There are three kinds of folks when it comes to the subject of the Second Amendment.  Two of the three kinds have guts.  The first two will tell you where they are on the issue and end a short sentence about it with a distinct period.  Here is what you can expect:

“I 100% support the Second Amendment.”

The other of the first two can be heard saying something like this:

“I think we should repeal the Second Amendment.”

Both of the first two know where they stand and offer their beliefs with conviction.  Of course, the handful that wishes to see your fundamental human right revoked are crazy in the head.  But, at least they have the strength and dare I say, integrity, to offer you what they truly believe.

The 3rd category you ask?  Well, they’re the devious ones and the kinds of folks that can never be trusted with your civil liberties, your money, or the keys to your car.  They’ll knife you in the back if they can do it with a low likelihood of being caught.  They offer you what you want to hear, but then add some sort of qualifier to appease the other side of the argument.  They seek to please almost all people and don’t actually have ethical convictions.  In truth, they’re morally flexible and they prove it to you by saying something like:

I support the Second Amendment, BUT…”

When they foray immediately away from 100% support for a basic human right and regale you with stories of hunting ducks as a pup or growing up on the farm with a shotgun over the mantle, they’re trying to pull the wool over your eyes.  Then they segue, ever-so-smoothly, into “common sense” gun control all while using propaganda words and phrases to shame you into something you don’t deserve.  If someone running for office truly believes you should be punished for things you haven’t ever done, your ownership curtailed of a weapon, whether that weapon is a pen and paper or a firearm, they’re signaling to you they don’t trust you and never will.

Why on earth would you trust them or vote to place them in a position of authority over you?  The person I’m describing is embodied in Cindy Axne.  Do not reelect this person.  Zach Nunn isn’t afraid of the issues and is solid as the rock of Gibraltar in his convictions.

Zach Nunn supports Iowa’s Freedom Amendment.  Turn your ballot over and VOTE YES for Iowa’s Right to Keep and Bear Arms Amendment!  We’re thankful for his continuing support.  THANK YOU!

To learn more about Senator Nunn, go HERE.  I don’t know why Cindy Axne distrusts the overwhelming majority of her constituents, but this is the mindset of criminals and barbarians – don’t elect criminals and barbarians.  Support the people who support you!  In case there is any doubt, take a peek at this video interview with Zach Nunn:


Cindy Axne prefers BANS: