Restraining Orders Are Not Worth The Paper They Are Printed On

Restraining Orders Are Not Worth The Paper They Are Printed On

Restraining Orders Are Not Worth The Paper They Are Printed On

That’s right, restraining orders are not worth the paper they are printed on. You may know them as no-contact orders, or domestic violence protection orders. Why are they big news right now? Because the US Supreme Court just heard oral arguments in the Rhami case. Now, Rhami is not a guy any of us want living near us, or our loved ones. At issue here is whether Rhami, or anyone for that matter, can be denied their Second Amendment Rights based solely on a civil standard, without representation in an actual hearing.

The Bruen Standard

Under the Bruen standard, as laid out recently, the answer is clearly “No”. You will remember the Miranda warning case from the 1960’s, that caused a lot of bad guys to escape prosecution, because the police did not follow the Constitution. We all know about Miranda from watching police shows on TV. You know your Fifth Amendment right to remain silent (even if you can’t because, as comedian Ron White says, “…I had the right to remain silent, I just didn’t have the capability”!)

As an Iowa police officer for nearly twenty years, I like that we have rules when it comes to catching criminals. The Framers knew that the government would abuse its authority. That’s why we have a Bill of Rights—to limit the monopoly on power and prevent arbitrary prosecutions. As we see in national news every day, our current administration is targeting its political enemies, just as the Framers experienced in the lead-up to the Declaration of Independence.  

Dr. John Lott, President of Crime Prevention Research Center, has recently penned an OpEd over at Real Clear Politics, titled “Domestic Violence Protection Orders Don’t Pass Constitutional Muster”.  You can read it here. The learned Professor once again lays out the arguments in a brilliant fashion regarding Rhami. I suggest you follow the link and read the entire OpEd. 

Upcoming IFC Events

Speaking of links, have you purchased your tickets to the IFC PAC Prime Rib Dinner on January 18th?  Hopefully I’ll see you there, after meeting each and every one of you at IFC’s annual 2A Lobby Day that morning. 

Help us educate Iowan’s on the facts by joining or renewing your IFC membership here today. And please stay Ready at All Times

Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.

Dave Funk
President, IFC




2A LOBBY DAY 2024! 

Mark your calendars NOW!  The 2024 IFC 2A Lobby Day is scheduled for January 18th.  This year it’s going to be in the morning, from 9:00 a.m. – Noon, at the Iowa State Capitol Building.  By holding the event in the morning, this will give you more time to actually meet with your legislators that day. Our special guest speaker is Gabby Franco: Olympian, Top Shot contender, firearms instructor, author and more. She has an amazing story to tell. 

This free event also provides an opportunity to learn about current proposed 2A legislation in Iowa and to meet with your elected representatives at the Capitol.  Arrive at 9:00 a.m. to meet IFC’s Sponsors, and some of our Trusted Partners to see what they have to offer. The official program is from 10:00 – Noon.

The 2A Day events for 2024 are sponsored by:

Parking shuttle service will be provided, as always.


Capping off the 2024 IFC 2A Day events is the IFC-PAC dinner, which will feature a prime rib supper. After the meal, you will have an opportunity to hear more about Gabby’s compelling story of escaping from an oppressive government regime and immigrating to the USA to become a U.S. citizen.  She tells her story widely, to warn people about the gradual erosion of gun rights. Gabby is recognized internationally for her shooting skills and is an inspiring woman in the 2A community. There is so much to Gabby’s life story that you will be left amazed & inspired!

Also, (our members asked for it) and we are moving the IFC-PAC dinner event to a bigger venue this year! It will be held at the Za-Ga-Zig Shrine in Altoona, located at 1100 Shriners Pkwy, Altoona, IA, 50009, with convenient access from Interstate 80. Doors open at 5:30pm; dinner starts at 7pm.

Purchase your tickets for the IFC-PAC Dinner at this link.  Don’t wait!  Tickets are going fast.

As always, we will have raffles and door prizes!   My special thanks to our IFC Events Coordinator, Eric Hansen, for his work to make this a great event

This event is a way to help IFC-PAC to protect your 2A Rights to remain Ready at All Times.

I look forward to meeting each and every one of you at IFC 2A Day and the IFC PAC Dinner that evening.  

Help us educate Iowan’s on the facts by joining or renewing your IFC membership here today.

Shoot Straight, Speak The Truth, and Never Surrender Our Liberties.

Dave Funk
President, IFC

Asa Hutchinson on the 2A – IFC Membership Exclusive

Asa Hutchinson on the 2A – IFC Membership Exclusive

How is Asa Hutchinson on the 2A?  Would you like to be part of an IFC Membership Exclusive in conjunction with Brownells?

IFC members want to know the many views of each Presidential Candidate, but we’re hyper-focused on the Second Amendment.  Brownells has assembled an intimate gathering to discuss the candidate’s positions while we offer our concerns about the relentless attacks on this civil right.  The national stage must be shaped, and it starts right here in Iowa with the members of the Iowa Firearms Coalition.

IFC Members, if you can attend, please RSVP as we’d like you to come!  This is an intimate gathering and small panel though, so the first to commit to attending will help us prepare.  In order to truly have an impact and a dialogue to flow freely, we’re limiting numbers to just a few dozen IFC members.  Please RSVP to be part of this Second Amendment discussion!