – do involve conduct covered by the text (“keep and bear”) of the Second Amendment. It is also apparent that persons aged 18-20 are members of “the people” to whom those rights are guaranteed. Therefore, Iowa’s relevant laws must be presumed to be unconstitutional. The burden is thus on the government to rebut the presumption by showing that the laws are not infringements because they are the same as or appropriately analogous to regulations dating to the founding era. (If a law restricting the right to keep and bears arms was commonplace at the time of the adoption of the Second Amendment, it could not have been considered an infringement by those who drafted and adopted the amendment. There were few, if any, such laws.)

Iowa will be unable to justify the current restrictions, in that there were no comparable laws in the relevant time period of American history. In fact, the Militia Act of 1792 compelled males aged 18-44 to be enrolled in the militia and to bring their privately obtained firearms with them when mustered. Both Iowa and federal law consider persons to be adults upon reaching age 18. Iowans aged 18 to 20 can marry, enter into contracts, enlist in the military, be employed as sworn law enforcement officers, etc. There can be no constitutional or moral justification for denying this group of adults full access to fundamental rights necessary to defend themselves, their families, and their communities.

Yet Iowa is one of only ten states, plus the District of Columbia, that enforce a minimum age for handgun possession that is more strict than federal law, which is 18 years.

It is well past time that Iowa legislators must fully recognize these fundamental rights of young Iowa adults. This is especially true because a quirk in current Iowa law actually allows young adults visiting or moving here from other states to fully exercise their 2A rights, while denying that ability to native Iowans. You see, Iowa law does not actually prohibit persons aged 18 to 10 from possessing handguns. Instead, it makes it a crime for “any person” to “make available” a handgun or handgun ammunition to any person under the age of 21, with certain limited exceptions. So, a young adult who obtained a handgun while living in another state may possess and carry it while visiting or living in Iowa.

IFC will be vigorously pursuing the repeal of these unconstitutional statutes in the current legislative session. Watch for IFC updates and action alerts on this issue and then contact your legislators to urge their support.


The following 18 states permit individuals under the age of 21 to carry a concealed firearm:

Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota1, Mississippi, Missouri2, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, South Dakota, Tennessee3, Texas4, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia

These 18 states allow individuals under the age of 21 to obtain a permit to carry weapons or allow constitutional carry without a permit for this age group. In addition, Oklahoma allows 18-year-olds in the military to carry concealed without a permit.


  1. Minnesota (By order of federal district court and the Eight Circuit Court of Appeals, both of which ruled that Minnesota’s law prohibiting permits to adults aged 18-20 is unconstitutional.)
  2. Missouri (Allows 19-year-olds to carry concealed without a permit, with exceptions for 18-year-olds in the military.)
  3. Tennessee (By consent with a court ruling that the law prohibiting issuance of permits to persons 18-20 is unconstitutional.)
  4. Texas (Federal district and the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals have enjoined Texas from enforcing current Texas laws restricting the right to bear arms of persons aged 18-10.)

It must be noted that in addition to the court cases referred to above, there are several other such age-related cases moving through the federal court system. Significant cases in PA and FL appear to be near resolution. It is likely that the Supreme Court will consider such a case this year or next. It seems almost certain that SCOTUS will fully affirm the 2A rights of young adults.

States with Stricter Minimum Age Requirements for Possession of Handguns than Federal Law

Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Washington, and the District of Columbia impose minimum age requirements for the possession of handguns which are stricter than the federal minimum of 18.

The text of Section 1A of the Iowa Constitution reads:

“The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The sovereign state of Iowa affirms and recognizes this right to be a fundamental individual right. Any and all restrictions of this right shall be subject to strict scrutiny.”

The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution states:

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

IFC Legislative Agenda for the Great State of Iowa

IFC Legislative Agenda for the Great State of Iowa

IFC Legislative Agenda for the Great State of Iowa includes the following and more to come:

Safer Families Act (provisions of HF654 – passed by the House on April 12, 2023)

  • Intended to eliminate most of the few remaining “No Guns Zones” in Iowa law
    • Repeals ban on firearms and ammunition in
      • Vehicles on the grounds of correctional facilities
      • Vehicles in publicly accessible parking lots operated by state or local government
      • Vehicles transporting foster children
      • School vehicles transporting pupils (authorized armed staff only)
    • Allows for permit holders to have a concealed handgun in their vehicle when dropping off or picking up at a school
    • Prohibits state universities and community colleges from banning lawfully possessed weapons in vehicles on their grounds
    • Repeals the ban on firearms in state-licensed gambling facilities
    • Repeals the statutes on “manner of conveyance” of long guns in vehicles
    • Provides for firearm safety Instruction in schools
    • Provides necessary clean-up of some language in Iowa Code 724 in the wake of the 2021 adoption of permitless carry of weapons

Full 2A Rights for Young Adults

IFC will again seek to remove statutory restrictions on handguns affecting young adults aged 18-20.

2A/4A Protection in Private Parking Lots

IFC will again seek to pass legislation prohibiting employers from disciplining or firing employees who lawfully possess weapons or ammunition in their vehicles on employer-provided parking areas.

Gadsden Flag License Plate to Fund 2A Education and Training

IFC will seek to create an Iowa Gadsden Flag license plate, with funds devoted to 2A education and training, with first priority to IFC or similar groups

Require Iowa Government Agencies to Auction Seized Firearms

IFC will seek to require public disposition of seized firearms, rather than have them all go to the state’s crime lab or be destroyed.

Remove Conservation Officers’ Authority for Warrantless Searches

Investigations on private property must honor Fourth Amendment rights by requiring probable cause, permission or a warrant.

Additionally, there are items in the code that need to be removed and the code streamlined.  Things like “724.29 Firearm devices. A person who sells or offers for sale a manual or power-driven trigger activating device constructed and designed so that when attached to a firearm increases the rate of fire of the firearm is guilty of an aggravated misdemeanor. 90 Acts, ch 1147, §1” aren’t relevant, weren’t well constructed at the time, and should cease being in code.  To quote my dear friend, Richard Rogers:

“The state has no constitutional or moral authority to regulate the weapons that the people may possess or carry. The law’s proper purpose is to restrain or punish actual bad (criminal) behavior. The Supreme Court has now repeatedly affirmed that Second Amendment rights are fundamental, not second class, rights. A new resolve to strike down government overreach is spreading across the nation and the world. Iowa’s legislators need to take this opportunity and amend or repeal our state’s laws accordingly.”


-Richard Rogers – Iowa Firearms Coalition Board Member, Chief Lobbyist, and NRA Distinguished Advocate Award Winner

We thank you.

In Libertatem,

Michael Ware

Protecting the Flock – Ed Monk in Newton, IA – March 18th 2025

Protecting the Flock – Ed Monk in Newton, IA – March 18th 2025

Protecting the Flock…  Join IFC and Cornerstone Bible Fellowship in Newton for an eye-opening 2-hour presentation by Ed Monk exploring why churches, schools, and businesses continue to fail in making active shooter plans.  This could be the most important perspective on the subject of stopping terror in your presence you ever considered.  Join us.

Date:  March 18th, 2025
Location:  Cornerstone Bible Fellowship – Newton IA
Time:  6:00 to 8:30 (30-minute break in the middle with food/drink purchases available from the church’s youth group)
Cost:  FREE (donations suggested to cover Ed’s travel, lodging, and fees, with the balance being given to the church)
Please RSVP BELOW – Seating is limited to 250

IFC encourages members of law enforcement, church or school security teams, armed civilians, and anyone interested in mitigating the threat of active killers to attend this science-based presentation.

Ed Monk

About Ed Monk:  Ed Monk grew up shooting firearms of all types from the time he was 5 years old. After going through West Point, he served as a U.S. Army Officer for 20 years retiring as a Lt. Colonel and Battalion Commander in 2007. Since retiring from the military, Ed has continued in Law Enforcement but also picked up a very specific training focus along the way.

Ed became very interested in the study of active shooters and how to best stop them some years ago. After retiring, Ed sought out advanced levels of personal professional development by becoming a Rangemaster certified instructor (master level) for handguns, certified by ALERRT as a CRASE instructor and by Response Options (which became ALICE) as an instructor for Solo Officer Response to Active Killers.

From his lifetime of momentum of protection, came his laser focus on understanding and countering the active shooter threat. Ed began to see there was very little specific attention given towards training based on how to counter that threat in a realistic, logical way that saves the most lives.