by admin | Feb 28, 2022
IFC is often asked if we support the NRA. It helps to seek the context of such a question. In every question or statement, we should always search for the context behind it so we can ascertain the premise. When we don’t, we skip vital information and risk arriving at the wrong conclusions. Always be cognizant of this.
Some people are searching for our affiliations when they ask us about the NRA. IFC has worked its tail off for years to move from being an affiliate club to the one and only official NRA State Association in Iowa. Through years of hard work and perseverance, we accomplished this lofty goal in January of 2019. This coveted recognition is reserved for the very best of the best and we continued to work daily with the NRA.
The legislation alone we’ve pushed forth with NRA-ILA is akin to moving mountains. If you look at where Iowa was just a bit over a decade ago, things were average at best. With Shall Issue, Castle Doctrine, Preemption, Stand Your Ground, Dove Hunting, Constitutional Carry, repeals of a dozen bans ranging from Youth Shooting to ATV and Bow Hunting Carry to legalization of Suppressors, SBR, and SBS, the list of liberties opened up to Iowans, is nearly too long to list.
From a “programs” standpoint, as the NRA Official State Association here in Iowa, we brought the first Refuse to be Victim classes into the fold. IFC arranged the first NRA School Shield training for Iowa’s Law Enforcement community. IFC and NRA work together to put on various meetings, rallies, and our huge 2A Day at the Iowa Capitol each year. Some of IFC’s sponsored shooters took top marks at the NRA Nationals in 2019. These are all things that would be exponentially harder without NRA’s cooperation and we’re glad we work together on your behalf. We do these things for others, not ourselves.
The other question we see is one regarding subjects like Wayne LaPierre or specific allegiances at NRA. People want to know if we support Wayne LaPierre or we denounce him. Frankly, that’s a false choice at this point, and we’re not entertaining it. I, like you, have serious questions I expect to have answered about operations within the NRA. However, I also understand that NRA is in the fight of its life against the behemoth we know as New York State for their right to even exist, as they are chartered in the State of New York. Every shred of communication they offer can and likely will be used against them in New York’s court. Thus, I understand not offering up words that will be twisted in court at this moment. My hope is the NRA gets done with this suit, moves the charter to a friendly state, and we learn the truth about the questions we have.
I have no doubt mistakes have been made. Why? Because the NRA is comprised of human beings and we’re prone to err. I won’t be dicing up anyone without the full facts, and I won’t complicate the issue by juxtaposing what I hear with brash statements, conspiracy theories, or grand claims. I have no doubt mistakes have been made, but frankly, I’m more concerned with how the mistakes have been realized and corrected than I am with playing the blame game. I, personally, worked for years under the kind of short-sided management that was more interested in blowing their stack over a mistake than illuminating and repairing the core problem so we could avoid the mistake a second time. I’m chiefly interested in those kinds of healthy and wise actions.
I recognize NRA has external and internal challenges. We all do, whether as organizations, corporations, congregations, or families. IFC holds the relationship we enjoy with NRA in the highest of value. I won’t be letting a series of well-timed hit pieces coming from New York publications and New York authors as the state of New York shakes down the NRA simultaneously, reshape my fundamental reverence for an organization like the NRA that has done so much for 2nd Amendment virtues over the span of nearly 150 years. I want the facts, but I’m willing to wait until they become available. If I form an opinion without them, I’m guilty of the same nonsense our opposition employs as they lobby against our fundamental civil rights on a daily basis.
As the longest-standing civil rights group in the country, NRA has my support.
-Michael Ware – IFC Board
by Michael Ware | Sep 2, 2021
From ammoland:
“This ticking time bomb for our ability to even get our message out on the dominant social media platforms is this: Once the CDC sponsors “research” that purports to back up the agenda of anti-Second Amendment extremists, Silicon Valley can then take action to silence Second Amendment supporters, on the grounds that they are peddling “misinformation.”
The fact of the matter is this… We’ve been fighting against illogical and uncaring soft-headed people for a long time. We’re now going to fight against soft-headed ideas as well. Prepare yourselves. In a world where the two kingmakers, liberal government and big tech, join forces against you, it’ll be a struggle to breathe.
In Liberty,
Michael Ware
IFC Chairman
by Michael Ware | Aug 31, 2021
I was just sent this from Suzanne Anglewicz, via NRA-ILA Frontlines!!!
On June 10th, ATF published a new notice of proposed rulemaking on its website entitled Factoring Criteria for Firearms with Attached “Stabilizing Braces”. The proposed rule would make most firearms with attached stabilizing, or “pistol,” braces subject to the National Firearm Act (NFA), and would mandate a number of steps to register your firearm, including a $200 tax stamp, finger printing, and a long wait for the government to process an application to own a firearm that you already legally acquired. Please click the button below to comment on this proposed rule. Comments will be accepted until September 8th!
For nearly ten years, the ATF has recognized that stabilizing braces on a pistol, or other firearm, do not automatically make the firearm subject to provisions of the NFA.
The ATF is attempting to use a convoluted point-based system to determine what firearms potentially would now be subject to NFA regulation. To see your NRA’s original alert, which includes a link to the proposed rule’s language, please click here.
Please click the button above to comment and make your voice heard by the ATF.
Below are ATF’s instructions for submitting comments:
You may submit comments, identified by docket number ATF2021R-08, by any of the following methods—
- Federal eRulemaking Portal: Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
- Mail: Denise Brown, Mail Stop 6N-518, Office of Regulatory Affairs, Enforcement Programs and Services, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, 99 New York Ave. NE, Mail Stop 6N-518, Washington, DC 20226; ATTN: ATF2021R-08.
- Fax: (202) 648-9741.
Instructions: All submissions received must include the agency name and docket number (ATF2021R-08) for this notice of proposed rulemaking (“NPRM” or “proposed rule”). All properly completed comments received will be posted without change to the Federal eRulemaking portal,, including any personal information provided.
Please be sure to stay professional, explain the arbitrary nature of these rule changes, and make your comments personalized so that the ATF knows how you, as an American gun owner, are impacted. You have until September 8th to submit comments.
Yours in freedom,
Suzanne Anglewicz
NRA-ILA Grassroots Programs and Campaign Field Operations
I’m glad Suzanne reached out with a reminder. PLEASE engage on this and help us resist the Biden tyranny.
In Liberty,
Michael Ware
IFC Chairman
by Michael Ware | Aug 30, 2021
There was some miscommunication with the Iowa Waterfowl Season Dates on their site, and Iowa DNR has this corrected. Here is their press release:
An error during a routine update of the Iowa Hunting Regulations mistakenly posted the 2020-21 waterfowl season dates to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources website late last week. The issue has been corrected.
The 2021-22 Iowa waterfowl season dates are:
North Zone
- Youth Waterfowl Season: Sept. 25-26
- Ducks, Mergansers and Coots: Oct. 2-8, and Oct. 16-Dec. 7
- Dark Geese and Light Geese: Sept. 25-Oct. 10; Oct. 16-Dec. 7; Dec. 11-Jan. 8, 2022
Central Zone
- Youth Waterfowl Season: Oct. 2-3
- Ducks, Mergansers and Coots: Oct. 9-15, and Oct. 23-Dec. 14
- Dark Geese and Light Geese: Oct. 2-17; Oct. 23-Dec. 14; Dec. 18-Jan. 15, 2022
South Zone
- Youth Waterfowl Season: Oct. 9-10
- Ducks, Mergansers and Coots: Oct. 16-22, and Oct. 30-Dec. 21
- Dark Geese and Light Geese: Oct. 9-24; Oct. 30-Dec. 21; Dec. 25-Jan. 22, 2022
Correction Note: The correct dates for the Special September Canada Goose season (Urban Goose Zone) is Sept. 4-12.
In Liberty,
Michael Ware
IFC Chairman
by Michael Ware | Aug 27, 2021
This is a tremendous post from… They listed 3 key “take-aways” I’d like to highlight:
- Due to the repeat offenders, some guns get used in multiple gun crimes.
- Omitting likely crime repetitions, the number of guns in circulation used in crime drops.
- The combination of all gun types and the two major gun crimes means a mere 0.00477% of the gun supply is being used in crime.
I highly recommend you zip over and read and digest carefully the content and context of the article. Find it here —->
Between 0.00001% and 0.00477% of guns in America are actually used in crime??? That’s a pretty low number. To put that in perspective, you could barely fit the guns used in crime annually in the great State of Iowa in the truck of my wife’s car… And our opposition gets funded by Michael “Nanny” Bloomberg millions annually to strip LAW-ABIDING Iowans of our civil rights in an effort to stop CRIMINALS from using guns illegally?
Let’s have some sense for a change and some perspective.
In Liberty,
Michael Ware
IFC Chairman
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