What bills has IFC helped to kill so far this legislative session you ask? Here’s the shortlist:

  • HF2297 – Gun confiscation (“Red Flag”) bill
  • HF2129 – Money for a study on “Prevention of Weapons Violence”
  • HF488 – State registration requirement for personally made Firearms and “unfinished frames and receivers”
  • SF2085 – Required private transfers of pistols and revolvers to go through FFLs and NICS
  • SF2080 – Ban on standard capacity magazines
  • SF2253 – Would have created a “Mental Health Firearm Safety Fund”

This is just a sprinkling of what the anti-gun Dangerous Quacks on the left have introduced this session, reminding people that the other side is continually trying this stuff — and we’re continually working to stop it. The anti-gun Dangerous Quacks also forgot to read the Iowa Constitution and its newest Amendment: #49 – The Freedom Amendment, which prohibits any of the proposals outlined above. That Amendment would not have happened if it were not for the combined efforts of IFC, our members, and ultimately over 65% of Iowa voters. 

Students First Safety Act update

IFC is hard at work trying to bring some urgency and economic reality improvements to the Students First Safety Act, Iowa HSB 675. Although its introduction is a step in the right direction, Iowa does not need another government empire-building program, which will take years to implement, to create an armed defense for all Iowa schools.  Instead, as you know, Time and Math mandate an immediate response to an armed attacker to minimize the casualties.

Brownells’ National 2A Day — 2/22/2024!

National 2A Day is coming up rapidly and Iowa’s own Brownells.com/2ADay is not just hosting events around the country, but is donating 4% of all sales the week of February 20-25th to several organizations, including IFC!

There are lots of sponsors to National 2A Day, make sure you support them and IFC this whole week.  Check out our new video interview with Cody Hinton of Brownells about this event!

Help us defend all of Iowa’s rights by joining or renewing your IFC membership here today. And please stay Ready at All Times

Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.

Dave Funk
Iowa Firearms Coalition