by Dave Funk | Apr 16, 2024
Serving IFC’s membership and for that matter all Iowan’s God-given right of self-defense, is what drives every one of our volunteers here at the Iowa Firearms Coalition. As your President, I’ve always strived to be a good steward of our volunteers’ time and our donors’ money. Our whole team here are volunteers, unlike other groups.
After several years of using the same vendor for our membership management system, that vendor has raised prices significantly, reduced the quality of the services they have provided to IFC, and suffered “lost files” issues. We made the decision last year to go with a different membership management system. The cost of the new system is less than one-fourth of what we were paying for the previous system.
That rolling “cutover” has not been without its growing pains. The most significant has been with the automatic renewal of annual memberships. You should be receiving emails reminding you to renew your membership in advance of it’s expiring, and if it has expired. However, due to the changeover, please don’t automatically assume your auto-renewal will handle that. You will need to go in and reset your password and manually renew this year. Your auto-renewal will restart after that. Also, if you could add to your contacts list, that should prevent our emails from being directed to your spam box.
There was a lot of progress made late last week in the Iowa Senate with that body passing several important IFC-supported bills. Some bills are on the way to Governor Reynolds for signature; others went back to the Iowa House for final reconciliation due to small amendments by the Senate. Hopefully, they will be acted on quickly by the Iowa House.
Update: Monday, April 15th, the House passed HF2586 with the Senate amendment, on a vote of 61-36. This is the hard-won Students First Safety Act, headed now to the Governor’s desk for signature!
From our friends over at RedState, in an exchange from self-proclaimed firearms expert David Hogg and a Chinese immigrant who escaped communism:
LILY TANG WILLIAMS: Hi, my name is Lily Tang Williams. Welcome to my live free or die state. Actually, I am a Chinese immigrant who survived communism. And under Mao, you know, 40 million people were starving to death after he sold communism to them. And 20 million people died… murdered during his cultural revolution. So my question to you, David, is that can you guarantee me, a gun owner tonight, that our government in the U.S., in D.C., will never become a tyrannical government? Can you guarantee that to me?
DAVID HOGG: There’s no way I can ever guarantee that any government will not be tyrannical.
LILY TANG WILLIAMS: Well then the debate on gun control is over because I will never give up my guns. And you should go to China. Never. Never. And you should go to China to see how gun control works for the dictatorship of the CCP.”

You can see the exchange on X by following this link.
Looks like the aforementioned anti-gun activist, David Hogg has turned his PAC into a fundraising machine for his personal benefit — like some ineffective, no-compromise, allegedly pro-2A groups.
Please stay Ready at All Times, and help us defend all of Iowa’s rights by joining or renewing your IFC membership here today.
Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.
Dave Funk
Iowa Firearms Coalition
by Michael Ware | Jan 24, 2024
Tradeshow Productions-4H exhibits building
Friday, October 27th: 5:00pm – 9:00pm
Saturday, October 28th: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Sunday, October 29th: 9:00am – 3:00pm
by Dave Funk | Jul 11, 2023
Inflation Hits All of Us
Inflation hits all of us. Despite Biden telling us it’s transitory, we all know every day it’s not. Many of those of us who read George Orwell’s classic book on big government “1984” saw it as a warning. The leftist in America led by “Divider-in-Chief” Joe Biden see it as a road map to total one-party control. They like the wealth that capitalism provides but still want total power over our everyday lives.
Unfortunately, even we at IFC are stuck living with its effects. As a result, we have to raise membership dues for the first time in several years.
Starting September 1st of this year Membership dues will be as follows:
Annual $45
American Hero $35
Life $750
That’s the bad news. The good news is we are making many membership improvements that these increases will help fund, including behind-the-scenes digital content efforts, additions to our Trusted Partners Discounts Program, and expansion of the Iowa Outdoor Alliance Program. Of course, the underlying drive here is to add value to each person’s membership.
As always, the best thing you can do is join or renew your IFC membership to continue to support this all-volunteer effort to secure your 2nd Amendment Rights.
Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.
Dave Funk
President, IFC
by admin | Mar 26, 2017

Senate Vote on HF517 Expected This Week
Leadership in the Iowa Senate have pledged to bring House File 517, the Omnibus Gun Bill, to the Senate floor for debate and a vote this week. We’re expecting action sometime around mid-week, but as you can imagine nothing is ever guaranteed. We can however promise you that we’ll alert you as soon as we have a solid date and time on when a vote will take place, as well as how you can do your part to help.
If the Iowa Senate approves HF517 with no amendments the bill goes straight to the Governor’s desk. If the Senate makes any changes or amendments the bill goes back to the House who will have to vote on whether to accept or reject the changes. Obviously we’d like to get this signed into law as quickly as possible, so we’re asking you to email the Senate Republicans and urge them to pass HF517 as it’s written and without any amendments. At the bottom of this email we’ve included a list of the Senate GOP members’ email addresses. Send them quick note respectfully urging them to pass HF517 as it’s written.
Thank You IFC Members!
IFC members are second to none. Because of your support we were able to legalize suppressors almost exactly year ago. To show our gratitude we’ve partnered with SilencerCo and Controlled Chaos Arms to give away a FREE SilencerCo Omega suppressor.

This is the easiest contest ever. Everyone that’s an active IFC member is automatically entered to win. It doesn’t matter if you’re a life member, annual member, long-time member or brand new member. You don’t need to do anything,
as long as you’re an active IFC member you’re automatically entered to win.
We’ll announce the winner Saturday, April 29th, so if you’re not a member yet you’ve still got a chance to join up and win.
Annual IFC Memberships are $35 a year. We also have IFC Life Memberships available and for a short time we’re running special on life memberships. Our normal $600 life membership rate has been temporarily reduced to $400 if you sign up online and use the Coupon Code: LIFE.
Thank you members! You make what we do possible!
Senate Republican Email Addresses,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Thank you for joining
Iowa Firearms Coalition
by admin | Mar 20, 2016

Legislative update week 10
Suppressor success & unfinished business
We’ve just wrapped up a monumental week in the capitol. House File 2279, the Hearing Protection Act passed the Senate by a 46 to 4 vote. The bill had an amendment attached to it that fixed a small grammatical error in the original draft. This means the House of Representatives will have to vote on the amendment before the bill goes to the governor’s desk. House leadership has already signaled that they have prioritized this vote and will be taking it up in short order. We fully expect the House to adopt the amendment. Once that happens we expect the governor to sign the Hearing Protection Act into law. Major thanks to all of the IFC members who’ve worked so hard make this happen.
We’re extremely proud to have pushed the Hearing Protection Act through the Senate, but we can’t lose sight of the other two bills that are still eligible for votes in the Senate: the ATV Carry Act and the Privacy Protection Act. There’s no denying that legalizing suppressors will great for gun owners in Iowa, but these two other bills will serve hundreds of thousands of gun owners statewide. Unfortunately Democrats in the Iowa Senate have heavily amended both the ATV Carry Act and Privacy Protection Act. The Iowa Firearms Coalition strongly opposes these amendments and encourages you to contact your senator and urge them to vote no on any amendment to either bill.
Please take 30 seconds to email your senator about the ATV Carry Act and Privacy Protection Act.
Finally, in honor of this week’s victory in the senate we’re discounting our life memberships from $500 down to $300. Use the code “Suppressors2016” to take $200 off your life membership purchase. NOTE: if you’re a current IFC member email us at “” to apply your coupon code. This offer will expire on May 1st.
More updates to come. Thanks so much for your hard work and continued support of the Iowa Firearms Coalition.
Iowa Firearms Coalition is an entirely volunteer, grassroots, Second Amendment advocacy group. Responsible for bringing uniformity to Iowa’s Permit to Carry process, IFC’s members work to protect and enhance Second Amendment rights in Iowa. An affiliate of the National Rifle Association, the IFC actively seeks to foster and promote the shooting sports. Sign up for our email list for the latest on Second Amendment issues in Iowa. You can support our work by becoming a member, or making a donation.
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