Miller-Meeks “Vote for the Freedom Amendment!”

Miller-Meeks “Vote for the Freedom Amendment!”

Just a reminder Representative Mariannette Miller-Meeks, supports Iowa’s Freedom Amendment.  Turn your ballot over and VOTE YES for Iowa’s Right to Keep and Bear Arms Amendment!  IFC is glad for the support!  THANK YOU!

Learn more about Representative Mariannette Miller-Meeks, HERE.

Do you know that Iowa is one of only six states that do not recognize our precious Second Amendment rights in their constitutions? It may seem hard to believe, but Iowa, which adopted “shall issue” Permits to Carry Weapons in 2010 and became a “constitutional carry” state in 2021, shares that dubious distinction with California, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, and Minnesota.

The Iowa Firearms Coalition, Iowa’s only effective gun-rights organization, has been hard at work for years to get this fixed! Amending Iowa’s Constitution is no easy task. The course is long and there are many hurdles and pitfalls along the way. But the good news is that what the IFC calls the “Freedom Amendment” has now passed two consecutive Iowa General Assemblies and the issue will be on the ballot for Iowa voters to decide on November 8, 2022.

The proposed Freedom Amendment reads:

“The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The sovereign state of Iowa affirms and recognizes this right to be a fundamental individual right. Any and all restrictions of this right shall be subject to strict scrutiny.”

Governor Reynolds: “Vote for the Freedom Amendment!”

Governor Reynolds: “Vote for the Freedom Amendment!”

Just a reminder Iowa Governor, Kim Reynolds, supports Iowa’s Freedom Amendment.  Turn your ballot over and VOTE YES for Iowa’s Right to Keep and Bear Arms Amendment!  IFC is glad for the support!  THANK YOU!

Learn more about Governor Reynolds and Lieutenant Governor Adam Gregg, HERE.

Do you know that Iowa is one of only six states that do not recognize our precious Second Amendment rights in their constitutions? It may seem hard to believe, but Iowa, which adopted “shall issue” Permits to Carry Weapons in 2010 and became a “constitutional carry” state in 2021, shares that dubious distinction with California, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, and Minnesota.

The Iowa Firearms Coalition, Iowa’s only effective gun-rights organization, has been hard at work for years to get this fixed! Amending Iowa’s Constitution is no easy task. The course is long and there are many hurdles and pitfalls along the way. But the good news is that what the IFC calls the “Freedom Amendment” has now passed two consecutive Iowa General Assemblies and the issue will be on the ballot for Iowa voters to decide on November 8, 2022.

The proposed Freedom Amendment reads:

“The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The sovereign state of Iowa affirms and recognizes this right to be a fundamental individual right. Any and all restrictions of this right shall be subject to strict scrutiny.”

Secretary of State, Paul Pate: “Support the Freedom Amendment in Iowa”

Secretary of State, Paul Pate: “Support the Freedom Amendment in Iowa”

Just a reminder Iowa Secretary of State, Paul Pate, supports Iowa’s Freedom Amendment.  Turn your ballot over and VOTE YES for Iowa’s Right to Keep and Bear Arms Amendment!

Learn more about Iowa’s Secretary of State, Paul Pate, HERE.

Do you know that Iowa is one of only six states that do not recognize our precious Second Amendment rights in their constitutions? It may seem hard to believe, but Iowa, which adopted “shall issue” Permits to Carry Weapons in 2010 and became a “constitutional carry” state in 2021, shares that dubious distinction with California, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, and Minnesota.

The Iowa Firearms Coalition, Iowa’s only effective gun-rights organization, has been hard at work for years to get this fixed! Amending Iowa’s Constitution is no easy task. The course is long and there are many hurdles and pitfalls along the way. But the good news is that what the IFC calls the “Freedom Amendment” has now passed two consecutive Iowa General Assemblies and the issue will be on the ballot for Iowa voters to decide on November 8, 2022.

The proposed Freedom Amendment reads:

“The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The sovereign state of Iowa affirms and recognizes this right to be a fundamental individual right. Any and all restrictions of this right shall be subject to strict scrutiny.”

ITR Poll Shows Freedom Amendment Support at 62%

ITR Poll Shows Freedom Amendment Support at 62%

A new poll shows growing support among likely Iowa voters for the Freedom Amendment heading into the November general election.

The Freedom Amendment would add Second Amendment protections to Iowa’s state constitution. Only six states, which include Iowa, Minnesota, Maryland, California, New York, and New Jersey, do not have language in their respective state constitutions that protect the right of their citizens to keep and bear arms.

The Iowans for Tax Relief (ITR) poll found more than 62% of likely Iowa voters plan to support the measure in November, compared to just over 31% who reported they were against codifying the civil right.

The new data shows support for the Freedom Amendment has grown by several points since a similar poll was conducted in July. While the poll again showed strong nonpartisan support among Iowans of all political stripes, the new data also reveals support is growing the fastest among Independent and Democrat voters.

“The polling on the Freedom Amendment continues to show that while we live in a divisive political climate, Iowans are united in their support of their civil rights,” said Iowa Firearms Coalition (IFC) President Dave Funk. “From Governor Greg Abbott’s Texas to Senator Bernie Sanders’ Vermont, nearly every state in the union has already adopted their own version of the Freedom Amendment and we look forward to continuing our efforts to make sure Iowa has one of our own too.”

A copy of the report showing what the poll uncovered can be found here: ITR-Foundation-Poll-October-2022.pdf (

IFC, an affiliate of the NRA and NSSF, is a 501(c4) nonprofit and is Iowa’s only effective pro-Second Amendment rights organization.

New Freedom Amendment Vid – Share Far and Wide

New Freedom Amendment Vid – Share Far and Wide

Do you know that Iowa is one of only six states that do not recognize our precious Second Amendment rights in their constitutions? It may seem hard to believe, but Iowa, which adopted “shall issue” Permits to Carry Weapons in 2010 and became a “constitutional carry” state in 2021, shares that dubious distinction with California, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, and Minnesota.


The Iowa Firearms Coalition, Iowa’s only effective gun-rights organization, has been hard at work for years to get this fixed! Amending Iowa’s Constitution is no easy task. The course is long and there are many hurdles and pitfalls along the way. But the good news is that what the IFC calls the “Freedom Amendment” has now passed two consecutive Iowa General Assemblies and the issue will be on the ballot for Iowa voters to decide on November 8, 2022.


Freedom Amendment

Freedom Amendment Event @ Farro’s Lead Farm with Sen Chris Cournoyer

Freedom Amendment Event @ Farro’s Lead Farm with Sen Chris Cournoyer

Sunday, Sept. 25 – Senator Chris Cournoyer and Elliott Faro are hosting a special Freedom Amendment event where the Senator and IFC discuss and explain the importance of the Freedom Amendment vote on Nov 8, and the fine folks from Farro’s Lead Farm are hosting and helping run the event.

  • 4pm to 6pm at Farro’s Lead Farm, 30376 210th Ave, Long Grove, IA 52756
  • Proposed agenda: 4-4:30 – greet and have apps/beverages
  • 4:30-5:00 talk about 2A language on the ballot and answer questions about 2A/gun legislation
  • 5:00-6:00 “Shoot cool stuff”


(DES MOINES, Iowa) — Former Iowa Governor and Ambassador to China Terry Branstad announced on Wednesday he plans to vote for the Freedom Amendment, which would add Second Amendment language to Iowa’s constitution, in November and he’s encouraging his fellow Iowans to do the same. The announcement was made on the Iowa Firearms Coalition (IFC)  Facebook page during a broadcast of their weekly video podcast, #2A4IA Warrior Wednesday.

“It’s something that is near and dear to my heart,” said Ambassador Branstad. “I just want to be sure to encourage all Iowa voters to turn that ballot over and vote ‘yes’ for that Freedom Amendment.”

Ambassador Branstad’s endorsement comes on the heels of a recent Iowans for Tax Relief poll that found nearly 60% of Iowans plan to also support the Freedom Amendment. Their findings further showed large support among voters, regardless of which party they affiliated with.

“Ambassador Branstad spent his career working hard to advance civil rights in Iowa and we welcome his support of the Freedom Amendment,” said IFC President, Dave Funk. “The Freedom Amendment is a nonpartisan issue and it’s passed time Iowans have the same protections in their state constitution as nearly every other American.”

Similar versions to Iowa’s proposed Freedom Amendment have already been adopted by nearly every other state in the Union. Only New York, Minnesota, New Jersey, Maryland, California and Iowa do not have one.

The full video of Ambassador Branstad’s endorsement can be found here: IFC Warrior Wednesday – Ambassador Branstad Interview

The proposed Freedom Amendment reads:

“The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The sovereign state of Iowa affirms and recognizes this right to be a fundamental individual right. Any and all restrictions of this right shall be subject to strict scrutiny.”

The Iowa Firearms Coalition, an affiliate of the NRA and NSSF, is a 501(c4) nonprofit and is Iowa’s only effective pro-Second Amendment rights organization.


Ambassador Branstad Endorses Freedom Amendment

Ambassador Branstad Endorses Freedom Amendment

Ambassador Brandstad voices strong support for Freedom Amendment!  Flip the ballot in November and cast your vote in support of Iowa’s RKBA into the Iowa State Constitution.

Do you know that Iowa is one of only six states that do not recognize our precious Second Amendment rights in their constitutions? It may seem hard to believe, but Iowa, which adopted “shall issue” Permits to Carry Weapons in 2010 and became a “constitutional carry” state in 2021, shares that dubious distinction with California, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, and Minnesota.

The Iowa Firearms Coalition, Iowa’s only effective gun-rights organization, has been hard at work for years to get this fixed! Amending Iowa’s Constitution is no easy task. The course is long and there are many hurdles and pitfalls along the way. But the good news is that what the IFC calls the “Freedom Amendment” has now passed two consecutive Iowa General Assemblies and the issue will be on the ballot for Iowa voters to decide on November 8, 2022.

The hard-working volunteers at Iowa Firearms Coalition will need your help as we approach November! The major anti-freedom groups are already lining up and pledging large sums of money to fight the Freedom Amendment. So, what can the citizen of Iowa do?

1. Join the Iowa Firearms Coalition and become not just a member but an active volunteer in the fight to preserve and maintain our God-given rights! IFC Membership

2. Share our posts from the Iowa Firearms Coalition to people in your network. We need digital warriors working to spread the word every single day to combat shadow banning and the social media algorithms that have severely limited the reach of our posts! IFC on Facebook

3. Consider donating to our sister organization, IFC-PAC, so we can develop targeted advertising to drown out the attacks of groups like Bloomberg’s “Everytown for Gun Safety,” which want to strip away your Second Amendment rights. IFC-PAC Donation

4. Encourage your friends and neighbors to vote in favor on the Freedom Amendment on November 8th!

In Freedom.

Your friends at the Iowa Firearms Coalition
