NRA is running a limited-time offer for just $18.71! I’ll give you three guesses of the significance of 1871, and the first two don’t count. 😉 Looks like you’ve got less than a month to enjoy a discount on your annual membership. HERE is the offer if you wish to download it.
As NRA’s only state association in Iowa, IFC is pleased to be able to continually partner with them. Come back and join!
IFC Warrior Wednesday EP93 – Peter Churchbourne with NRA Hunter Education – Did you know the cream of the crop in FREE interactive hunter education is provided by NRA? Did you know Iowa DNR doesn’t recognize it and instead forces you to buy this training for $49.95? Did you know Iowa DNR will accept NRA Hunter Education from citizens in other states? Did you know Iowa DNR could apply for funding to bolster hunters into the outdoors by simply applying for them if they used the NRA Hunter Ed? There’s more… Peter Churchbourne joins us from NRA to take a deep dive into what they’ve done across the nation. DOGE isn’t the only entity that can fish out waste and bureaucracy.
This is what IA DNR forces on you today:
And this is the possibility before you from NRA:
The FREE NRA Online Hunter Education Course (NRAHE.ORG) is 100% certified by the US National governing body of hunter education (IHEA) to certify students in all 50 states and all US Tribal lands.
It is up to the state fish and wildlife department (IA DNR) to allow its use per state. The decision is usually made by the state hunter education coordinator.
The NRA course is 100% free to everyone. The student and the state both get everything for free. NRA has invested over $4,000,000 from the NRA Foundation to produce this best-in-class, fully interactive course for Americans. The average state integration is $25,000, which the NRA pays for.
We have full-time support staff that help students with issues. Seven days a week.
The NRA course is the ONLY course that offers Pittman-Robertson match credit for EVERY STUDENT. This means the state fish and wildlife department (IA DNR) gets money for every student who takes the course. Oklahoma gets, on average, $800,000 a year for using our course, and it costs them nothing. If IA DNR wanted something additional, like a field day, NRA certifies the number of online completions, which the state can use for matching dollars from the Pittman-Robertson annual funding.
The NRA does NOT use the collected student names for marketing. There is ZERO gain for the NRA Foundation or the NRA for this offering. We allow the states to draw up a contract if they so choose.
Since 2017, we have certified over 250,000 students, and no state wildlife agency has ever removed our course from its offerings.
NRA DOES NOT ask for exclusivity. If the state agency wants to offer another course that people pay for, they are welcome. We believe Americans should have a choice: our course is better than the other paid offerings, and it is free.
There are no gimmicks, no games, just free incredible hunter education.
Take a deep and informative dive into this and decide for yourself what should be done after watching this video exclusive with IFC:
In Libertatem,
Michael Ware – IFC Board
The images above originated from the IA DNR’s current Hunter Ed provider.
13 States Ban Machine Guns in America, INCLUDING IOWA – Why doesn’t Iowa legalize machine guns when they’re federally legalized? Doesn’t that strike you as odd? Why are these still banned in a state with the motto: Our Liberties We Prize and Our Rights We Will Maintain?
That’s right. Even though federal regulation makes ownership possible nationwide, Iowa joins the following states in banning machine guns by categorizing them as “offensive weapons” in Iowa code: CA, CO, DE, HI, IL, LA, MA, MN, NJ, NY, RI, & WI. Take a look at that gaggle of despot-laden oppressive states. Most of them make your nose hair curl when you consider just how wretched they treat their citizens. And Iowa is joining them in disarming you. Did you ever think you’d enjoy the kind of tyranny Californians and New Yorkers suffer under daily? If you like to ignore Supreme Court decisions like Bruen, you’re probably feeling pretty content right now. But, if you’re liberty-minded, then you know that Iowa has it 100% wrong to ban something from you that is federally legal, especially in the realm of the Second Amendment.
Again, this year, we had support for this in the Iowa Legislature, but unfortunately, not enough to get a bill number assigned. Here is the draft:
Many of you remember IFC’s over-a-decade-long push to add the Right to Keep and Bear Arms to our state’s constitution – known as the Freedom Amendment. While reading Iowa Speaker Pro Tem John Wills‘ update from the statehouse, I asked him if he’d be willing to publish it here as a guest blog. So, here you go:
Last week, I started out my newsletter with the first right in the Iowa Constitutions, Bill of Rights. I got a lot of comments. A few were, “I didn’t know Iowa had a Bill of Rights” or “The first Right in the Iowa Bill of Rights is pretty inclusive”. So, I thought, why not continue to discuss our State’s Bill of Rights.
This is a good time to tell you how our State Constitution can be amended. An amendment starts out in both the House and the Senate of the Iowa Legislature who passes a Resolution in two general sessions. The Iowa Legislature functions on a two-year general session and so a resolution must be passed during one General Session and then passed again in a second General Session. This process takes a minimum of 3 years and many times a full 4 years. When passed the second time the proposed amendment is placed on the next general election ballot, which could be 1 or 2 years later, for the qualified voters in the State to weigh in on the measure. The process is tough as it should be because changing or modifying our Constitution should not be taken lightly.
Recently, voters in Iowa added a new right to the Bill of Rights following the Amendment Process I described above. That Amendment is Section 1A the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The sovereign state of Iowa affirms and recognizes this right to be a fundamental individual right. Any and all restrictions of this right shall be subject to strict scrutiny.
This amendment was added to make Iowa like other States and the Federal government in having this right in the Bill of Rights. By adding this right to the Iowa Bill of Rights we now have a “Second Amendment” to our State Constitution and are protecting the right to own and bear arms in this state and our Right to Keep and Bear Arms is protected to the highest level in our state law.
The Iowa Bill of Rights, has a broad 1st right that says you have the right to happiness and several other things but in Iowa the Right to Bear Arms is the second right that we are given. Just as in the U.S. Bill of Rights, the Iowa Bill of Rights takes away the rights of the Government and gives them to you, the people. In the Iowa Bill of Rights we see some really interesting rights that as we go more into discussion of the Iowa Bill of Rights you will see a theme of a broad sense of our founding fathers wanting to protect Iowans rights and to have a free-standing public.
After the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, is the 2nd right in the Bill of Rights, which is Political Power. In Section 2 of the Iowa Bill of Rights it specifically states: “All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for the protection, security, and benefit of the people, and they have the right, at all times, to alter or reform the same, whenever the public good may require it.”
What a great segway from the first 2 rights in the Iowa Bill of Rights. With the first Right stating that we are all free and equal in our State and you have the right to keep and bear arms, but that all power, political in nature is held by the people. To me these first few rights in the Iowa Bill of Rights is masterful in telling each resident of the State that you are worthy, you have rights, and you are in control of this state.
What the Political Power right in the Iowa Bill of Rights says to me is there are reasons for the state government to exist but that the people have the right to change that when needed. There are several ways for the public to do that but mainly that is done through representation through the Iowa House and Senate. As we go through the Iowa Bill of Rights, I hope that you find this foundational knowledge to be something near and dear to you. The rights that we will talk about over the next few weeks are what makes Iowa such a great place to live and makes Iowa’s government such a responsive body.
Dr Timothy Wheeler joins IFC today to raise an important health note. Suppressors are preventative medicine! I was reading an article in one of my many NRA magazines, America’s 1st Freedom, titled “Suppressors Are Preventative Medicine,” and the NRA helped link us up for this recording.
Dr Wheeler is a retired ear, nose, and throat surgeon and the past director of Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership. Listen in as we tackle suppressor ownership and legality from a different angle.
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