by Dave Funk | Jan 17, 2025
Well, the ATF ignores the Courts, the NRA cleans house, and 24% of November voters carry guns. This last week has been a mixed bag of 2A News for this week’s 2A Wrap-Up, so here we go!
AmmoLand reported that the ATF just sent a letter to an individual member of Gun Owners of America that states the ATF can still enforce the ban on pistols equipped with stabilizing devices.
“On December 12, 2024, a member of Gun Owners of America received a response to the question posed to ATF, signed not by any identifiable ATF official, but rather generically ‘FIPB,’ standing for ATF’s Firearms Industry Programs Branch (attached with personal information redacted),” GOA Senior Vice President Erich Pratt wrote to Assistant Director, Office of Enforcement Programs and Services Megan Bennett. “In this December 12, 2024 email, FIPB adopted a legal position about pistol braces that is (i) at odds with the opinions of various courts to have considered the Rule, (ii) likely in violation of various injunctions against ATF’s enforcement of the Rule, and (iii) in conflict with the statute and even the Final Rule itself.”
Remember that this is the agency that has killed people in pre-dawn raids when a simple call to them would have accomplished the goal of searching the home. They also gave its outgoing Director an 80% Lower, as a parting gift. We at IFC will monitor this story and update you as it develops.
As reported at The Reload, the NRA BOD has ended its relationship with the erratically effective Brewer Law Firm.
The partnership between the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the architect of its legal strategy for the last half-decade is now ending.
Brewer, Attorneys & Counselors announced late last month it will no longer represent the NRA going forward. The firm and its namesake, William Brewer, have been instrumental in direction-defining decisions the gun-rights group has made since its corruption scandal broke into public sight in 2018. Those decisions resulted in the NRA splitting from its top contractor, filing for bankruptcy, wiping out its top leadership–including Wayne LaPierre, and being found liable by a New York jury for failing to protect whistle-blowers during a years-long civil trial.
However, as Brewer noted, they also secured a unanimous victory at the Supreme Court and prevented the group’s total dissolution or even the appointment of a government overseer.
“With resolve befitting its mission, the NRA stood and fought,” the firm said in a statement on its website. “Six years later, the NRA still stands – and so do the freedoms for which it has long fought. The Firm is proud it represented the NRA in its blockbuster 9-0 Supreme Court victory, its defeat of the NYAG’s ‘corporate death penalty’ and compliance-monitor claims, its separation from corrupt vendors, and dozens of other matters.”
“The greatest reward of this work arrives now: with major litigation threats defeated, the Firm’s work is nearly done,” it added.
Not everyone inside the group agrees, though. While NRA President Bob Barr, former President Charles Cotton, and other longtime board members have remained staunch Brewer supporters through the firm’s tenure, a growing number of board members have questioned Brewer’s legal strategy–with many effectively voting against the firm’s representation in the group’s last meeting. Jeff Knox, an NRA board member and reform leader, said Brewer’s statement showed the firm “would rather ride off into the sunset than be tossed out into the street,” while Rocky Marshall, another reformer board member, labeled it “comical.”
As the Iowa Official NRA State Association, we work closely with NRA staff on a near-daily basis. As the New York AG attack on the NRA is over, it’s heartening to see that the NRA BOD is cleaning house and more effectively administrating its operations.
From Dr. John Lott’s January 3rd Newsletter:
“Another survey that we commissioned asked about how often people carry concealed handguns. Nationwide, 13.1% of general election voters carry all or most of the time, and another 11.2% carry some of the time or rarely (so that comes to 24.3% carry).”
Taking rights away from an educated public that is actively exercising those rights daily. Dr. Lott is a real asset to the 2A Community and you can follow him on X here.
At Crossroads Shooting Sports; We know that buying a firearm can be intimidating and uncomfortable, especially if it will be your first purchase. Using an online new pistol buying guide can help you sort out the jargon and find out what you need to know before buying, but you’ll still need training and one-to-one support to help you.
When we envisioned CrossRoads Shooting Sports, we had a different model in mind: open, modern, and clean with no attitudes, no pressure, and no gimmicks. Whether it’s your first time holding a firearm, or you’re an experienced shooter looking for that latest piece of gear, you will be met by professionals whose only goal is to serve you with a humble spirit. With nearly 17,000 square feet of total space, classroom facilities, and a state-of-the-art indoor shooting range, CrossRoads Shooting Sports is here to meet your needs, at your level, when you are ready.
Please take advantage of your IFC Member discounts when patronizing this great IFC-supporting business.
2A Day on February 18th at the State Capitol is fast approaching. Don’t forget to get your tickets now, for the IFC-PAC BBQ Dinner that evening with Iowa Hero, Major Jeff Streucker of Black Hawk Down Fame.
Please stay Ready at All Times, and help us defend all of Iowa’s rights by renewing or joining IFC today.
Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.
Dave Funk
Member, Board of Directors
Iowa Firearms Coalition
by Katie Howard | Jun 11, 2024
Not Just For the Guys
Not just for the guys…I was fortunate that IFC sent me to the NRA Annual Meeting this year, in Dallas, about three weeks ago. Although I have been a Life Member of NRA for many years, it was the first time I had attended the NRAAM.
Registration to the event is free, if you are an NRA member. Also, most of the seminars and educational sessions were free to attend as well. I highly recommend that you go. Next year’s event will be in Atlanta, Georgia (a little closer to home), on April 24-27th. Hotels are available to book now:
Just a quick word about logistics. I have attended many large conferences in my life and the organization for this event was stellar. It is obvious that the NRA has invested heavily in their annual flagship event. Everything from the shuttle buses to the hotels, to the on-site assistance available, signage, sticking to the schedule…it was all handled superbly. Kudos to the NRAAM personnel.
14 Acres of Guns & Gear – It’s True!
Because I had heard about the “14 Acres of Guns & Gear”, I wore my hiking boots — and was very glad I did! The first thing that strikes you is the sheer enormity – the scale – of the event. The famous “Wall of Guns” had drool-worthy classics on display. Every conceivable vendor was on hand to show you their latest guns, gear and gadgets. There was an entire aisle devoted to safari and US-based hunting trips. Ammunition and gun manufacturers competed for your ear, each one seemingly one-upping the other. There were trainers for every shooting sport, and hands-on displays for dry fire systems. Booths featured specialized targets, home defense, and self-defense. Sales staff were on hand to share their product knowledge, and strategies for use. Suppressors, scopes, RDS, weapon mounted lights, tactical lights, slings and cases…on and on. Literally there was just about everything firearms-related available!
IFC Trusted Partner On Deck
While in the Exhibit Hall, I stopped to chat with the good folks at Firearms Legal Protection, one of IFC’s Trusted Partners and they obliged with a photo.
Always good to see friends when away from home. Check out their services at the link above.
Women & Guns
And women — women were everywhere. Women are the fastest-growing demographic for new shooters and first-time firearms purchasers in the country, and they are an enthusiastic bunch! Shoot Like A Girl was there with their semi-trailer where you could shoot any of the guns they had on hand, free of charge.
Vendors and trainers are finely attuned to this sustained, multi-year trend in new firearms purchasers. Consequently, they are adopting and adapting marketing, training strategies and even changes in manufacturing, to accommodate this huge new influx of women gun owners. Sorry guys. The world of guns and shooting is no longer a ‘good old boys club’. There are an awful lot of women who have a passion for various shooting sports and disciplines and they are pretty impressive. And relentless! More on that later.
The Seminars
Apart from the several exhibit halls devoted to toys that could break even Elon Musk’s bank account, there were multiple tracks of educational and training seminars, also available at no charge. My only complaint was that — despite going ’round the sun many, many times in my life, I have yet to figure out how to be in two places at one time. Choices were difficult even though some sessions were offered more than once. This is a link to the 99 sessions offered during the three days, just to give you a sense of the many opportunities.
I attended two sessions offered by John Correia/Active Self Protection (“Lessons Learned From Analyzing 50,000 Gunfights”
and “Top 5 Myths Concealed Carriers Believe, Revealed”). John walked us through his analysis of many situations captured on video. He emphasized the importance of making Good, Sane, Sober, Moral and Prudent decisions.
I also attended two sessions offered by Lt. Col. Ed Monk/Last Resort Training (Considerations for Armed Responders to Active Shooter Attacks”). These were provocative sessions designed to get you thinking seriously about “what if”. Mr. Monk described what a person might encounter, what to do (and not do), as well as tactics for how to be effective and survive in such a situation. Very sobering stuff.
(Photo is of three IFC Life Members (from left: myself, Presenter Ed Monk, Dave and Todd)
NRA Clubs & Associations
However, the first session I attended, was the “NRA Clubs & Associations Workshop”. Our very own Dave Funk, President of IFC, was one of the two featured presenters, and he did an excellent job. He discussed the multi-faceted social media approach we used in 2022 to ensure the passage of Iowa’s Freedom Amendment. This was the Constitutional Amendment that added language to the Iowa State Constitution to protect Iowan’s Second Amendment rights from infringement. (Prior to that amendment, Iowa was one of only six states that did not have such language in our Constitution. To remind you of the company we were in, the other states were California, New Jersey, Illinois, etc. You get the drift.)
Not a Wardrobe Malfunction
But a funny thing happened mid-speech…(Only funny, because no one was hurt!) Dave Funk was presenting at a podium on the stage.
Moriah Day, Executive Director of the Kansas State Rifle Association (also presenting), and NRA Board member, Dave Halbrook (pictured here),
were also seated on the stage – when it collapsed! It literally folded at the middle seam and both of those seated, suddenly were down! They quickly recovered and left the stage. What did ‘our’ Dave do when this occurred? Glanced over, assessed the situation, grabbed the mic, stepped off the stage and continued his slide show presentation, unruffled, while maintenance fixed the stage. This was the first event on the first day and to say it started off with a bang is an understatement 🙂
There were several NRA Board members who attended the Clubs & Associations meeting, along with members from Kansas, Oklahoma, Illinois, California, Michigan,New Mexico, and others I cannot recall. The information exchange was great and I made several new contacts and brought back many useful ideas. If that had been the only session I had attended, the trip would have been worthwhile.
The “Women’s New Energy Brunch”
This was the single special event I attended. It was billed as a “unique opportunity to learn about NRA’s programs, outreach efforts and mission as relates to women”, networking, etc. It was all that and more. There were several women NRA Board members in attendance, and sponsors as well. The most beneficial part was the breakout sessions, where you could choose which topic you wanted to learn more about. For example, I am very interested in the NRA’s ‘Women on Target’ program.

The various board members each led a discussion on “their” topic/area of expertise. However, what was really revealing was the introductions among the women participants. We were each asked to briefly describe our interest and background with firearms. There were ex- and current military, law enforcement, competitive shooters of every discipline, firearms training instructors, women’s shooting group leaders, reps from national women’s shooting organizations, state gun rights reps, RSOs, gun shop owners – you name it. As I said earlier – women were everywhere, and enthusiastic, at the NRAAM. It was inspiring.
So, Iowa ladies – I leave you with this question: If you’re reading this, you are likely an IFC member. Are your friends who shoot, also IFC members? Strength in numbers — and I know you are out there! Get your friends involved. Encourage them to join IFC. (It’s not just for the guys!) 🙂
Second Amendment Matters
P.S. – Look familiar?!!!
by Dave Funk | May 14, 2024
Legal updates & IFC at NRAAM: This week’s President’s Message includes a couple of surprising court decisions and a heads-up that IFC will be attending the NRA Annual Meeting in Dallas this week. As President of Iowa Firearms Coalition, I was invited to speak at the Clubs & Associations Forum on Friday, May 17th. After missing the last two weeks for a much-needed vacation, I’m back at it here at IFC.
Legal Updates
These last few weeks have seen some interesting court rulings from some surprising places.
This first unfortunately is from the Iowa Supreme Court with a ruling (I think incorrectly) that antique muzzleloading firearms are “firearms” when it comes to ‘felon in possession’ statutes. We strongly disagree with this ruling and are studying the case to see if the Iowa legislature needs to clarify this issue. 
The more interesting case is that the US 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has held that non-violent convicted felons cannot be denied the right to keep and bear arms in Duarte. In Duarte, the three-judge panel ruled 2-1 that they could not be denied. The case was very well summarized by Jeff Charles at RedState:
“The court’s ruling repudiated an earlier Ninth Circuit decision in United States v. Vongxay and argued that the decision was “clearly irreconcilable” with the Supreme Court’s ruling in Bruen. The Vongxay ruling upheld federal laws prohibiting felons from owning firearms.
The court applied Bruen’s two-step framework, acknowledging that Duarte, as an American citizen, is part of “the people” covered by the Second Amendment and rejected the state’s argument that felons are excluded from its constitutional protections.
At Bruen’s second step, the court determined that “The Government put forward no ‘well-established and representative historical analogue’ that ‘impose[d] a comparable burden on the right of armed self-defense’ that was ‘comparably justified’ to the current law’s “sweeping, no-exception, lifelong ban.”
Why This is Surprising
What is striking to me is that this same court just overruled its own prior decision in United States v. Vongxay. That case previously upheld the federal ban on felons’ possession of firearms. You might remember that the current SCOTUS session included a case I’ve previously written about, United States v. Rahimi, challenging that ban. That ruling has yet to be passed down from SCOTUS but is expected shortly.
At the time of the adoption of the Bill of Rights, the only felonies defined by law were capital crimes like murder, rape, robbery, kidnapping, and a few others. At that time, capital crimes were mostly punishable by death. Because those were so serious, persons convicted of them lost their constitutional rights.
This ruling might be the 9th Circuit’s attempt to set up a future Bruen-limiting SCOTUS ruling. For now, however, the Bruen decision is upending nearly everything related to gun bans and prohibitions. Its impact will be felt for years–and that is good news. I’ll follow up in the next few weeks in a future President’s Message, with the “in common use” standard. I think that standard may be the answer to nearly every unconstitutional gun ban starting with the 1934 National Firearms Act to the present.
Please post a comment below on this issue for us. We’d like to get your input on this important question.
National Rifle Association Annual Meeting 2024
NRAAM is this week, and a couple of members of our Executive Committee will be in attendance in Dallas. On Friday morning, May 17th, I have the honor of presenting about IFC’s social media efforts. I’ll be talking about how we successfully spread the truth regarding the Second Amendment far and wide. As the 2020 and 2022’s ‘NRA Outstanding State Association of the Year’, IFC continues to set the pace when it comes to leveraging both social and earned media.
Please stay Ready at All Times, and help us defend all of Iowa’s rights by joining or renewing your IFC membership here today.
Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.
Dave Funk
Iowa Firearms Coalition
by Michael Ware | Jan 19, 2024
IFC 2A Day was another huge success, and we have to thank, in no small part, the IFC Members and the Volunteers who braved weather and temps to come let everyone know just how passionate they are about the Second Amendment as a core civil right.
Herodotus is credited with a translation from George Herbert Palmer as having said:
It is said that as many days as there are in the whole journey, so many are the men and horses that stand along the road, each horse and man at the interval of a day’s journey; and these are stayed neither by snow nor rain nor heat nor darkness from accomplishing their appointed course with all speed.
Often adapted as the postman’s creed here in the US, it is neither official nor binding. What is official and binding you wonder? The dedication and fortitude of the average IFC member who trudged through snow in truly frigid temps to join us all at the Iowa State Capitol building for the annual IFC 2A Day. Our volunteers overcame adversity, failures from vendors, and a small contingent of pro-Palestine rioters hurling insults to put on a fantastic day of Second Amendment support and celebration! Fast forward to the evening when the temperature dropped and the snow started falling – did that keep people away? NO. They came out to the IFC-PAC fundraiser supper and enjoyed a great meal and an intimate gathering with Gabby Franco.
IFC’s key sponsors for the event, CrossRoads Shooting Sports and Volquartsen, both Iowa companies helped make the day possible. Our featured speaker, Gabby Franco, offered a particularly critical message about complacency and the nature of incremental losses of liberty. We heard from Representative Phil Thompson, Senator Brad Zaun, and our superstar Attorney General, Brenna Bird. IFC Chair, John McLaughlin and President Dave Funk addressed the crowd, while Representative Jon Dunwell started the day with prayer, Representative Brook Boden sang the national anthem, and a young lady led us all in the pledge of allegiance. Several County Supervisors participated. We had NRA board members in the gallery including Craig Swartz!
Between the Capitol 2A Day in the morning and the IFC-PAC Supper in the evening, Gabby and John McLaughlin were able to spend time on the air with Simon Conway on 1040AM and iHeart – Listen to their interview HERE.
The day was complete with plenty of support from NRA Grassroots, Turning Point USA, Turning Point Action, and Black Flag Arsenal, all of which had tables with information and were interacting with the public.
I can’t help but wonder if Herodotus was speaking about the kind of people who brave the elements, and discomfort, and deny their personal preferences in service of others as a whole. If so, that definition adequately describes the IFC members and volunteers, along with all the support we enjoyed on IFC’s 2A Day! We’re grateful!
Do you like Stand Your Ground Laws? Preemption? Constitutional Carry? Emergency Powers Protection? Removal of the ban on youth shooting? The FREEDOM AMENDMENT? You’re welcome. If so, PLEASE BECOME A MEMBER – IFC NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT!
by Michael Ware | Apr 14, 2023
Today at the NRA annual meeting in Indy, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem signed an executive order to stop her state from contracting with companies that boycott the firearm industry. Iowa can send the same message by passing SF 507 WITH HOUSE AMENDMENTS. Iowa taxpayer dollars, in the form of state contracts, shouldn’t be going to companies that hate your #2A rights and show it by boycotting the firearm industry.
Dave Funk
President Iowa Firearms Coalition
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