IFC Strongly Condemns the Attack on Perry High School

IFC Strongly Condemns the Attack on Perry High School

John McLaughlin, IFC Chair

(MOVILLE, Iowa) — The Iowa Firearms Coalition (IFC) strongly condemns Thursday morning’s attack at Perry High School.

“Our prayers are with the Perry community following this morning’s act of evil. Iowa must, finally, harden soft-targets and empower school staff who love their children enough to protect them to do so. Signs don’t stop evil, good people do,” said IFC President, Dave Funk.

IFC has offered free active-shooter training to Iowa educators and school staff, most recently at the IFC Educators Academy this past August in Johnston. The intensive three-day training program provided participants with the essential skills and knowledge needed to effectively respond to active shooter threats in schools.

IFC has also worked with school districts in the state to increase their security and allow for trained staff to exercise their constitutional rights on school grounds.

IFC continues to lobby Iowa lawmakers to ban “gun-free zone” signs that are endangering the lives of students and emboldening criminals to commit acts of evil. Additionally, IFC has included in this effort, the need to end Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) policies that are preventing schools from taking the necessary and scientifically proven steps needed to protect students and staff during a crisis.

“The time for Iowa lawmakers to act is now,” said Funk. “These tragedies can be prevented, and the solution is not to make the vulnerable defenseless.

The Iowa Firearms Coalition, Iowa’s official NRA State Association, is a 501(c4) nonprofit and is Iowa’s only effective pro-Second Amendment rights organization.

-Ed Monk (Nationally Renowned Active Shooter Expert) Exclusive on IFC Warrior Wednesday
-IFC Educator Academy
-Ed Monk and Adam Winch (Active Shooter Experts) with IFC on how to prevent loss of life in schools and churches – PT1
-Ed Monk and Adam Winch (Active Shooter Experts) with IFC on how to prevent loss of life in schools and churches – PT2
-FREE church and school self defense and first responder training (172 students in one day!)
-Meeting with Gov Reynolds to discuss the IFC Educator Academy and the IFC push for allowing schools to train and arm staff


Melody Lauer on IFC Warrior Wednesday EP71

Melody Lauer on IFC Warrior Wednesday EP71

Meet Melody Lauer with Citizens Defense Research and learn about training, concepts, and a few special questions at the end of the interview that should stop and make you think! Iowa and national training are now before you!  Iowa trainers have a lot to offer both locally and nationally, so pay attention to these folks, certainly Melody and her colleagues at CDR.





Your Freedom Amendment vote made a difference. Here’s an example:  Illinois versus Iowa.  On December 14, 2023, a couple dozen activists gathered in Davenport for an anti-gun protest. They somehow get a bit of press coverage, even though everyday Iowans are mostly ignored by the mainstream press.  You know the Iowans I’m talking about–the nearly 750,000 Iowa voters who voted for the Freedom Amendment.  The 750,000 voters we need to remind our legislators about.

Fortunately for all of us, we have honest journalists in Iowa, and even in Illinois. WQAD-TV ran a story on December 14th.  My hat is off to them for once again reaching out to IFC to give our view, and for correctly quoting me. From the story by Jonathan Fong: 

“…Also on Dec. 14, the U.S. Supreme Court decided to not immediately block the Protect Illinois Communities Act, a law that bans the sale of some semiautomatic weapons.


“Doesn’t mean the federal circuit appellate courts are not gonna hear it and rule on it; they’re just saying we’re not going to take it up right now,” Iowa Firearms Coalition president Dave Funk explained.


Funk is confident the Supreme Court will overturn the law. “With the makeup of the current court, and it’s gonna stay this way for probably, at least another decade, maybe two decades, where you have a majority of pro-constitution or originalists on the court … we’ll see it overturned, we won’t see any change.”

It’s important to understand the federal appellate process, in the case of the Protect Illinois Communities Act (PICA). The PICA act is unconstitutional on its face.  This is clear to anyone with any knowledge of the Second Amendment, its historical traditions, and the Bruen Decision. Jumping directly to the US Supreme Court, while similar cases from other states are working their way through the system, is not something SCOTUS likes.  We all want SCOTUS to rule in favor of the plaintiffs, but we have to let the legal process work its way through.


We all know those Dangerous Quacks are grasping for straws. Let’s keep them grasping here in Iowa.  Help IFC fulfill its mission to you, and all Iowa gun owners, by purchasing your tickets to the IFC PAC Prime Rib Dinner on January 18th.  Hopefully, I’ll see you there, after meeting each and every one of you at IFC’s annual 2A Lobby Day that morning. 

Help us educate Iowans on the facts by joining or renewing your IFC membership here today. And please stay Ready at All Times

Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.

Dave Funk
President, IFC