PRESIDENTS MESSAGE: Is VP Harris Being Set Up To Fail Again?

PRESIDENTS MESSAGE: Is VP Harris Being Set Up To Fail Again?

Is Vice President Harris being set up to fail again, as she heads up the new Office of Gun Violence Prevention? Or is this the one case where she has an adequately intelligent staff to do actual harm to America’s right to defend themselves as enshrined by our Federal Constitution’s Second Amendment and Iowa’s 49th Amendment? 

Depending on who you ask, she will either muck it up completely like she has everything else she touches, or possibly the goons from Everytown and other Organizations will finally have the funding and power they need to impose on the rest of America the mess they are making in New York and other “blue” states. I tend to think she might appear to get something done for the gun controllers, but it will not turn out the way they expect. I think there are two main reasons why.

First, with the large number of minorities and women who are new gun owners as a result of the overreaching by the nanny state during Covid, I see this as a ‘bridge too far’ in the current political climate to expect all those gun owners to just lay down their arms like the Governor of New Mexico recently advocated.

Just the Facts, Ma’am

The second is the logistical nightmare that prohibition would bring. Back in 2018, I wrote an article for about the problem that searching the United States for millions of firearms would present. Here is part of that article:

… Let’s ask them about the logistics of finding and seizing the over 500 million firearms in America. 

There are 199,672,842 acres of land in just the lower 48 states. Let’s do the math:
199,672,842 acres Divided by a maximum of 250,000 trained searchers (it will take time to screen, hire and train them).

That would be 798.691 acres per searcher (45,560 square feet per acre), if they worked alone at least three days per acre = 19,168.59 hours based on eight hours per day of work (union contracts after all!)

At normal full time employment rates of 2000 work hours per year, it would take 9.58 years to search just the lower 48 States for guns, assuming the entire search force would actually survive the process, unlike back in 1776 when American’s just shot the British troops who showed up to take their arms and ammunition…

Leftists must think that math does not apply to them, or perhaps it’s a problem only those schooled in common core math can solve. We can all hope that the recent rejection by a Federal District Judge of the California magazine capacity limit as unconstitutional is another example why VP Harris will eventually fail. The law is on the Rights of the People’s side. 

Regardless this is another example of why each one of us needs to be Ready at All Times and never forget that those gun control dangerous quacks are still playing a long game, but then so are we at IFC. Help us by joining or renewing your IFC membership here today.

Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.

Dave Funk
President, IFC

Warrior Wednesday EP 66 – Rep Miller-Meeks on ATF

Warrior Wednesday EP 66 – Rep Miller-Meeks on ATF

Richard Rogers interviews Rep Miller-Meeks at the 10th annual Jasper County Republicans Trap Shoot. ATF overreach is a hot-button issue, as they continue to hammer the law-abiding through newfound power and funding granted them through the VAWA bill and the Safer Communities Act.

Hear what Representative Miller-Meeks has to say about ATF running amok and other elected officials shirking their constitutional duties.



PRESIDENTS MESSAGE: MLK Jr. And Peaceful Noncompliance

PRESIDENTS MESSAGE: MLK Jr. And Peaceful Noncompliance

MLK Jr. And Peaceful Noncompliance

The Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. preached and practiced peaceful noncompliance to discriminatory laws against Blacks decades ago. Mahatma Gandhi used it in India against the repressive regime in power at that time. It is one of two avenues to counterattack the ridiculous, and by her own admission, illegal “emergency” order handed down last Friday night by the wannabe tyrant New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham disarming Albuquerque residents for the next thirty days.

Her excuse to take such action you ask? It’s a public health emergency, and she thinks that it overrides both the New Mexico State and US Constitutions. Albuquerque, an incredibly dangerous city, has seen slightly falling murder rates these last two years, but the recent killing of an eleven-year-old child in a road rage incident is her excuse to declare such a “health emergency”. 

We all know several groups have already begun litigation to halt this action.  How best do we practice peaceful noncompliance in this case? There is already help from local law enforcement leadership at the City and County Sheriff levels stating they will not have their officers and deputies enforce this illegal order. Grisham has stated that her State Police will be the ones who enforce the “civil” order. That leads me to this interesting tweet by Libertarian Presidential Candidate Chase Oliver:

“Some have asked me what is the best course of action to oppose the unconstitutional actions of Governor Lujan in New Mexico. I encourage peaceful noncompliance. If you are arrested for exercising your right to bear arms, sue the state. You will have legal support from the community. Take the case all the way to SCOTUS [if] you must. I imagine this is a pretty easy case for courts to rule against the governor. Even she admits that what she’s doing would get struck down by a legal challenge. Peaceful noncompliance and legal challenges will end this and secure rights in the future.”

Why Take This Illegal Action?

Grisham is term-limited out, cannot be recalled, and is unlikely to be impeached by the Democrat-controlled New Mexico State Legislature. So why would she take this illegal action? My guess is this is a coordinated action for two reasons: 

The first is that the Left has, for years, attempted to frame gun control as a public health emergency issue granting public health bureaucrats broad powers to eliminate Second Amendment freedoms. It doesn’t take much search effort to find multiple statements by Dr. Fauci that his power to limit Americans’ Constitutional rights should trump your freedoms. A legal win in the Federal Court on this issue would open the door for more executive actions of this nature.

The second is to raise her national profile going into the 2024 election cycle. She either wants the Vice President slot or a major cabinet position in the next Democratic administration. Once again, proving that Leftists are always looking to fail up.

The good news is that they cannot arrest everyone, and the few who are arrested will be able to make legal mincemeat of the officers and governors who have illegally arrested them.

This is also another example of why each one of us needs to be Ready at All Times and never forget that those gun control dangerous quacks are playing a long game but so are we at IFC. Help us by joining or renewing your IFC membership here today.

Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.

Dave Funk
President, IFC

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE: Gun Control Groups Don’t Really Care About People

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE: Gun Control Groups Don’t Really Care About People

Gun control groups don’t really care about people, they only care about political power. Let me explain. The first example is an article by Dr. John Lott, the renowned economist who wrote the book; More Guns, Less Crime

Dr. Lott argues in his recent article that gun control groups don’t care about the real causes behind mass shootings, or they wouldn’t waste their time suing those who are not at fault.

Last week, attorneys from Everytown Law, the legal arm of Michael Bloomberg’s gun-control group Everytown for Gun Safety, filed a lawsuit against a shop that sold the gun used in the fatal shooting of 10 people at a grocery store in Buffalo, New York, in May 2022. The murderer is a racist who specifically targeted racial minorities. Everytown claims the attack “could have been prevented,” but in fact, the gun seller performed all of the proper background checks. 

Others are also being sued, including the 18-year-old murderer’s parents and social media companies that allegedly “transformed and addicted” the murderer by allowing extremist content on their sites.

But the lessons from this shooting, like many other mass public shootings, are hiding in plain sight. One needs only to read the killer’s manifesto. 

“Areas where CCW [carrying a concealed weapon] are outlawed or prohibited may be good areas of attack,” wrote the shooter. “Areas with strict gun laws are also great places of attack.””

Dr. Lott goes on to explain that even in past cases where the shooter was receiving mental health services, provided by trained professionals, they failed to identify the threat in advance. That fact lays bare the argument that it’s only a mental health problem.

Statistical Analysis

My second example is a recent study cited the Daily Mail, their headline lays it all out, almost:

America’s mass shooting hotspots revealed: First of its kind study breaks down thousands of massacres by state – and there’s NO correlation between gun control laws.

The article cites a somewhat, but not completely flawed study published at JAMA Network Open that points out that the rate of mass shootings is not related to the level of gun control laws. The error in the study is that it compares states, not cities. It cites the top ten states for mass shootings (four or more victims with no reference to homicides, only those shot) in the United States.

“As detailed by the Daily Mail, the “Top Ten” jurisdictions for mass shootings are:

  • Washington, D.C. (10.43 per million)
  • Louisiana (4.28 per million)
  • Illinois (3.61 per million)
  • Mississippi (2.91 per million)
  • Alabama (2.32 per million)
  • Missouri (2.29 per million)
  • South Carolina (2.26 per million)
  • Delaware (2.18 per million)
  • Tennessee (2.03 per million)
  • Maryland (2.2 per million)”

If you take out New Orleans, Chicago, St. Louis & Kansas City, MO, then Memphis, and Baltimore, those states would have a rate similar to Montana or Wyoming.

Also is this breakdown from the report.

“From 2014 to 2022, there were 4011 mass shootings, ranging from zero events in Hawaii and North Dakota to 414 events in Illinois. For these 9 years, one-third (27.3%) were social-related mass shootings, 15.8% were crime related, 11.1% were domestic violence (DV) related, 1.4% were school or work related, and 52.0% were not a part of these categories (Table). There was a median of 45 mass shootings per state for all states and the District of Columbia (mean, 78.6). A total of 21,006 people were killed or injured (Table).”

Based on not just these two reports, but lots of other evidence clearly illustrates that the gun control crowd does not care about facts, science, or even our school kids’ safety. Why else would they ignore all of the above? There can only be one reason, it’s not about guns, but it’s about control. Free and armed men and women can resist their agenda with equal force, so they cannot be controlled. 

I recently told my twins to never be too smart to learn something from everyone they meet. Clearly the gun controllers have reached that level of “smart”. 

Stay Ready at All Times and never forget that those gun control dangerous quacks are playing a long game but so are we at IFC. Help us by joining or renewing your IFC membership here today.

Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.

Dave Funk
President, IFC