Shock and awe beat DEI every time, as proven by the first ten days of the second President Trump Administration. The new administration has flooded the zone so rapidly with:

  • over 200 Executive Orders
  • over 1500 J6 political prisoner pardons
  • and hundreds of other actions

that the anti-freedom and anti-gun forces of the left are not able to mount any effective resistance as of yet.



None of us should be surprised that the ATF tried to hide the title of the Chief Diversity Officer by renaming the title of the person holding it to Senior Executive. Fortunately, the internet is forever. (And fortunately for me, I did most, but not all, of my stupid stuff before the internet!) The New Your Post cited this very example

“ATF employee Lisa T. Boykin was listed on the agency’s website Thursday as aSenior Executive,whereas her job title on Monday appeared asChief Diversity Officer.” 


Boykin is also referred to as ATF’sChief Diversity Officerin her biography for the June 2023 webinar titled,Emphasizing Diversity and Inclusion in Workforce Modernization”.

Add to that the sudden turnabout by the Biden ATF reversing itszero tolerancepolicy on clerical errors that it used to put Federal Firearms Licensees out of business, possibly hundreds of small gun shops around the country, including many in Iowa. NRAHQ has a great article on the subject and IFC Past Chairman Michael Ware interviewed Michael Cargill, the plaintiff in the suit that forced the change in policy as the Biden Administration was headed out the door. 

Hopefully, we will see the ATF lose its law enforcement powers as the first step in reining in this politically problematic agency.



As I delve into this subject, I’ll point out that I’m still an active Reserve Police Officer here in the State of Iowa, on permanent lite duty after suffering a serious injury fighting a suspect in 2021. Interestingly enough, that suspect only served twenty-five days when a careful reading of the Iowa Code required a three to five-year minimum sentence for assaulting a police officer resulting in serious injury. Many of my fellow law enforcement officers are disappointed in these pardons, yet almost none of them know the full story behind these prosecutions. 

There are several great articles on this subject here, here, and here. If you search, you will find hundreds of other articles about how those political prisoners were wrongly prosecuted, held without trial under inhumane conditions, and other violations of their Constitutional Rights. 

The disparate treatment of the J6’ers compared to thousands of BLM and ANTIFA rioters in 2020 who went unpunished – those that actually burned down cities, and injured, and killed police officers and civilians in their wake. I think this tweet on X says it all:

You probably remember Virginia Senator Tim Kaine. He was Hillary Clinton’s running mate in 2016. If you’re a leftist, the double standard is clear; you can burn down America, but if you are a conservative, you cannot. Need I say more?



Eastern Roadside Creations is a custom knife-making business and family-owned and operated blacksmithing shop.

Carlin and AshliAshAl-Andas have taken the bladesmithing craft to the next level.  ERC is offering 10% off for IFC Members!

Please take advantage of your IFC Member discounts when patronizing this great IFC-supporting business.


2A Day on February 18th at the State Capitol is fast approaching and don’t forget to get your tickets for the IFC-PAC BBQ Dinner that evening with Iowa Hero, Major Jeff Streucker of Black Hawk Down Fame. 

Please stay Ready at All Times, and help us defend all of Iowa’s rights by renewing or joining IFC today.

Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.

Dave Funk
Member, Board of Directors
Iowa Firearms Coalition




Trucks and end loaders were the weapons used in recent terrorist and criminal attacks. What’s next, you might ask? Let’s talk about that in this week’s 2A Wrap-Up. 


In the middle of the night in Garland, Maine, a criminal attacked a home, and several vehicles, with a stolen front-end loader — this story comes from the Penobscot County Sheriff’s Facebook Post

“Gunshots were fired during an incident involving a stolen front-end loader in Garland.


On Tuesday, January 14, 2025, at approximately 5:30 a.m., the Penobscot Regional Communications Center received a report of individuals who appeared to be stealing a large front-end loader from a gravel pit near their residence. The incident was reported to be occurring on Upper Notch Road in Garland.

Shortly after receiving the initial call, the complainant reported that the front-end loader was now in their driveway, attempting to run through their house. The complainant also mentioned that the machine was destroying vehicles in the driveway.

The initial investigation suggests that individuals exited the home and fired several rounds at the front-end loader. The machine then reversed out of the driveway and fled the scene. It crossed a large field and went down a woods road.

At approximately 6:10 a.m.
PRCC received another report that a large front-end loader was driving on the roadway, it was eventually located by law enforcement on Center Road in Charleston. The lone occupant surrendered to law enforcement without incident and told them, he had been shot. Emergency Medical Services responded to the scene and transported the man to a local hospital. Upon his release, he was arrested and transported to the Penobscot County Jail. 

The operator of the front-end loader
was identified as Michael Thompson (37) of Corinna. This investigation remains active and additional charges may be pending.

Sheriff’s Office was assisted by the Maine State Police.”

This appears to mimic an attack five months earlier 30 miles outside of Honolulu, Hawaii. (Let’s not forget the ISIS-inspired truck/shooter attack in New Orleans on New Year’s Day.)

In every one of these attacks, a good guy with a gun stopped the attacks. Despite what you might hear on National Public Radio, good guys with guns DO stop bad guys with guns, regardless of what they use to start the attack. Special thanks to for the tip on this story. Please stay alert, you never know when you may have to defend yourself and others.


For the last 75 years, Brownells has been the go-to source for all things firearm-related. Visit their website and use your IFC member discount  IFC10 at checkout for $10 off, on orders $150 or more. 


2A Lobby Day on February 18th at the State Capitol is fast approaching.    The event at the Capitol is free. However, you should buy your buy your tickets now for the IFC-PAC BBQ Dinner that evening, with Iowa Hero, Major Jeff Struecker of Black Hawk Down Fame. 

This week’s 2A Wrap-Up reminds us to be Ready at All Times. Help us defend all of Iowa’s rights by renewing or joining IFC today.

Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.

Dave Funk
Member, Board of Directors
Iowa Firearms Coalition


IFC Warrior Wednesday EP86 with Michael Cargill and the ATF

IFC Warrior Wednesday EP86 with Michael Cargill and the ATF

Michael Cargill, whom you read about earlier here on IFC’s Blog, has scored a big win for mom-and-pop FFLs across America and right here in Iowa.  Check out this week’s Warrior Wednesday broadcast and remember, 10% off all your orders over $150 when you’re an IFC member…  Think about it – if you place any sizeable order, that discount will be easily worth your IFC membership


ATF Reverses Course on Destroying FFLs Over Paperwork Errors?

ATF Reverses Course on Destroying FFLs Over Paperwork Errors?

The ATF reverses course on unjustly torpedoing FFLs?  We reported to you how ATF was destroying local businesses and taking FFL licenses over things as simple as a single clerical error right here in Iowa.  The Stanley Hunting Center was a victim and IFC brought you that news!

A recent story just broke with a win for FFLs.  Be careful though, every policy position ATF takes, they tend to reverse.  Maybe they were issued a pair of John Kerry’s flip-flops.  Dunno.  They’ve changed course multiple times on just about everything in recent years.  Pistol braces, 80%, Form 1 kits, etc.  You name it.  My sincere hope is this policy change stemming from the suit erected and pursued by Michael Cargill, of Central Texas Gun Works, will do exactly what was intended.  But, like everyone else, we’re leary.

The Texas Public Policy Foundation had this to say in THIS ARTICLE:

Together with the Texas Public Policy Foundation and America First Legal, Austin gun store owner Michael Cargill had sued the ATF over the “zero tolerance” approach. The Biden approach was illegal under the Gun Control Act, which only allows revocation for “willful” violations, and the Second Amendment, which protects the rights of Americans not only to own guns, but to purchase them, as well.

The new enforcement guidance reinstates the decades-long understanding that an honest mistake – like writing “USA” in the field for “county” on a background check form – is not a willful violation of federal law. “For purposes of the regulatory provisions of the GCA, the terms ‘willful’ and ‘willfulness’ mean a purposeful disregard of, a plain indifference to, or a reckless disregard of a known legal obligation. Willfulness requires fact specific application of law,” says the new guidance.

Amerca First Legal counsel, Nicholas Barry said this:

“The ATF seems to have looked at our lawsuit and revised its incorrect application of federal law just as the Court was about to decide this case, and I suspect it would not have gone well for the Biden Administration. This type of lawlessness cannot be permitted. The Biden Administration knew it wasn’t applying the law faithfully, and now that it is on its way out of office — after harming hundreds of FFL license holders, it changed course. This is intolerable to a society based on the rule of law,” said America First Legal counsel Nicholas Barry.

It might be premature, but it appears Michael Cargill is among my new heroes!  From that very same article, he had this to say:

“Freedom wins today, and overreach has no place in a free society,” said plaintiff Michael Cargill. “Faced with defeat, the ATF decided to back down. With that my legal team has shielded all mom-and-pop gun stores in the country.”

This is a huge step, and we’re thankful and owe a debt of gratitude to Cargill and his team at Texas Public Policy Foundation and America First Legal.  But the reality is this…  ATF will continually overstep its boundaries.  That is as certain as the sun rising in the East.  The REAL fix for this is legislative and IFC has worked with the Senator Ernst Staff for over a year on a bill to cure this problem in code – something ATF won’t easily be able to ignore.