Last week the Supreme Court handed a big swing and a miss to the Biden/Garland (IN)Justice Department. In the case of the U.S. V Rahimi, the Garland DOJ took a terrible set of facts and tried to gut the Bruen decision, and Garland failed miserably.

With the help of Mark Smith over at The Four Boxes Diner let me explain;

“The terrible set of facts in Rahimi not [facially] 18 USC 922 G8 that says that you cannot touch a firearm, you cannot possess a firearm, if you are subject to a domestic violence restraining order while that restraining order is in effect. The Supreme Court has ruled and held that facially that law is constitutional because there are some instances where that law could beapplied consistent with the Second Amendment.”

A careful reading of the majority opinion shows 2A activists that we can challenge red flag laws, non-violent felons prohibitions, and those not under a domestic violence restraining order under due process claims. In the Rahimi case, Rahimi himself stipulated to his prohibitions, he had not litigated them.

The Buren methodology demands that the government show any restriction to 2A Rights must comply with the historical traditions known at the time of America’s Founding.

Further, an attempt by the Garland DOJ in its Ramihi arguments to infer that only “responsible citizens” have 2A Rights. But that position is an interest-balancing infringement, because who gets to determine what a “responsible citizen” is? You guessed it! It’s the same guys who have opened America’s borders, tracked your social media accounts, and propelled the FBI on Catholic faith practitioners and the parents who object at school board meetings to the radical left’s agenda.

Remember, those anti-gun dangerous quacks want as many people barred for life from having 2A rights.

History teaches us that sometimes in a war, you take a small battlefield loss to win the overall war. Unlike previous major cases that have set the stage on social issues like abortion and same-sex marriage, we in the 2A defending community have not seen a major case like Roe that we have to overturn first. Even liberal SCOTUS Justices have affirmed that Bruen is the law of the land.

Undoubtedly Mark Smith is right. We are still winning and must keep fighting this war to ensure Americans do not ever have to submit to a monopoly on power by our governments. You can watch his video in its entirety on Rahimi here.


Please stay Ready at All Times, and help us defend all of Iowa’s rights by donating to IFC-PAC today.
Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.

Dave Funk
Iowa Firearms Coalition




FBI: don’t believe your lying eyes! Well, it would figure that the once-revered Federal Bureau of Investigation as the ‘best of the best’ in America has now totally succumbed to the Obama-Biden politicization of Federal Law Enforcement and our DOJ. The FBI is cooking the books when it comes to crime data in the United States, and it was another federal agency that ratted them out!

The FBI issues its Uniform Crime reports, but it fails to highlight that major cities like New York, Los Angeles, and others, don’t even report their crime data to the FBI. Also, many other cities including Baltimore and Chicago underreport theirs. Meanwhile, in its annual National Crime Victimization Survey, the Bureau of Justice Statistics shows crime skyrocketing!

Noted economist and author Dr. John Lott just published an article about this very subject, it’s worth a full read. I’ll highlight just a few paragraphs here:

“I have pointed out before that since 2020, the FBI’s number of reported crimes and the NCVS’s number of total crimes have gone in opposite directions. For example, between 2021 and 2022, the FBI showed a 2.1% drop in violent crime, but the NCVS showed an increase of 29.3%. 


But there is a more fundamental problem. The FBI and NCVS’s estimates of reported crimes have also gone in opposite directions since 2020. From 2008 to 2019, the FBI and NCVS measures of reported violent crimes generally tended to move up and down together. But from 2020 to 2022, these two numbers were almost perfectly negatively related to each other. Each time one measure of reported violent crimes rose, the other measure fell.


For example, while the FBI’s number of reported violent crimes fell by 2% in 2021 and 2.1% in 2022, the NCVS’s measure showed increases of 13.6% and 29.3%, respectively.”

Dr. Lott sums it up here:

“The news media relies on reported crime numbers without considering unreported crime. However, the gap between the two measures of reported crimes provides strong doubts about the accuracy of the FBI’s reported crime data. Americans believe that crime is increasing as law enforcement is collapsing. They also say that they are reporting more crimes to the police, but that isn’t showing up in the FBI reports.”

How can we have good public policy without good data, while many cities and the FBI are clearly cooking the books? The answer is we cannot. It’s another reason why the Framers never wanted the government to have a monopoly on power and why they enshrined our God-given right to keep and bear arms into our Constitution. 

Please stay Ready at All Times, and help us defend all of Iowa’s rights by joining or renewing your IFC membership here today.

Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.

Dave Funk
Iowa Firearms Coalition

The Problem with Progressive Anti-Liberty Mindset is Tyranny

The Problem with Progressive Anti-Liberty Mindset is Tyranny

Tyranny is the problem with the progressive anti-liberty mindset.  Whenever possible, they employ tyranny over us with glee and enthusiasm.  Why?  Because they tell themselves they’re saving us from ourselves.  It isn’t that the 2A or 1A are fundamental problems.  Rather, the average progressive, post-modern, neo-Marxist, or run-of-the-mill left winger can’t handle a world they don’t control.  It won’t matter to them that you and I, among 99% of the rest of us do well, sometimes even great, with the exercise of our civil liberties, but more that they can’t imagine doing anything of the sort themselves.  And because they can’t think through what it would be like to defend oneself with a firearm, they seek to remove any choice for you to do so.

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”

C.S. Lewis, God in the Dock: Essays on Theology (Making of Modern Theology)

Lewis does a pretty good job of outlining this fundamental problem in the quote above.  If you cut to the core of these silly progressive liberal arguments, you inevitably come to one irrefutable truth.  They can’t possibly grapple with the precept surrounding responsibility and consequence.  They wish to place upon us restrictions that make them feel better about themselves with simultaneous safety nets to make it work.

Why safety nets you ask?  Well, when the consequences are no longer bound to the choices we make, we simply don’t learn the lesson.  Without lessons learned, we are apt to make more bad choices.  With more bad choices, we see poor outcomes associated with everything you can chart, categorize, or easily reference.  To avoid the truth associated with such endeavors, safety nets are necessary to mask the logical conclusion that ethics matter and serve as the basis for our morals in action.

This isn’t to say progs don’t care about people.  Of course, they do.  But they don’t love them enough to allow them to grow in ways that can often result in a bruised knee or a scraped elbow.  My dad pushed me down the driveway, which had a considerable grade, without training wheels, and yelled, “Peddle son!”  Guess what?  I learned to ride a bike in 7 seconds.  How long might it have taken me if I’d had training wheels on?  I’m unsure, as it was the road not traveled.  But I’m guessing longer than 7 seconds.  Dad wasn’t wrestling his own mind about what was going to happen or not happen when he gave me a push.  He had sized me up, knew I was probably ready to rock, and gave me a shove.  Progs have a hard time with that metaphorically speaking, so they tend to avoid the possibility it won’t go well, by placing everyone on perpetual training wheels for their own good.

Unfortunately, their version of training wheels is perpetual intolerance of us while demanding 100% tolerance of them.  Thus, tyranny and Hell on Earth.  Pay close attention to what they say when they’re talking.  They rarely skip an opportunity to talk down to you.  Go read the Lewis quote above again, and let it sink in.

In Libertatem,


Michael Ware – IFC Board

Sponsors for the 2024 GUNCON?  Too Many To List!

Sponsors for the 2024 GUNCON? Too Many To List!

GUNCON 2024 is happening and it isn’t too late to get your tickets and be part of the “collective” as it were…  This event is the next evolution of our TGC Panel you know and love. We are bringing together some of the top content creators, some of your favorite brands, and YOU all at the Brownells HQ! There will be tours of the Brownells facility, tons of cool guns and gear, as well as some big giveaways!

The Gun Collective is brought to you by Jon Patton, and he produces all the content for TGC.  Jon makes every effort to be honest and forthright, focusing on educating firearm owners and enthusiasts, while pay close attention to continual quality content.  The news, reviews, videos, or podcasts you see coming from TGC is top tier.  That’s what makes GUNCON being held in our neighborhood so exciting.  You can listen to the panelist discussions, talk to vendors directly, and shake hands with the people you’ve followed for years.  GET YOUR TICKETS HERE.

Check out this list of sponsors!!! And yes, the Iowa Firearms Coalition is included!