Governor Kristi Noem stops ESG in SD

Governor Kristi Noem stops ESG in SD

Today at the NRA annual meeting in Indy, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem signed an executive order to stop her state from contracting with companies that boycott the firearm industry. Iowa can send the same message by passing SF 507 WITH HOUSE AMENDMENTS. Iowa taxpayer dollars, in the form of state contracts, shouldn’t be going to companies that hate your #2A rights and show it by boycotting the firearm industry.

Urge your senator to vote to concur on SF 507 as amended by the House and send it to Governor Reynolds for her signature.” 


Dave Funk

President Iowa Firearms Coalition 
Gun-control vs. gun-safety

Gun-control vs. gun-safety

A Distinction Without a Difference

The April 2023 edition of NRA’s “America’s 1st Freedom” magazine has a great article entitled “10 Things the Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want You to Know About Concealed Carry“.   It’s well worth reading and I encourage you to do so.  The second of the ten points discussed in the article is the transition in the language used by the media and politicians over the past ten or so years.  For example, there has been a not-so-subtle shift in wording—now referring mostly to “gun-safety measures”, as opposed to “gun-control laws”.  This turn of phrase is not accidental and it has a significant impact when gun owners are trying to have a rational discussion with those who would like to see all guns banned.  It’s the same tactic used when they refer to “gun violence” instead of “violent crime”.  It takes the focus off the criminals and puts it on the guns.  Guns are therefore evil and since people don’t want evil amongst us, it stands to reason that we just need to get rid of guns.  Right?  NO.  Words, as someone reminded me recently, are important.  And the use of these words is a distinction WITHOUT a difference.

The words “gun-control” are threatening, but those who want a gun-free United States have gotten smarter.  They speak of  “gun-safety”, which sounds like a good societal goal.  We all want to feel safe.   “Gun-safety” sounds like a good thing.  But it is the same draconian Beto O’Rourke beating on the drum,  “Hell yes, we’re going to come for your AR-15s!” that has been going on for years.  It just sounds better.  It sounds more reasonable

A Deliberate Political Pivot

And therein lies the problem.  It is not just semantics.  It is a deliberate political pivot.  An industry-wide effort to make us seem as though we would prefer an unsafe world.  You must be an anarchist to not want “gun-safety”!

Make no mistake.   It is “gun-control” (aka “people-control”) plain and simple and that, in this country, is unconstitutional.  This has been borne out in several important court cases over the past fifteen years (Heller, McDonald, Bruen).  We have an unalienable, God-given right to keep and bear arms, for our own protection and the protection of others.  We have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  Those words matter.

Stay vigilant.  Take Action.  Join Iowa Firearms CoalitionHERE:



If you are not an NRA-ILA member (NRA-Institute for Legislative Action), it is time to join!  Protect your Second Amendment rights at the federal and state levels.  Read on to learn why.

The NRA can teach you a lot about gun culture, teach you about firearms and related gear and offers courses to train you in just about any firearms use.  It also brings us stories of good guys with guns as well as great stories of current interest to those who support the Second Amendment.  We are all familiar with NRA, but many people are less familiar with NRA-ILA, which I would argue is at least as impactful as the NRA.

Learn More: Upcoming Calls

NRA-ILA has two calls coming up over the next week which you can join.  Links to register for these calls appear below.  You may join either, or both, of the calls.  Calls generally last one hour and are chock-full of information and insights about court cases, legislative efforts, and their impact on your Second Amendment rights.  Information is power.


The NRA-ILA was formed in 1975 because it became apparent that our elected officials often don’t know much about firearms, or think they are an abomination. This means that the legislation crafted by those officials is often riddled with errors, based on false assumptions, or influenced by those who want to make all firearms go away.

What Does NRA-ILA Do?

Electing the right candidates is easier than to try to sway the opinions of those who are already elected.  For example, try to change the mind of an elected official who “hate guns”, is afraid of them or simply does not understand why anyone would need a firearm. The NRA-ILA exists to:

  • develop a cohesive platform and goals for Second Amendment legislation
  • educate and lobby elected officials on 2A issues
  • inform members about important 2A laws or legislative proposals
  • provide information about candidates’ positions and who is most likely to support the Second Amendment
  • track voting records of officials after they are elected
  • keep members informed about current 2A court challenges across the country, the probable outcome, and the implications
  • monitor and inform members of the actions and regulations issued by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms (ATF)
  • issue Action Alerts offering members an easy opportunity to weigh in on proposed federal or state legislation
  • establish partnerships with NRA State Associations, like Iowa Firearms Coalition to support the passage of legislation at the state level

“Over the past few years, NRA-ILA members and the NRA have decidedly changed politics in America. Across the country, from the presidential race to Congress to state legislative races, there has been a noted increase in ads proudly proclaiming candidates’ pro-gun credentials.” [NRA-ILA website]

To be an effective advocate to protect your Second Amendment rights, and to be informed and aware of laws and court cases that will affect you, join the NRA-ILA.  Iowa has two NRA-ILA Frontlines Activist Leaders (FAL):

Todd Rasmussen, Boone        Contact Todd
Ed Dolan, Central City             Contact Ed

NRA-ILA has two conference calls coming up, this week and next.  You can register for the calls by clicking on the links below:

East & Central Region              March 22, 2023 @ 6:00 p.m. Central Time
Mountain & Pacific Region     March 27, 2023 @ 8:00 p.m. Central Time

And, while you’re at it, if you are NOT YET a member of Iowa Firearms Coalition, Join Here!

2A DAY IS HERE!  Join IFC at the Capitol!

2A DAY IS HERE! Join IFC at the Capitol!

2A DAY IS HERE! Join IFC at the Capitol!

IFC’s Annual 2A Day – Do you need a lift from the parking area to the Front Doors (West Entrance) of the Iowa Capitol on February 22nd?  We’ve got you covered!  Don’t let the weather keep you home.  Choose parking lot 16 – you’ll know you’re in the right place as you’ll see this truck and these flags flowing in the wind!  We’ll shuttle you from parking lot 16 to the Capitol Entrance and back from 10am to 4PM in a big white passenger van marked with IFC logos!

Wave us down and we’ll get you there and back!

What will you experience when you attend?  You’ll be given guidance on how to find and encourage your House Rep and Senator to support vital 2A Legislation.  You’ll also listen to fantastic speakers including Kris “Tanto” Paronto!

NRA just sent this out:

Join your fellow patriots and NRA-ILA at the Annual Second Amendment Lobby Day at the Capitol hosted by Iowa Firearms Coalition (IFC)! Come out for an important day in support of the Second Amendment. You’ll have the chance to learn more about the upcoming legislative session, meet with your legislators, as well as pick up important information and gear from NRA and IFC so you are best prepared to defend the Second Amendment in Iowa this year. Be sure to check out more details with IFC at IOWA FIREARMS COALITION

WHEN: February 22, 2023 at 10:00am – 4pm

WHERE: Iowa State Capitol
1007 E Grand Ave
Des Moines, IA 50319
United States
Google map and directions
The Safer Families Act of 2023

The Safer Families Act of 2023

The Safer Families Act – HSB173

Below is an explanation of the House Study Bill IFC has been working on with House Members for months.  IFC would like to see several changes to HSB173 from its current state.  We’re looking forward to amendments that will correct and strengthen this vital legislation.  Don’t misunderstand, we’re excited to see our bill move forward, but it does require corrections before we can fully support it.  IFC has registered “UNDECIDED” on HSB173 at this time. IFC continues to work on this bill on a daily basis.  We need the cooperation of the Legislature to fix the few problems in this bill and we’re excited to move this forward!



This division incorporates the provisions of the “Employee Privacy Act” that IFC has advocated for in past years, protecting the jobs of Iowans who choose to make the lawful and moral choice to carry a defensive firearm. It prohibits employers – public or private – from firing employees who lawfully possess firearms or ammunition in their locked private vehicles in the employer’s parking areas. It includes some liability protections for employers. The division also will allow such firearm storage in vehicles on the publicly accessible, non-secured parking lots of correctional facilities. That is currently against Iowa law.

Division II


This division is the “School Parking Lot” bill for which IFC has lobbied hard for several years. It will allow persons who possess a valid Permit to Carry Weapons to have a concealed pistol or revolver in their vehicle while dropping off or picking up a person or item from a school, so long as the firearm remains inside the vehicle and the vehicle remains on the driveways and parking areas of the school.

This division also provides that a driver of school transportation may allow firearms on a school bus or other school transportation vehicle when authorized or directed to do so by the school. (In other words, current law is being changed to allow for armed school security to accompany students on field trips, to athletic events, etc.)

Finally, certain retired law enforcement personnel will now be allowed to carry firearms at schools.



This division will bar state universities and community colleges from adopting or enforcing any policy or rule that prohibits the carrying, transportation, or possession of any dangerous weapon, as defined in Iowa Code 702.7, in a personal vehicle on the grounds of such a college or university if the dangerous weapon is not visible from the outside of the vehicle and such carrying, transportation, or possession is not otherwise unlawful.



This division will prohibit insurers from denying property and casualty insurance coverage to schools on the basis that the school has authorized a person or persons to be armed at the school. (IFC notes that the Spirit Lake and Cherokee school districts have already been threatened with loss of insurance coverage since announcing last year their intent to train and arm staff members.)



This division fixes the potential “manner of conveyance” problem that cropped up after the adoption of permitless carry. This repeals an old hunting law – and the associated fine for violation – that required long guns to be unloaded and cased or broken down in a vehicle on a public highway. There was a general belief that having a permit to carry provided an exception to this law, though that was probably never actually the case.



After seeing significant last-minute changes to this division, IFC asked that it be deleted before filing. That request came too late for the Legislative Services Agency to react. Because this division and Division VII remain in the bill (for the time being) IFC has been forced to declare as “Undecided” on HSB173.

As filed, this division is a mess – and the meager remains of what was a lengthy and well-considered division that greatly altered Iowa Code 724. The current text seems to be a result of a drafting error by the Legislative Services Agency. As written, it fixes nothing and causes new problems.

The original language would have corrected a significant single-word error in HF756, the 2021 bill that repealed the requirement for a permit to carry weapons. It also would have eliminated some unintended consequences of that bill and would have better aligned Iowa’s weapons laws with the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark Second Amendment decision in the Bruen case.

It is vital that, at the very least, those technical corrections be reinserted into HSB173. IFC will lobby strongly for that result.


IFC also asked that this division be deleted before filing. This division originally barred the Iowa State Fair Board from prohibiting the otherwise lawful concealed carry of any weapon at the Iowa State Fair, including in the buildings. That language was removed and what replaced it is of no help to Iowans who wish to protect themselves and their families at the Fair and while traveling to and from the Fair. In fact, this now merely puts into Iowa Code the present situation, which is that the Fair has its own police force and has set up (far less than effective thus far) screening for weapons at the entrances to the Fair. IFC will not support this language. It needs to be deleted or significantly amended.



This division merely deletes a large amount of confusing and unnecessary language from the Code sections regulating carrying of firearms on ATVs and snowmobiles. It is generally lawful for Iowans to carry firearms on these vehicles. The general ban on discharging a firearm from such a vehicle will remain in place.



This division lifts the state’s ban on carrying firearms on the premises of licensed gambling facilities. It does not prevent a licensee from prohibiting firearms on their property.