Are the Lower Federal Courts Going Rogue?

Are the lower Federal Courts going rogue against SCOTUS’s Bruen decision? To answer that question we have to look at how case law is developed in America. We all know that Congress writes legislation, and the President either vetoes or signs it into law. After that, various administrative agencies write rules and regulations, some with criminal penalties and some with civil penalties. 

After a party challenges or enforces that law, and once it’s been to trial, appeals can be brought based upon the outcome of the trial (either civil or criminal). That’s an overly simplified explanation on how to develop case law.

Recently voters in Oregon passed Ballot Measure 114 that outlawed “large capacity magazines” and required gun registration. That law has been challenged in federal court and a bench trial was held by the U.S. District Court. Judge Karin Immergu released her findings on July 14th that the new state law is constitutional.

Judge Immergu “weighed” the evidence she heard and clearly did not follow the guidance SCOTUS set down in Bruen. Her reasoning is clearly flawed, and the best analysis I have seen on the ruling so far was by author JimThompson. I’ll quote a large section here because it’s so well written:

“In short, this court admitted some evidence but dismissed other evidence, such as:

“…between 1990 and 2018, there were 304.3 million detachable magazines in circulation in the United States.” Of those, “approximately 160 million had a capacity of eleven rounds or greater.” She found that that evidence “was entitled to little weight” (page 24). Instead, she found the testimony of an expert on self-defense use to be compelling. That evidence was that LCM is rarely used in self-defense and therefore were not in “common use.”

That is a stunning finding. It means that any gun or accessory not typically used in self-defense could be seen as not meeting the “common use” test and therefore could be banned.

This seems in conflict with what Justice Kavanaugh wrote in his Heller dissent (before he was a sitting SCOTUS Justice).

“There is no meaningful or persuasive constitutional distinction between semi-automatic handguns and semi-automatic rifles. Semi-automatic rifles, like semi-automatic handguns, have not traditionally been banned and are in common use by law-abiding citizens for self-defense in the home, hunting, and other lawful uses. Moreover, semi-automatic handguns are used in connection with violent crimes far more than semi-automatic rifles are. It follows from Heller‘s protection of semi-automatic handguns that semi-automatic rifles are also constitutionally protected and that D.C.’s ban on them is unconstitutional.”

And in the remanded matter of New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, the Supreme Court was not inclined to side with what seemed to be laws restricting the right to keep and bear arms — like Oregon’s Measure 114. Judge Immergu frequently cherry-picked from Bruen to satisfy her conclusions.

Also of note, current LCM owners are “exempt” inasmuch as they can keep what they already own. If there is a compelling “public safety” concern because most mass shooters used LCMs, and they can cause more injury and death, why then are current owners not ordered to turn in their LCMs? If an LCM is “more” dangerous than a 10-round capacity magazine, and is an existential public safety threat by just existing, then it is a danger now, not just in the future. Oregon didn’t attempt to confiscate LCMs because the state knew that such a measure would go down in flames. But that still leaves me wondering — if something is “dangerous,” how can the state justify not asking for all LCMs to be turned in?

 Judge Immergu went on to write:

Magazine capacity is highly related to the lethality of a weapon, because capacity is what determines the number of shots that can be fired within a given time without having to pause to reload. Tr. 6/6/2023 513:5–10. State laws banning LCMs reduce the incidents of mass shootings between 48 to 72 percent and decrease the number of fatalities that occur in these mass shootings by 37 to 75 percent. Tr. 6/6/2023 506:14–19. Defendants presented credible evidence at trial demonstrating that the relationship between restrictions on LCMs and reductions in mass shootings is so pronounced that it is a causal relationship, meaning that the restrictions were at least partly responsible for the reductions. Tr. 6/6/2023 507:20–508:1

I am not convinced that Judge Immergu’s reasoning is sound and suspect it will not hold up on appeal. It seems that ignoring that millions of LCMs are owned (and never used in mass shootings) is a fatal flaw in her ruling. Her finding that although they are owned by millions not typically used in self-defense seems like a pre-conceived conclusion in search of facts to support it.

California, Hawaii, Washington, and now Oregon have passed laws restricting LCMs–even though these laws, like Measure 114, will eventually make their way to SCOTUS and, in my opinion, will be found unconstitutional.

Be careful what you ask for, Oregon. It may come back to bite you.

2024 Matters – Vote Thoughtfully!

Jim’s excellent analysis leaves out one important consideration. The left relies on activist judges to interpret our Constitution the way they want it. They do this because they cannot win in the court of public opinion or through the normal legislative process. Oregon is in the 9th Judicial District, the most liberal of all districts. My guess is that this is the first of many “set up” cases needed  to strike down Bruen in a future more liberal SCOTUS. This is one reason that Presidential elections are so important. Who controls the White House controls the future of the judiciary. Let’s not fall for the next shiny thing come 2024 and ensure a pro-gun and pro-constitutionalist Presidential nominee comes out of the Iowa Caucus a winner and gets elected next year. 

The anti-freedom dangerous quacks are playing a long game but so are we. Help us by joining or renewing your IFC membership here today.

Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.

Dave Funk
President, IFC

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE: Inflation Hits All of Us

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE: Inflation Hits All of Us

Inflation Hits All of Us

Inflation hits all of us. Despite Biden telling us it’s transitory, we all know every day it’s not. Many of those of us who read George Orwell’s classic book on big government “1984” saw it as a warning. The leftist in America led by “Divider-in-Chief” Joe Biden see it as a road map to total one-party control. They like the wealth that capitalism provides but still want total power over our everyday lives.

Unfortunately, even we at IFC are stuck living with its effects. As a result, we have to raise membership dues for the first time in several years.

Starting September 1st of this year Membership dues will be as follows:

Annual                      $45
American Hero       $35
Life                           $750

That’s the bad news. The good news is we are making many membership improvements that these increases will help fund, including behind-the-scenes digital content efforts, additions to our Trusted Partners Discounts Program, and expansion of the Iowa Outdoor Alliance Program. Of course, the underlying drive here is to add value to each person’s membership.

As always, the best thing you can do is join or renew your IFC membership to continue to support this all-volunteer effort to secure your 2nd Amendment Rights.

Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.

Dave Funk
President, IFC



Be Ready At All Times – A ChiCom Red Dawn in 2024?

“BE READY AT ALL TIMES” is a common South African Professional Hunter statement when you are in the bush and on the trail of an animal. How does that apply here in Iowa, and across the USA these days? I’m not just talking about being ready to defend yourself from criminal assault.

First, let me set the stage: 

Have you seen the 1984 movie RED DAWN by John Milius? It was based on a fictional invasion of the United States by the then USSR and how a bunch of high school kids had to grow up overnight and became partisans.

Today we have an intentionally uncontrolled US-Mexico border where literally millions have crossed into the US illegally since the start of the Biden Administration. Many of whom are military-age males of Chinese descent.

China’s Covert War

Continued harassment of US Forces in the South China Sea by the CCP Navy and Air Force, a reconnaissance balloon that flew over the US, and the feckless ( Compromised?) Biden Administration did nothing until it cleared our mainland and had completed its mission. That same CCP is behind the loss of over 100,00 American young people per year to fentanyl poisoning. Our Intelligence agencies are reporting that COVID-19 was made in a lab. What would you do differently if you were looking to weaken your opponents around the world than what the CCP has done with COVID? Seven million people have lost their lives because of a genetically modified virus from a ChiCom Bio-lab. We have daily cyber hacking attempts out of China on America’s critical infrastructure, and rifle fire attacks on electrical power transmission stations. Widespread intelligence operations across America using CCP-provided tools and technologies and even secret CCP Police Stations here inside our borders.

China set out to dominate the world in 1949 and has been engaged in Total War against the US ever since.

Some argue that China is a Dying Paper Dragon…but that cornered dragon appears to have the goods on America’s POTUS and his minions. Chairman Xi knows that demographics are against his and his predecessor’s desire to dominate the world by 2049. The one-child policy has propelled China into having the fastest aging population in the world. In less than one generation, by 2050 his population will be a fraction of what it is today. To make this dream possible, they must control the first island chain in the Pacific Ocean.

Why does this matter to us? Chairman Xi knows he has a small window to retake Taiwan. That window is closing because of the lessons learned in the war in Ukraine, the likely replacement of our indecisive POTUS in the 2024 election, and the world slowly waking up to the CCP’s threat to the Post WWII order.

When war or a blockage starts around Taiwan, America should expect attacks on our major capital ships, Pacific bases and our west coast ports. I’d fully expect hundreds, if not more, of two to four man Chi-Com Special operations teams to simultaneously start Mumbai style attacks and sabotage across the US and Canada. It’s stupid to think that a high percentage of the number of Chinese military age males walking across the US-Mexico border are not Chi-Com saboteurs — one intelligence analyst reports that as many as 10,000 of them are CCP Army soldiers.

Not unlike the first counter-attack on 9-11 being conducted by a small group of brave Americans on United Flight 93. The difference between a successful CCP attack might very well be armed American’s stopping those ChiCom Special Forces dead in their tracks on American soil.

Be Ready At All Times, because we live in interesting times. 

Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.

Dave Funk
President, IFC

Matt Whitaker on Hunter Biden WW EP64

Matt Whitaker on Hunter Biden WW EP64

Matt Whitaker, Former Acting US Attorney General, weighs in on the Hunter Biden “sweetheart” deal, the two-tiered justice system, and the grave injustice we’re witnessing coming out of the Biden White House. “Rules for thee, but not for me” is the motto for the Bidens. Listen to what a homegrown Iowan, Matt Whitaker, has to say about this breaking story on this week’s IFC Warrior Wednesday Episode 64.


IFC brought you a special blog post yesterday with statements from House Reps, Senators, members, and Iowans across the state.  They all see this for what it is – a blatant abuse of the justice system.

Let that sink in.  Hunter lies on the same form you’d be sent to prison over, and I’d lose my livelihood over, and he walks without being charged.  If you had lied on that form, you’d be charged and convicted.  I have friends that have lost their FFL over an inadvertent mistake on the same form.  I ask you…  Does this sound like justice?

Representative Hinson didn’t think so:

How ironic that Hunter Biden gets a slap on the wrist for a felony gun charge while this Administration has made it their mission to go after law-abiding gun owners with everything they’ve got. I’ll continue fighting the Biden Administration’s gun grabs and relentless attacks on our Second Amendment rights and will always staunchly defend Iowans’ right to keep and bear arms. – Rep Ashley Hinson

And Senator Ernst had this to say:

Biden’s corrupt DOJ continues to cover up for Hunter Biden by letting him off the hook for his illegal actions. Apparently, the Biden administration’s zero-tolerance policy for gun violations applies to everyone but Hunter Biden. The bias for the Biden Crime Family is clear: while the son of a sitting President who lied to illegally obtain a firearm only receives a slap on the wrist, the Biden administration continues to attack the Second Amendment rights of lawful gun owners in pursuit of its unconstitutional anti-gun agenda. The American people have had enough of this double standard of justice.” -Senator Joni Ernst.

All these folks are right.  You’ve got political advocates, freedom-loving citizens, Representatives, and Senators all singing the same hymn.  This isn’t an accident and there is no conspiracy here.  This is a plain and simple example of the two-tiered justice system erected and propagated by the same folks that gave us all Jim Crow.  There should be no surprise among you.

You can expect this from 3rd World governments, but America?

In Libertatem,

Michael Ware – IFC Board

Hunter Biden – Rules for Thee, Not for Me

Hunter Biden – Rules for Thee, Not for Me

Hunter Biden appears to have sailed on responsibility and accountability with as little as a hug and a kiss.  I won’t even call his “punishment” a slap on the wrist, as it doesn’t even rise to that level of notice.  Rather than a wrist slap for Hunter Biden, this is a slap in the face to Americans at large.  I read a bit over on earlier, about young Biden’s tentative deal to “plead guilty to two federal times,” as he also “agreed to enter a so-called pretrial diversion agreement in connection with a charge of possession of a firearm by a person who is a user or addict of illegal drugs.”

I was getting texts all day today from outraged people.  Here are just a few from friends, and colleagues, along with Congresswoman Ashley Hinson and Senator Joni Ernst:

Rules for Thee but not for Me, huh Michael?

-Matt W

Sounds about right, Matt.  My fellow board member at IFC, Richard Rogers, offered this one up:

I don’t believe Hunter is even being confronted with lying on the Form 4473, a felony. I think the issue at hand is his “illegal possession” of the handgun that he purchased with that form. I think that is also a felony, but I understand that he has NOT pled guilty and that he is likely to have the charge essentially dismissed in some manner – not convicted or placed on probation. Thus he will presumably NOT lose his RKBA! His case is being essentially suspended while he is placed in a “pre-trial diversion” program – probably drug counselling and the like. If he completes the program satisfactorily (probably quite subjective determination on that) and keeps his nose clean of new crimes, he likely won’t even have a trial on the gun charge. It will just go away.

-Richard R

Oh, and there was this nugget that gave me a moment of pause as well:

This week 20 armed IRS agents raided an FFL under suspicion of under-reporting income.  And Hunter Biden pleads to nearly nothing and skates with misdemeanors???

-Brian B

Yes, it appears that way.  Seriously folks, what American in his 50s doesn’t know he needs to file his taxes each year?  How bloated with hryvnia (Ukrainian National Currency) and carelessness does one have to be to simply forget to file a 1040?  What level of ignorantly blissful apathy must one possess in order to draw air while behaving this stupidly?  And this has nothing to say about the “nothing to see here” felony charge for knowingly lying on an ATF 4473 form that was glossed over.  As an FFL Dealer myself, President Joe Biden trotted out a list of “no tolerance” items that result in the revocation of your license.  A single MISTAKE on the same 4473 ATF form young Biden lied on, and dealers have their businesses taken away.

Let that sink in.  Hunter lies on the same form you’d be sent to prison over, and I’d lose my livelihood over, and he walks without being charged.  If you had lied on that form, you’d be charged and convicted.  I have friends that have lost their FFL over an inadvertent mistake on the same form.  I ask you…  Does this sound like justice?  Representative Hinson didn’t think so:

How ironic that Hunter Biden gets a slap on the wrist for a felony gun charge while this Administration has made it their mission to go after law-abiding gun owners with everything they’ve got. I’ll continue fighting the Biden Administration’s gun grabs and relentless attacks on our Second Amendment rights and will always staunchly defend Iowans’ right to keep and bear arms. – Rep Ashley Hinson

And Senator Ernst had this to say:

Biden’s corrupt DOJ continues to cover up for Hunter Biden by letting him off the hook for his illegal actions. Apparently, the Biden administration’s zero-tolerance policy for gun violations applies to everyone but Hunter Biden. The bias for the Biden Crime Family is clear: while the son of a sitting President who lied to illegally obtain a firearm only receives a slap on the wrist, the Biden administration continues to attack the Second Amendment rights of lawful gun owners in pursuit of its unconstitutional anti-gun agenda. The American people have had enough of this double standard of justice.” -Senator Joni Ernst.

All these folks are right.  You’ve got political advocates, freedom-loving citizens, Representatives, and Senators all singing the same hymn.  This isn’t an accident and there is no conspiracy here.  This is a plain and simple example of the two-tiered justice system erected and propagated by the same folks that gave us all Jim Crow.  There should be no surprise among you.

You can expect this from 3rd World governments, but America?

In Libertatem,

Michael Ware – IFC Board