Laws for Me But Not for Thee

The Cat's Away (again) so the mice will play!

Once again, “the Cat’s away, so the mice will play!”  Our illustrious President, Dave Funk is burning the candle at both ends working at the Iowa State Fair these days, so I’m on tap for this week’s President’s Message.  You’re going to get a veritable stew, if you will — there’s a lot going down these days.

Laws for me but not for thee!  Can you think of a current case where this applies?  (Can you think of one where it Does NOT Apply?!)

First, in today’s news, Hunter Biden’s attorneys are arguing that the sweet diversion deal on the gun charge (you know, the one that DOESN’T send him to jail?), yeah…Anyway, his attorneys are arguing that even though the entire plea deal fell apart in court under the judge’s scrutiny in late July, the deal on the gun charge is separate and still binding.  Really?

Specifically, a Fox News article reports:

Hunter Biden’s legal team said in a Sunday court filing that federal prosecutors reneged on a plea deal reached by both parties in June, and an agreement reached on a felony gun charge against the president’s son still stands.

The article goes on to report:

The filing says “the Defendant intends to abide by the terms of the Diversion Agreement that was executed at the July 26 hearing”…

Of course, this filing came two days after Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed David Weiss as special counsel to lead investigations into Hunter Biden.  This is the same U.S. Attorney for Delaware who led a very slow and lax prosecution into the tax and gun charges eventually levied against Hunter Biden and who crafted the original “sweetheart deal” on both that came apart in court last month.  (Funny, I seem to recall that when the judge clarified with the prosecutors that immunity from additional crimes would not apply to Hunter, HIS attorneys declared – in court – that the entire agreement was “null and void”).  Here is a link to the full article, if you care to read it: Hunter Biden’s Attorneys Argue Gun Deal Still Stands

Growing up as a military brat, I learned ALL the acronyms — including RHIP (Rank Has Its Privileges)!  Indeed.

Nothing to see here folks.  Moving on…

School Districts Arming Staff & Employing More Security

In the aftermath of Uvalde, Texas conservative lawmakers have been pushing for more teachers to be armed.  Although many teachers have voiced opposition, “the strategy is catching on with more and more isolated school districts, like Harrold, where the nearest officer is miles away”.    In this article (now over one-year-old), Harrold Independent School District Arms Half of its Staff, this very remote small rural school district on the Texas/Oklahoma border has armed fully one-half of its staff to thwart any would-be active shooter threats.  Cody Patton, Superintendent of Harrold Schools, says:

I have two daughters in this school…But basically every kid who walks in that door is my child, and I’m responsible for their safety and make sure they get home to mom and dad at the end of the day.  So we want to give our employees whatever they need to protect our kids.

    So how does the general public feel about this idea?  In this 26-minute YouTube video from Bearing Arms, Cam & Co. Research Shows Armed Teachers Save Lives, Cam interviews Dr. J. Eric Dietz with the Homeland Security Institute at Purdue University about effective measures to save lives.  Dr. Dietz says that “so much of what’s going on, isn’t accomplishing that”.  Dr. Dietz says that, based on their research, an on-site school resource officer who responds without delay can reduce casualties by about 70%, but stated that when you add just 5% of teachers with concealed carry, you can have even better casualty reductions.  He went on to say that if armed teachers were focused on just protecting the kids in their classrooms, they could further reduce casualties by another 5-10%.  The video also discusses the reality of police response time, saying in most places in the country it ranges between 5-10 minutes, and sometimes more.

Public attitudes toward this idea are changing:  A poll by the Trafalgar group polled 1,091 general election voters and found that 57.2% of the respondents said they felt a school shooting situation would be more dangerous without armed teachers.  The video is worth listening to and the link is above.

Meanwhile, here in Iowa…IFC Educators Academy Begins!

     IFC is launching its first-ever Educator Academy beginning this morning.  For the next three days, selected scholarship applicants — all of whom are employed by an Iowa school — will be getting intensive training on Active Shooter Response.  The premier trainers (Lt. Col. Ed Monk (U.S. Army Ret.) & owner Last Resort Firearms Training) and Adam Winch (Former Law Enforcement and Military Policy Officer with duties including SWAT, Quick Reaction Team, and trainer for Colorado National Guard) and John McLaughlin (Chair of Iowa Firearms Coalition, Active Self Protection and NRA certified firearms trainer) will review the statistics and realities of active shooter events, discuss in-depth what works (and what doesn’t) to counter an active shooter, put the participants through the paces with safe gun handling, dry fire practice, drawing from concealment and then on to live fire drills, then timed live fire drills.  Participants must shoot qualifying scores to pass.  In addition, there is a trauma medicine segment.  This is not for the faint-hearted and I guarantee you the participants will be bone tired when this event concludes.  Stay tuned next week for a recap!

Guess I better close.  Dave will never turn me loose again! 🙂

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Second Amendment Matters.