In today’s Warrior Wednesday, John McLaughlin continues his discussion from last week on less than lethal self-defense, including Tasers, Stun Guns, Collapsible Batons, and Pepper Spray. John’s opinions on defensive tools are his own and do not imply an endorsement for any particular brand or method by the Iowa Firearms Coalition. We encourage all law-abiding Iowans to take not just firearms training but engage in classwork covering less than lethal options, managing unknown contacts, and verbal de-escalation. Today’s video includes actual footage of law enforcement defensive encounters where lethal force was required after non-lethal options failed.
“The fourth little pig’s house was made of wolf skulls. They aren’t very sturdy, but they send a message.”
I searched and searched to find original accreditation for this but never produced anything. I”m told it is a meme rather than an artist’s cartoon. Either way, I happened across this meme the other day and started laughing out loud. My daughter, 12, wanted to see what all the hubbub was about, so I let her look at it. She smiled and I went about my business. Later it donned on me that I hadn’t sought or offered any context for this image, so I asked her what it meant to her. “Don’t mess with the pig…” I thought her answer was a solid one.
But there is deeper yet much to consider. We know the story of the 3 little pigs. There truly is a lot going on there. The narrative builds in most recited versions of the story, and the pigs triumph over the wolf. They needed quick thinking, did they not? Their early attempts weren’t successful. The wolf was persistent. The pigs weren’t initially prepared but got that way over time. There is plenty more, but you understand the basics of the cautionary tale.
The story of the 3 little pigs does, in fact, offer a nice fable to for children. But I’ll admit freely the adult idea of a warning sign to the predatory wolf in the view of the 4th pig appeals to my nature. If you pay attention at all in the world you see people, and sometimes even properties, that scream “don’t mess with me” and what do your senses do? They alert you to this situation and when you’re wise you take heed.
As a parent to children I’m teaching and training up, I think about their preparedness and mental acuity all the time. I often go through with my daughter Cooper’s Color Code for self-defense awareness and we watch people together. I’m training her, and eventually my son, to pay attention to others and what ‘state’ they’re in. This will manifest itself with her becoming situationally aware and not with her eyes glued to her smartphone. I believe I can eventually quantify for you this will aid her in being a far less likely victim and quite possibly proving to be a person who comes to the aid of others. Those things can’t happen ordinarily if we don’t pay attention to our surroundings.
I’m not sure if I want my kids to scream “don’t mess with me” with something as outward as a home built of skulls, a moat full of sharks, or a fence adorn with concertina wire. But… I DO want them to be seen as people who are paying strict attention to all that surrounds them. That, in and of itself, should be enough to do two important things. One, it’ll tell any attacker or predator this prey isn’t going to allow a blind attack, which almost always sends the predator elsewhere. And, two, it will build self-confidence and all the character traits that often accompany it. …And that’s the direction we should be going as Americans.
Kudos to the Fourth Pig. As for the Wolf? A vegan lifestyle is your best bet, pal… Your shenanigans won’t be tolerated here.
IFC Chair John McLaughlin says if your pepper spray is more than a year or two old, throw it away! Even though most pepper sprays have a shelf life of up to four years, real-life testing shows you don’t want to stake your life on an aging product. The propellant evaporates and valves can start to go bad in just 24 months. McLaughlin is a certified OC/Pepper spray instructor through Agile Training and Consulting.
Canadian firearms instructor Bill Scott let’s IFC members know that Canada should serve as an example of why you don’t let politicians gradually strip away your civil rights. Scott, who owns Chinook Shooting in Alberta, takes IFC Chair John McLaughlin through the lengthy process of being eligible to buy a firearm in Canada, and explains why using a firearm to defend your life comes with many more risks than in the U.S. Scott says Iowans need to “dig in” and defend your rights. Under Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, gun buyback programs are being pushed, but new pro-freedom groups are being formed to push back against government overreach using the courts in Canada.
WW for this week: John introduces us to Bill Grammer, Criminal Defense Attorney with Firearms Legal Protection, and discusses why having a legal plan goes hand in hand with your self-defense plan. Attorney Grammer will be joining IFC at the Iowa Capitol 2/24 from 2-4pm to personally meet IFC members and answer their second amendment legal questions.
FLP: Firearms Legal Protection provides uncapped legal defense coverage for its members who legally use a weapon in self-defense or defense of others. Firearms Legal Protection is a legal service plan that provides its members with peace of mind that they can protect themselves and their loved ones.
Just of Bill Grammer’s biography:
Admitted to the bar of:
The State of South Carolina
U.S. Federal District Court for the District of South Carolina
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
American Bar Association
South Carolina Bar
South Carolina Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
Horry County Bar Association
American Association for Justice
National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
National College for DUI Defense
Myrtle Beach Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers – Founding Member
National Rifle Association – Life Member
South Carolina State Constable Alliance
Southern States Police Benevolent Association
S.C. Concealed Weapons Instructors Association
Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
South Carolina State Constable’s Alliance
American Radio Relay League (ARRL)
Former Adjunct Professor at Horry-Georgetown Technical College
South Carolina Concealable Weapons Course Instructor
NRA Law Enforcement and Civilian Firearms Instructor
South Carolina State Constable’s, Legal Course Instructor
Sport aviation
SCUBA diving
HAM radio, Amateur Extra class (KW4W)
Motorcycling – Sport and Touring
PBA Critical Incident Attorney
USCCA Critical Incident Attorney
ARRL Volunteer Counsel
Former Law enforcement officer. Over a decade of service, assignments include:
Patrol Officer
Narcotics Investigator
Undercover Narcotics Investigator
K-9 Handler and Trainer of Narcotics and Patrol Canines
Aerial Narcotics interdiction
Police Instructor
Patrol Shift Lieutenant
Patrol Division and Communications Division Commander
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