Brenna Bird – Iowa’s Attorney General speaking with our partners at NSSF.  Listen to this patriot speak and if you don’t have an Attorney General in your state like this, find one, and elevate them to office!  I’ll bet you wished Brenna Bird was your state AG!

AG Bird has been a tireless supporter of the Second Amendment and one of the few who has continued to follow through on campaign promises.  Too many others find reasons or excuses that preclude them from actually doing the things they told the 2A community they wanted to do.  Nobody here is foreign to the concept of a campaign promise, but we are sensitive to the retreat from the continual push and protection the Second Amendment requires.  Put your passion, your activism, and your hard-earned money behind folks who continually and tirelessly work to ADVANCE and PROTECT your civil liberties.

How many elected officials give specific recognition to the 2A community for their support?  You’ll want to pay special attention @7:40!

This video was recorded at the NSSF SHOT Show this year.  Pay close attention to what is being said and the core grasp AG Bird has on the problems.  Too few do.  Even fewer act on it.

(The featured image is from the 2A Day IFC holds at the Iowa Capitol each year.  AG Bird was a speaker at our event and took a quick picture with Gabby Franco, our featured speaker.)