Biden To Israel: Do Not Arm Your Citizens

President Biden just told Israel to not arm their citizens, or else! Amazingly–after the October 7th attacks in Israel, when Israel is implementing a de facto Second Amendment by distributing rifles to its citizens. It was just about eighty weeks ago when the Ukrainians did the same thing after the Russians invaded their country.

As reported by Olivia Murry over at the American Thinker;

“On Saturday, Israeli outlet Haaretz reported that National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir had been pictured handing out rifles to the nation’s citizens and “community security squads” located throughout the kibbutzim—the episode created a “diplomatic incident” which manifested a threat from Joe Biden and his abettors to end “arms shipments” to the country. From the article:


The U.S. administration told Israel that it would not supply the country with arms if they are used to arm civilians, and if they are to be distributed at political events. The administration also threatened to halt an order of some 20,000 rifles purchased by the National Security Ministry from American suppliers.


The U.S. announcement shocked Israel’s defense establishment. In light of a considerable rifle shortage, resolving the crisis involved both political and judicial officials.”

Please go read Olivia Murry’s piece that is hyperlinked above. She spells things out in context far better than I can summarize here.

Founding Fathers Placed Deliberate
Limitations on Government

James Madison explained in Federalist Paper #46 the necessity of the government not having a monopoly on power. As I said a few weeks ago, of all the things that the Founders wrote about in the first ten amendments to our Bill of Rights, the second most important thing after being safe in your religious beliefs, thoughts, and speech was that every person should have a gun!

After years of seeing photos of young Israelis walking around with rifles or submachine guns hanging from their bodies, we Americans assumed that most of the population was armed. That turns out not to be the case at all. One thing dictators and globalists all fear is an armed population. Israel paid a price in lives because their citizens are mostly disarmed. 

Clearly, a majority of our friends in Israel now see the need for an armed population that is Ready at All Times, and not just a few military members or the police.

I look forward to meeting each and every one of you at IFC 2A Day the morning of January 18, 2024, and hopefully you can join us for the IFC PAC Dinner that Evening.

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Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.

Dave Funk
President, IFC